by Bob Keith

On a National scale, the media always evaluates the first 100 days of any elected official. Well, I’ve gone past that and I must say that the honeymoon is over. More and more of the emotional, complex, nitty-gritty issues are reaching my desk each day. Welcome to the real world, Bobby. I’m happy to say that I wake up each day ready and eager to take on the challenges that present themselves. I ran for office on restoring harmony in our community and I think we’re moving in the right direction. We certainly have a way to go. As I’ve said in previous news articles, we have a dedicated, hardworking staff led by an outstanding, business smart Town Manager in Chris Braund and supported by an involved and participatory Town Council…..and lest I forget to mention the capable and competent members of each and every committee who support the town’s operations. We are truly blessed.

I am writing this article just prior to the weekend which features the second annual Olympiad Fly Fishing Tournament founded and run by Michael and Michelle Yelton and the first “Gorge Sale on the Trail” put on by the Chamber of Commerce. I am confident that both will be extremely successful and be with us for many years to come. In addition, this week I attended a re-

formation of the WAVE organization. Led by Tommy Hartzog, one of LakeLure’s true ambassadors, this group complements the work of the Chamber in seeking to bring forth new ideas to enhance the quality of life in our community. Case in point, from WAVE emerged the Olympiad, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Lake Lure Shag Club, Community Recycling and the Hickory Nut Gorge Foundation to name a few of the successful endeavors. Further, the Chamber has expanded and broadened its events to include summer Friday night’s “Pickin’ on the Meadows”, the winter boat parade in December and probably the biggest new event to hit our town, the “Dirty Dancing Weekend Festival” in September. If we are not already on the map, this will surely put us there. The bottom line is that there are so many folks who put in extensive time and energy in making the Gorge and LakeLure an extraordinary place to live, work and play.

As a parting reminder, come out and enjoy the Third Annual Dragon Boat Festival in MorsePark on Saturday, May 8. And consider attending the BMW Celebrity Pro-Am Golf Tournament held at Bright’s Creek Golf Club in Mill Spring on May 13 – 16. Both events support many local charities.

To check the daily run schedule of the Hydro Electric Plant, release of water downstream of the dam, please call 828-625-9227.


by Chris Braund

Over the past few months, the topic of Economic Development has been at the top of conversations nationally, regionally and locally. Here in LakeLure, the Hickory Nut Gorge and RutherfordCounty, community leaders are working hard to expand and diversify our economy.


  • Day Care: We urgently need full-day childcare services in LakeLure and are seeking entrepreneurs to fill this need. The market is here…our school enrollment is already over 150 and our teachers and working parents are looking for local childcare services for their younger children.
  • Interested in Local Economic Development? We would like to see a local Economic Development Coalition form. This group would assess our needs, make recommendations, and lead efforts like business recruiting. This is envisioned as a collaborative partnership between local businesses, citizens, government and groups like the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Development Authority. Please contact me or the Mayor if you are interested in leading or participating in this group.
  • TownCenter Plan: In May, the Town will be reviewing proposals from design firms to assist in the creation of a Town Center Plan. This is a detailed plan (called for in our 2007 Comprehensive Plan) that will refine the ideas for the appearance and use of the TownCenter area. The design will review the original vision for the area from 1927 and update it with today’s needs. If approved by Council, this planning activity will occur over the next year and be collaborative process with area stakeholders and citizens.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter please contact Ron Morgan at or (828) 625-9333 for more information.


by Town Clerk Mary Flack, MMC, CTC

REGULAR MEETING: The regular town council meeting was held on Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 7:00 p.m., in the meeting room of the LakeLureMunicipalCenter.

Under the “consent agenda,” Town Council approved and adopted:

* minutes of the March 9, 2010 (Regular Meeting);

* a budget amendment pertaining to an executed deed of conveyance from John H. Moore and wife, Regina Moore, of certain property upon reimbursement for 2009 ad valorem property taxes as submitted by the finance director; and

* Resolution No. 10-04-13 amending the Town of Lake Lure Personnel Plan relating to work schedule, and modified job assignment for work related injuries, as submitted by the town manager.

Town Council also:

* held a public hearing and adopted Ordinance No.10-04-13 amending the Town of Lake Lure Lake Zoning Regulations, Title IX, Chapter 92, pertaining to commercial hospitality uses; modifying the definition of residential vacation rental to provide new definitions for hotels, motels, and lodges; make lodges permitted uses in the CG Zoning District and Conditional Uses in the R-4 Zoning District;

* held a public hearing and adopted Ordinance No.10-04-13A amending the Town of Lake Lure Lake Zoning Regulations, Title IX, Chapter 92, pertaining to damage of public infrastructure during construction process;

* tabled approval of a request from Diane Barrett for a waiver of boat permit fees during the Lake Lure Dragon boat race and festival for further review;

* authorized the town manager to notify certain individuals in writing reminding them about the town’s regulations requiring mandatory water connections;

* approved a request from Bo Williams on behalf of the Lake Lure Tours, Inc. for a temporary structure to serve as a waiting area for tour boat passengers, contingent upon this request being reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Board;

* held discussion regarding a matter pertaining to a wet-line sewer connection located on Faye Thompson’s property at 211 Sunset Cove Road; town council tabled action on this item at this time for further study; town council also, directed the town manager to negotiate a solution with Faye Thompson and bring back to town council recommendations to be considered for approval;

* approved a request from Mary Ann Ransom on behalf of Shepherd’s Care, to use the Community Hall room in the Lake Lure Municipal Center each Friday year round from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.regarding a program for senior citizens in the community, with the stipulation that town business would take president first for use of the Community Hall; also waive the rental fees for use of the Community Hall during these events; and

* held closed session to discuss legal matters and attorney client privilege in accordance with G.S. 143-318.11(a) (3) regarding a lawsuit between the Town of Lake Lure and the Town of Lake Lure Board of Adjustment vs. Robert F. Peffer and wife, Mary Ann Peffer.

In other activities:

* heard a report from the town manager; and

* heard reports from council liaisons on the activities of various boards and committees.


by Chief Eric Hester


We have an update from a previous article involving the arrest of the driver with possession of stolen copper. We interviewed several suspects and charged two of them with a couple break and enterings and larcenies in LakeLure. These suspects also admitted to several otherbreak and

enterings and Larcenies in four different jurisdictions where they have also been charged.Last month we asked everyone to be vigilant in their neighborhood, to watch for and report suspicious activity when they see it occurring. We appreciate the calls we received regarding the activities that were reported.

Census Workers will be in our area for the next couple of months collecting census data. There will be significant increase in the field operation activity. What does this means for us? - There will be strangers in our neighborhoods, stopping by your home, asking you questions about how many people live in your household.Should the citizens be concerned andhow iscensus data protected? -Federal law protects your privacy and keeps your answers confidential (Title 13, United States Code, Sections 9 and 214).The answers you give on the census form cannot be obtained by law enforcement or tax collection agencies. How do I know if they are a Census Employee? - Each temporary decennial census employee will have an official identification card with the employee’s signature and an expiration date. Regional level employee’s identification cards with also bear a photograph on their card. They will never ask to enter your home.

If anyone has any questions about anyone suspicious driving around in their neighborhood please give us a call and we will come and verify if it is one of the census workers.

YouthCenter News - Thanks to everyone who continues to give so graciously to the YouthCenter. They now have sturdy cabinets in the kitchen and storage areas and have also received dozens of gourds to make bird houses and lots of paint to decorate them with.

We offer up a special congratulation to Ashley Freeburg who will be graduating from WesternCarolinaUniversity on Saturday May 8th with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and minor in Anthropology. Ashley attended the YouthCenter for many years and has been known to stop in from time to time to help out with the children at the center. She has been a blessing to all of us throughout the years and we are very proud of her and wish her the best of luck.





ARRESTS...... 4









ROAD CHECKS...... 2,536






PATROLS...... 9

COVE CHECKS...... 298








OTHER...... 0



by Linda Ward

If you discover a water leak after hours or on weekends,please call Rutherford County Communications at 828-286-2911.Do not call Emergency 911. Communications will contact the appropriate person for you.

Miss Ashlyn Calvert was born two weeks early on March 27, weighed 6lbs 15 ½ oz and was 19” long. Andi and Shawn are really enjoying being parents and their new family life (of course they have not lived through the teenage years yet!!!, if you know what I mean). Ashlyn is a beautiful little baby girl and we would all like to congratulate Andi and Shawn on her birth.


by Clint Calhoun, Environ. Mgmt. Officer

Hope everyone is having a nice spring. The weather so far has been spectacular, although it would be great if the pollen levels weren’t so high. Since we are getting into the start of our busy season, we thought we would give everyone some updates and reminders for the season.

First of all, I hope everyone has seen the Town website with respect to our Canada Geese Management Program. We have been working with GeesePeace, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping communities solve problems with large populations of resident Canada geese. At the time of this writing we have located twelve nests and oiled a total of 66 eggs. Now there are some folks out there that are probably thinking, “What a cruel thing to do!” Actually, the technique we employ is approved by state and federal agencies and animal rights and welfare groups nationwide. Before oiling eggs we place an egg in water and float it. If the egg floats to the surface, it has developed an air sac, meaning that development of a gosling has begun. If the egg floats, we do not oil. We have been trying to find the nests as quickly as we can so that we can get the eggs oiled before development begins. If we did not do this, our goose population could potentially explode within the next three years. Already we have a serious problem with goose excrement on the beach and grounds of MorsePark. Additionally, the feces contribute to water quality issues as well, so we are trying to help our resident geese become migratory. During the month of May we hope to begin doing site aversion to get the majority of geese to leave. Some will stay, but hopefully the majority will fly north or somewhere besides LakeLure. If you would like more information on GeesePeace, go to

Next I want to remind everyone that if you are planning on putting up a canopy on the deck of your boathouse, you must get a decktop accessory structure permit from the Lake Structure Appeals Board. Everyone should also check the regulations to make sure their structure is in compliance. I also want to mention to everyone that you cannot add to existing lake structures, anything that changes the footprint of the original structure, without first getting a lake structure permit. I’ve already had to issue some Notices of Violations for this over the time that the lake was down. Make sure you check the regulations before constructing to see if you need a permit or not.

I also want to mention that any construction project that disturbs more than 500 square feet, or 100 square feet if located within 50 feet of a watercourse, requires a land disturbance permit and submittal of a sediment and erosion control plan. I’ve also had to issue some Notices of Violations for this as well, so plan and get a permit before you dig. Civil penalties for violation of the Sediment and Erosion Control Regulations can be as much as $5,000 a day, so make sure you get permission before you start any construction activities. Also, we are getting towards the end of the seeding season. Make sure you are providing the appropriate ground cover for your site and that it is applied within 21 days of completion of a phase of grading for temporary ground cover and 15 working days or 90 calendar days of completion of the project for permanent ground cover.

As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, regarding the new boater law changes, there are boater safety classes available. The class dates for RutherfordCounty are as follows:

May 18th-19th- 6-9pm - LakeLure Fire Dept.

June 28th-29th-6-9pm- NCAgCo-opBuilding, ForestCity

July 20th-21st -6-9pm - LakeLure Fire Dept.

August 2nd-3rd- 6-9pm - NCAgCo-opBuilding, ForestCity

Go to for more information regarding contact information and other boating classes in other North Carolina Counties. The class can also be taken online but there is a fee. If you take one of the scheduled classes, there is no fee.

We want to remind everyone again that 2010 permits are now available and must be visible on your boat, so make sure you have the right permit and that it is properly displayed.

Lastly, we want to make sure that everyone has a safe year out on the lake. Please remember to do your safety checks and that you have all of the necessary safety equipment: life jackets, rope, first-aid kit, etc. Check all your lights and make sure they are working properly. Nothing can ruin a good day on the lake worse than an accident, so please be safe out there.

We hope everyone has a safe spring and summer. If you need to reach us regarding a lake or environmental issue, please contact Dean Givens at (828)625-9318 or or Clint Calhoun at (828)625-9983 ext. 123 or .



By Paula Jordan

I saw a drawing of the LakeLureBusinessCenter the other day. The street layout in that area is easy to recognize, of course, with the Inn and ArcadeBuilding across from the beach and situated as they are. There were some extra buildings in the drawing, through, labeled as shops and stores, stretching South from the ArcadeBuilding along Keeter Street.

Still, the drawing looked very familiar. In fact, it could almost have come from a design study included in the 2007 – 2027 Comprehensive Plan to illustrate one of many possible approaches to managing future development in that area.

The surprise was that the layout that I was studying was the original proposal for development of the TownCenter area – then known as Luremont – in the Roaring Twenties! It had been drawn in 1926 by E.S. Draper, the young Landscape Architect and Engineer who created the General Plan for the Town of Lake Lure. Draper was introduced to the project by Kenneth Tanner, who had commissioned him in 1917 to design Spindale.

A closer look did show clear differences between Draper’s 1926 drawing and both the 2007 design study and present-day reality. What had looked at first glance like the ArcadeBuilding in the 1926 drawing was actually shown as a somewhat smaller building labeled “stores,” which