Want to donate enrichment
for the chimps?

Here are some ideas

  1. Fruit roll up- brown craft paper smeared with sugar free jam or peanut butter and rolled into a tube.
  1. Hanging logs- use some small logs and drill small holes into the log to stuff pieces of food into. Can also put a hook into the top so it can hang in the enclosure.
  1. Piñatas- use flour and water to make a paste. Smear mix on newspaper and cover a filled balloon with the paper. Allow it to dry, pop the balloon and fill the piñata with shredded paper and treats. Decorate the outside.
  1. Paper towel rolls- fold one end in and stuff half a piece of paper towel down to block the remaining hole. Throw a few treats in followed by another piece of paper. Continue until full and seal shut.
  1. Sock pouches- take used, clean socks and put treats and shredded paper inside and knot the top.
  1. Boxes- fill a box with shredded paper and some treats. You can put several boxes inside of each other so it takes longer to open but please don’t tape them up as we will need to make sure that they are suitable for the chimps.
  1. Shaker toys- use container with a lid (like a kool-aid container). Punch holes only large enough for seeds to fall out. Chimps must shake container for seeds to get out.
  1. Necklaces- string cheerios and dried fruit to make a necklace for the chimps to wear and eat- they will not eat the string.
  1. Raisin board- made out of plastic blocks- 2” by 4”. Drill small shallow holes at a variety of angles and stuff with raisins.
  1. Shaker balls- use a hard, hollow plastic ball and drill holes into the ball and put treats on inside. The chimps will roll the balls around for treats to fall out.
  1. Wall mural- paint and decorate a large piece of fabric (a shower curtain would work) and we will hang for the chimps.
  1. Posters- cut out pictures of animals or people- anything that catches your eye and put them together on a big poster and laminate it for the chimps to enjoy.


Thank you for participating in our enrichment program. All captive animals need stimulation for their mental and physical health. It is especially beneficial for intelligent species like chimpanzees to have interesting projects, visuals and food presentation.

We do have a few guidelines to follow for construction.

  1. Be creative! The chimps see colors and recognize different textures, shapes and smells just like humans. They will be drawn to something interesting or new.
  1. Please use minimal treats in food enrichment- this food is in addition to their regular diet and we want our chimps to be healthy and happy.

Acceptable treats include-

  • Dried fruit (not too much- high in sugar)
  • Low sugar and/or high fiber cereal
  • Unsalted or Raw Nuts (peanuts, almonds, walnuts, ect.)
  • Sugar free jam or peanut butter (not thickly spread)
  • Unsalted Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, etc.)
  1. Please do not use paints (unless they are non-toxic). Other Acceptable and fun enrichment materials include:
  • Toilet paper/ paper towel rolls
  • Cardboard paper
  • Tissue paper or toilet paper
  • Small plastic containers or milk jugs
  • Cloth
  • Textures- fuzzy fabrics etc..

4. Please make in multiples of 7 so that each resident may benefit.

We appreciate your help and the opportunity to bring you closer to our residents and caring for captive animals. We will do our best to send you photos of the chimps using your enrichment.