Introduction and Theory

Congratulations on responding to God’s call of ministry for your congregation and thank you for partnering with Disciples Church Extension Fund. As your partner, our goal is to provide you with expert advice and the important resources you need to help you be successful in your stewardship and fundraising efforts.

In our materials, you will find that we combine biblical concepts of stewardship with professional fundraising techniques and match them to the context and ministry of your congregation. Our intent is to help your church achieve its spiritual and fundraising goals, so that as your purpose is achieved, you will be able to better serve God and your community.

Overview of Campaign – (Traditional)

The proposed capital campaign will follow a simple three-step process: Preparation, Action and Follow-through. Our advisors will guide you each step along the way and provide additional online resources that are easily accessible for your leadership team.

Preparation- Step 1

The first step of a capital campaign is to lay the groundwork for success and link the purpose of your campaign to your church’s mission and vision. The preparation step involves the key elements of:

1.1 Project and Ministry Analysis

1.2 Leadership Identification

1.3 Feasibility Study

1.4Recruitment and Training

1.1 Project and Ministry Analysis

The success of a campaign begins with a compelling vision for ministry that is specific to the project of the capital campaign. The vision must be actionable and urgent enough that there is a persuasive need to conduct the campaign at this time. As you prepare for the campaign, it is suggested that you review the mission and vision of your campaign with a Disciples Church Extension Fund advisor and use Worksheet #1 to evaluate the strength of your mission as it relates to the purpose of your campaign.

1.2 Leadership Identification

Choosing leadership for a campaign begins by identifying key individuals who are gifted, respected and committed to the church and the vision of the potential capital campaign. When determining the types of leaders you will need for a campaign, please refer to the leadership guide and talk with the officers of your congregation about their suggestions. Ideally, you will have a strong mix of leaders with gifts in the areas of communication, finance, vision and spirituality. See website and use Worksheet #2 to match leaders to positions within the campaign.

Below are the Project Teams (with job descriptions) that you will need:

Spiritual and Prayer Team- Leads the spiritual emphasis of the campaign and helps with the production of prayer related materials

Expected Time Commitments: This committee will need to commit up to 5 hours a week during the planning portion of the campaign and 3 hours a week during the action step of the campaign.

Assigned Tasks:

  • Create materials that highlight the faith foundation of the campaign, including items such as a prayer book, campaign prayers, symbols of prayer, 40-hour prayer vigil, etc.
  • Work with the pastor to create and communicate the spiritual focus of the campaign during worship
  • Assist the communication team to create and communicate the mission and ministry aspects of the project and the capital campaign

Communication and Events Team- Leads targeted events and employs creative methods to convey the larger messages and vision of the capital campaign

Expected Time Commitments: This committee will need to commit 5 hours a week for approximately 2 months.

Assigned Tasks:

  • Craft Core Vision and Purpose Statement
  • Determine the best and most efficient ways to communicate the message of the campaign to the congregation
  • Assist with the planning of special events and worship
  • Create additional content for materials such as videos, electronic communications, social media and other publicity for the campaign

Core Leadership Team- Leads the planning and implementation of the capital campaign

Expected Time Commitments: This core leadership team will need to commit 10-15 hours a week (inclusive of worship) towards leading the capital campaign for approximately 2 months.

Assigned Tasks:

  • Conduct the feasibility study
  • Determine the goal and elements of the project to include in the capital campaign
  • Orchestrate and lead the capital campaign for the congregation
  • Work with the pastor, staff, and the board of the congregation to conduct the public phase of the capital campaign
  • Create capital campaign calendar

Key Donor Team- Leads the financial planning and major gift portions of the capital campaign; Communicates and involves major donors in the decision-making of the capital campaign

Expected Time Commitments:

This committee will need to commit to 5-10 hours a week during the campaign to meet with the leadership of the congregation and major donors.

Assigned Tasks:

  • Learn the major aspects of the campaign and communicate these with key donors in the congregation
  • Communicate the questions and concerns of key donors with campaign leadership and the congregation
  • Ask for commitments from key donors to support the campaign (either as part of the feasibility study or during the campaign)

Team Gifts:

  • Team members should be trusted leaders
  • Team members should include major donors to the church
  • Team members should be financial leaders and be comfortable talking about money

Follow-through Team- Leads the communication and tracking of the commitments made during the capital campaign and campaign expenses

Expected Time Commitments:

This committee will need to commit 3-5 hours a week during the campaign. Additional time will be needed after the campaign to track the receipt of gifts towards the campaign.

Assigned Tasks:

  • Work with the campaign leadership and congregation to communicate as needed about the campaign finances, such as loan payment tracking, investments and cash flow for the campaign
  • Track and give quarterly financial updates on the capital campaign to the congregation
  • Track and give quarterly financial updates to individuals who have contributed and pledged to the campaign
  • Invite new members and participants to invest in the capital campaign

1.3 Feasibility Study

Disciples Church Extension Fund will work with you to conduct a feasibility study for your congregation and potential capital campaign. This study will help the leadership of the congregation determine the level of support for the project and conducting a capital campaign, and it will give an initial estimate of financial pledges to the campaign. This is a great way to communicate with members of a congregation and to hear feedback and potential questions and concerns about the proposed project and campaign.

1.4 Recruitment and Training

Once a congregation has voted to support a capital campaign, the final part of the Preparation Step is the recruitment and training of campaign leaders. Campaign leaders will begin by recruiting individuals identified on Worksheet #2 and scheduling a training event for volunteers to meet with a Disciples Church Extension Fund advisor. Please note that before the capital campaign can move to the next step, campaign leadership will need to complete all of the preparatory items listed below:

  • Campaign Purpose Statement- Worksheet #1
  • Leadership Identification- Worksheet #2
  • Leadership Training- With an advisor
  • Campaign Timeline and Calendar- Worksheet #3
  • Communication Plan- Worksheet #4
  • Financial Planning and Tracking Plan- Worksheet #5

Campaign Calendar

Created based on situation of congregation, outlined below for traditional Anglo method. Event method will be adapted to major event schedule.

Action- Step 2

The second step of the capital campaign is to publicly launch the campaign and follow the action items listed on the campaign calendar.

Campaign Calendar(beginning with launch)

Week 1Launch SundayAnnouncement of Campaign in Worship

Show Video & Share Campaign Brochures

Sermon 1

Town Hall 1

Week 2Prayer Commitment SundayCampaign Update & Prayer Commitments

Sermon 2

Town Hall 2

Week 3Commission SundayCampaign Update & Financial Planning

Sermon 3

Leadership Commitment Event

Week 4Celebration SundayCampaign Update

Sermon 4

First Fruit and Campaign Commitment

Messaging and Communication- During the action step of the campaign, communication about the campaign’s purpose and project is critical to the eventual success of the campaign. It is suggested that the Communication and Event Team use as many communication methods listed in the Communication Plan as possible.

Follow-through- Step 3

The final step of the capital campaign is to follow through and communicate with the larger congregation and its individual participants about the progress of receiving pledges and financial support.

Annual Responsibilities:

  • Communicating and assisting church leadership with reporting progress of capital campaign
  • Quarterly reporting of total and individual pledges to members
  • Communicating information about the campaign during stewardship events and in worship
  • Annual reports for board and the congregation