Church Officers

Rector: Vacancy

The Churchwardens

Mr John Clarkson – Tel: 612855; E-mail:

Mr Eric Barker OBE JP – Tel: 614385; E-mail:

Licensed Reader

Mr Stan Pickles – Tel: 615708; E-mail:

PCC Secretary

Mrs Andrea Susnik – Tel: 615336; E-mail:

PCC Treasurer

Mrs Barbara Wood – Tel: 617679: E-mail:

Deanery Synod Representatives

Mrs Avril Wright, Mrs Jane Elphick.

Stewardship Recorder/Gift Aid Secretary

Mrs Pearl Read.

Magazine Secretary

Mrs Elsie Kirkham – Tel: 615832.

Flower Secretaries

Mrs Althea Slater – Tel: 614966, and Mrs Marion Clarkson – Tel: 612855

Electoral Roll Secretary

Mrs Julie Tanham – Tel: 612992

Verger: Mrs Val Simpson – Tel: 614458.

Weekly Giving Envelopes: Please contact the Churchwardens.


Sunday School – meets 10.30am in School.

Leader: Mrs Kathleen Leigh – Tel: 612196.

Hoole Church Ladies’ Group – meets 7.30pm, 3rd Tuesday, in School.

Leader: Mrs Erika Penrose – Tel 613816; E-mail:

St Michael’s Men’s Fellowship – meets 7.30pm, 2nd Tuesday in School.

Secretary: Mr Ted Hopkins – Tel: 617002.

Hoole StMichaelCEPrimary School

Head Teacher: Mrs Kathryn Melling – Tel: 613219.

1st St. Michael’s Hoole Scout and Guide Groups – Group Scout Leader:

Richard McIlwain – Tel 616949; E-mail:

Friends of St. Michael’s – Caring for the fabric of our ancient church.

Chairman: Eric Barker – Tel 614385. Secretary:David Turner – Tel 614192.

Church Web Site: and


Calendar for July & early August

Sunday July 3rd Trinity 2 (St Thomas – Apostle)

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. P Taylor)

10.30am Holy Communion (CW) (Revd. S Hughes)

3.00pm Evening Prayer (BCP)

4.00pm Holy Communion (Old Mill Court)

Sunday 10th Trinity 3

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. S Hughes)

10.30am Morning Prayer (CW)

Sunday 17th Trinity 4

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. S Hughes)

10.30am Holy Communion (CW) (Revd. S Hughes)

3.00pm Evening Prayer (BCP)

Sunday 24th Trinity 5

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. P Taylor)

10.30am Family Communion (CW) (Revd. P Taylor)

Sunday31stTrinity 6

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.30am Holy Communion (CW)

Sunday August 7thTrinity 7

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.30am Holy Communion (CW)

3.00pm Evening Prayer (BCP)

4.00pm Holy Communion (Old Mill Court)

Sunday 14thTrinity 8

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.30am Morning Prayer (CW)

Sunday 21stTrinity 9

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.30am Holy Communion (CW)

3.00pm Evening Prayer (BCP)

Sunday28thTrinity 10

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. P Taylor)

10.30am Family Communion(CW) (Revd. P Taylor)

Magazine material to Erika Penrose by July 15th.


From The Wardens, July 2011

So, where do we go from here? One thing is certain we must all stick together to ride out the storm. No doubt St Michaels has passed through other times of upheaval, probably unrecorded, and has come out at the other side united and stronger. We, the Wardens, as servants of the Bishop, must remain neutral and therefore any comments relating to our current problem should be addressed to The Safeguarding Team at Burnley. There are labels at the back of Church should you wish to contact them.

The inter-regnum continues but hopefully for not much longer. By the time the next magazine is published we may have more news for you.

After six years of loyal and devoted service as a Warden, Robert Hawthornthwaite stepped down in April. Thank you Robert for all you have done whilst in office and especially for giving such a warm welcome to everyone coming into our Church. Even though Robert is no longer a Warden it appears that his welcoming duties and making arrangements for Walking Day will continue unabated. In his place we have Eric Barker OBE JP, a long time supporter of St Michaels and Chairman of The Friends of St Michaels. Best of luck Eric.

In May, Eric, Stan, Bill Carr and myself attended the Archdeacons visitation service held in St.Andrews, Leyland. Although often derided by some this years service was very enlightening. PCC members are always invited and perhaps next year some will consider attending the service. If nothing else it is worth going just to hear the hymns being sung with roof-lifting gusto. A couple of weeks later we went to a talk at St Cuthberts, Preston given by the Archdeacon on what Parochial Church Councils can and cannot do, what their rights are etc. etc. We came away much wiser and at the next PCC meeting we will bring along copies of some of the material which was handed out.

In early June we held our service for the admittance of Sidespeople. The service, led by Steve, was very well attended, which is good, and afterwards each Sidesperson was given details of what is expected of them, the main points of which are set out below. Copies of the notes are available on request from Eric or myself. If you are considering joining their ranks the notes will give you some idea of what is expected of Sidespeople which, at the end of the day is very little. Old or young, ladies and men are all welcome.

At St Michaels we have various teams, Sidespeople, those who read the Lessons and who lead us in prayer. All are greatly appreciated but may we make a small request - this not a criticism,just a small request. Most already do this but if for some reason you cannot perform your duty as set out in the rotas, would you mind arranging with someone to cover for you and then tell one of us what you have done. It is embarrassing for us Wardens, half way through a service, to realize that someone with a duty to perform is not in Church. If you are ill, perhaps a family member could let us know and we will arrange cover. Again, this is not a criticism, just a request for a little bit of help.


Thank you all for reading our ramblings. Please stick with us and all will be sorted out in due course.

Eric and John

The role of sidesperson should be seen within the context of ministry within the parish. In fact, sidesmen (to use the word by which they are legally known) are officials within the parish. They are voted into office at the Annual Parish Meeting. Any necessary topping-up of sidesmen numbers during the course of the year must be done with the authority of the PCC.

This is what the canon law says:

It shall be the duty of the sidesmen to promote the cause of true religion in the parish and to assist the churchwardens in the discharge of their duties in maintaining order and decency in the church and churchyard, especially during the time of Divine Service

Most sidespeople are engaged in part of the ministry of welcome and in tasks that help the liturgy to proceed in an orderly and smooth way. Here are some tips for sidespeople:

Work together as a team with your fellow sidespersons. Be aware of newlyadmitted colleagues welcoming them to their new role and giving them the benefit of your experience, probably gained over many years service.

If you are on duty please arrive in good time, say 30 minutes before the start of the service, to be organised and ready to greet other worshippers as they arrive.

Respect the atmosphere of the church. Be welcoming but not overwhelming. (Eye contact and a smile are important).

Be aware of any special facilities for the disabled (ramps, hearing loops, large print books etc.).

Be attentive to the particular needs of young children.

Give out the right book(s) and paper(s). Hopefully there will not be many!

Know how to provide access for lavatories. Where is your church’s bucket and mop?!

Where are the fire extinguishers?

Help people to find an appropriate seat. Never put new people at the front.

Make sure you know (and have rehearsed) the arrangements for taking a collection.

If directing people to receive Holy Communion do so with courtesy but in a quiet and undemanding way.

After clearing-up at the end of the service, and if your church serves coffee etc. try to identify any new people and introduce them to others (including the clergy if possible).

Be an extra pair of eyes and ears in noticing any who are in distress or unwell.... or are rejoicing!


Walking Day: our united churches Walking Day takes place on Sunday 17th July, starting from Walmer Bridge Village Hall at 3.00pm and, after tea, Songs of Praise at about 5.30pm.

Donations of sandwiches and cakes would be most welcome and can be brought to the village hall at about 12.30-1.00pm.

Please let the churchwardens know of any favourite hymns you would like to be sung at our Songs of Praise, and please make every effort to come and take part in this enjoyable church event.

SocialCommitteeCanal Cruise – Wednesday 20th July

A cruise on the Leeds and Liverpool canal has been arranged for July 20th, sailing from Botany Bay, Chorley at 6pm and returning at approximately 10pm. A three course meal is included in the package with a disco if required. The playing of more subdued background music could be a preferred option.

The barge can accommodate 40 persons, so book early to avoid disappointment. The cost of the trip is £20. A poster with further details is displayed in the church porch together with a location plan and a list where interested parties can book a place.

Ladies’ Group: Our last meeting was indeed most entertaining, entitled as it was “A Taste of Lancashire” and presented by Sylvia Birtles, Val Simpson and Andrea from Booths in Longton. Sylvia gave an interesting introduction to how to start exploring your family tree and then Val and Andrea then told us about how Booths started up (their first store was opened in 1847 in Blackpool) and Lancashire cheese. It was, not surprisingly, a marvellously relaxing and enjoyable evening with free samples of cheese, wine and Chorley cakes, a raffle and a quiz.

We don’t have a meeting in July and hope that all our members enjoy the break. See you in August! Erika

Diary Dates for July

Sun July 17th Annual Procession of Witness (Walking Day) at 3.00pm

Wed July 20thSocial Committee’s Canal Cruise, 6-10pm from Botany Bay



Holy Baptism “We welcome into the Lord’s Family”

29th MayISABEL MAI SPENCER daughter of

Robert Andrew & Claire Spencer of Penwortham.

5th JuneCHARLOTTE ROSE BUCKLEY daughter, and


Richard & Clare Buckley of New Longton.


John Wigham and Nicola Jukes of Longton.


David Elliott and Gemma Greenhalgh of Much Hoole.

Holy Matrimony “Those whom God hath joined together”

The Departed “Rest eternal grant unto them”

29th MayWILLIAM ALFRED DOWNES aged 92 years of Southport.

Interment of ashes only in the churchyard.

31st MayJANE WHALLEY PARKINSONaged 86 years formerly of

Much Hoole. Interment followed in the churchyard.


Attendance Communicants Collections

May 29th (Easter 6)8267£397.15

June 5th (Easter 7)8674£472.95

June 12th (Pentecost)8727£425.35

Readers’ Rota(July/August)

9.00am 10.30am

3rd +++++++ J Dewhurst Habakkuk Ch. 2, vv 1-4.

S Tighe W Prescott Ephesians Ch. 2, vv 19-end.

10th +++++++ E Hopkins Isaiah Ch. 55, vv 10-13.

V Van Holsbeke D Turner Romans Ch. 8, vv 1-11.

17th +++++++B WoodWisdomCh 12 vv 13 & 16-19

M RedshawJ AshcroftRomansCh 8 vv 12-25

24th+++++++Young People1 KingsCh 3 vv 5-12

J WilsonYoung PeopleRomansCh 8 vv 26-end

31st+++++++G SlingerIsaiah Ch 55 vv 1-5

S TigheR McClureRomans Ch 9 vv 1-5

7th+++++++C Bamber1 KingsCh 19 vv 9-18

V Van HolsbekeS EckersleyRomansCh 10 vv 5-15


Sidespersons’ Rota (July/August)

3rd 9.00am Jeremy Leigh

10.30am Scott Eckersley, Ted Hopkins & Julie Roe

3.00pm Peter Smallwood

10th 9.00am Val Van Holsbeke

10.30am Bill Prescott, Elizabeth Hedley & Philip Wilson

17th9.00amStuart Tighe

10.30amRobert Hawthornthwaite, John Aughton & Rona McClure

3.00pmClifford Orritt

24th9.00amRob McMurray

10.30amPaul Johnson, Richard McIlwain & Jean Aughton

31st9.00amBrian Taylor

10.30amBill Carr, David Turner & Hazel Wright

7th9.00amHenry Redshaw

10.30amGill Slinger, Norman Skellorn & Tom Wignall

14th9.00amJeremy Leigh

10.30am Scott Eckersley, Ted Hopkins & Julie Roe

3.00pm Sylvia Douglas

Rota for the Leading of Intercessions (July/August)

9.00am 10.30am

3rd Revd P Taylor Revd S Hughes

10th Revd S Hughes J Elphick

17thV SimpsonRevd S Hughes

24thRevd P TaylorRevd P Taylor

31stRevd N ProcterRevd N Procter

Aug7thV SimpsonR McClure


Church Flowers (July/August)

Arrangers Donor

3rd J Martland & J Wilson Mrs J Lee

10th J Aughton & S Westell Mr & Mrs J Westell

17thB Wignall & A DaltonAltar: Mr R Harrison

Pedestal: Mrs K Ball

24thM Clarkson & J SmallwoodMr & Mrs J Clarkson

31stA Slater & E Kirkham Mr & Mrs S Taylor

Aug7thJ Martland & J WilsonMr & Mrs C Clark

14thH JohnsonMrs Maxfield

