Note that the hints given will cover many common, BUT NOT ALL, of the situations you will come across when finding and citing information. The suggestions on how to cite are a good place to start in the APA style guide for how to cite, but in some cases your information may not fit the common style listed. For example, for the newspaper search the location of APA information for the citing a daily newspaper is given. But you may find, and need to cite, a weekly newspaper. So each student must ensure that their own information they are citing does fit these common suggestions before they are used. When in doubt, read the APA style guide carefully, then if still in doubt about the citation style to use, ask your instructor or TA.

Also, in KIN301 we use the APA 6th edition style guide, this document, and the KIN301 web page as our guide in how to do APA style citations. Other sources (e.g., other internet sources or library handout sheets) explaining how to use the APA style to cite references may differ in explanations on how to cite some sources. When a discrepancy exists the APA 6th edition style guide, will be considered to be correct.

HINT: if you save search results to a file, you can print it after opening it with Word, AND you can copy and paste the citation information (if you use it) into your paper reference list instead of having to re-type the names, journal etc. (what a time saver!). This technique can be used in many of the databases used in this assignment. If the option to save to a file is not available, then see if you can e-mail search results to yourself, then copy from the mail message to a file to save.

  1. Sport Discus Journal

Hint: To help you prepare for completing your term paper assignment, look in this source for “Primary” research articles. This means the research article will have a methods section. Also, save a printed copy of your search results to submit with your term paper.


Journal format (pg 198 #1-6)


  • Do not abbreviate journal title
  • If the article title ends with a question mark….Do not follow the question mark with a period.
  • Always give the issue number (this deviates from traditional APA style)
  • Never include “retrieved from….database name + URL”

What if the article does not have a doi?

  • First, search for the dio at :
  • If no doi, the cite as shown in above guidelines, excluding the doi
  • Do not follow the APA guideline instructions of using the web site of the journal.(this deviates from traditional APA style)

What if the article is ONLY published electronically?

Micera, S. (2008). Understanding age-related modifications of motor control strategies. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 5, 26. doi: 10.1186/1743-0003-5-26.

In above example: 5 = volume, 26 = # pages

Note: if sport discus places hyphens between names and/or initials, or capitalizes the names, then you must change this to be APA style when you do your citation. Also, after the journal title the words in brackets in the title field of sport discus are usually not part of the journal title (they appear to be some sort of key words). These must not be included in the title field of the APA citation. If in doubt if the words in brackets are part of the journal title, then ask one of your instructors or your TA.

  1. ERIC Document (unpublished)

Hint: To help you prepare for completing your term paper assignment, save a printed copy of your search results to submit with your term paper.

TO FIND: Use the CSA ERIC database accessed in the WWU library database list, do not use the other ERIC database listed in the library list. From ERIC database search, you find an ERIC document number (e.g., ED098151). The ERIC document number is the number in the first field in the record, the “ERIC NO:” field. You are looking for an ERIC document (not a published journal or book) for this assignment, so the number must start with “ED” to signify it is an ERIC document. If the ERIC document number starts with “EJ” it is an ERIC journal, which may be useful to you for your paper, but is NOT what is requested for this part of the SLS. HINT: you can email the search results to yourself, or you can drag and select the text of your search results, then copy and paste it into a word document. Take the ERIC document number and look it up in the drawers of ERIC documents on microfilm in the library (see library tour notes for location of the microfilm). Please take the time to determine what kind of document you have retrieved from ERIC (this means you may need to look at the document itself on microfilm, rather than relying on the information provided in the search).

TO CITE: look on first page of ERIC document to try to find the following:

report #: e.g., (Report No. NCRTL-RR-92-4)

location of author’s institution: e.g., East Lansing, MI

Author’s institution: e.g., National Center for Research on Medical Education

BUT, these 3 elements are not always reported on the first page of the ERIC document, and if not there obviously can not be reported in your citation.

The ERIC # you always have from first line of database report e.g., ED346082

Use APA format in the example below. (This is based on styles 31-35 pg 205-206)

Mead, J. V. (1992). Looking at your feet: Investigating the tales that novice podiatrists bring with them (Report No. NCRTL-RR-92-4). East Lansing, MI: National Center for Research on Medical Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED346082)

If the ERIC document is a paper presented at a conference or meeting:

Mead, J. V. (1992). Looking at your feet: Investigating the tales that novice podiatrists bring with them. Paper presented at the meeting of the Podiatrist Society, San Diego, CA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED346082)

3.Access World News: Go to the United States Map

Remember: Newspaper articles cannot be used for the term paper. They may be used for the debate.


Daily Newspaper Article (p. 200, examples # 10-11)

NOTE for news papers only: p. = single page, pp. = multiple pages.


  • Do not give a database address that you retrieve a newspaper article from. If you do you will often give a very long (multi-line) URL. You must cite the newspaper as either:
  • A “paper” version of the paper (i.e use style #10 pg 200)


  • An online newspaper (i.e use style #11 pg 200). Note that in this style you give only the home page of the newpaper (not the database).
  1. EBSCO Scholarly (peer reviewed) Journals Citation

Hint: To help you prepare for completing your term paper assignment, look in this source for “Primary” research articles. This means the research article will have a methods section. Also, save a printed copy of your search results to submit with your term paper.


Journal format given previously in this SLS help file

  1. Google Uncle Sam (Government Printing Office documents)

Hint: To help you prepare for completing your term paper assignment, save a printed copy of your search results to submit with your term paper.

NOTE: You must find a government document. Journal articles not allowed in this section of the SLS assignment

TO CITE , use: GPO Document/Report (p. 205, example listed at 2nd bullet under heading 7.03).


  1. There is always a publisher (e.g., Government Printing Office, or “Author”, see example #35 pg 206 for example of the latter case where an institution of organization both authors and publishes the document).
  2. There is always an author, although the author may not be an individually named person, or people. The author may be a government agency (see example # 31 pg 205), a group, such as a task force (see example # 32 pg 206), or an organization (see example # 35 pg 206).
  1. PsycINFO

Hint: To help you prepare for completing your term paper assignment, look in this source for “Primary” research articles. This means the research article will have a methods section. Also, save a printed copy of your search results to submit with your term paper.

TO CITE: If you obtain a journal, use journal format discussed above. If you obtain a book, see notes for citing books, below under the heading “SEARCH OF LIS WWU CATALOG”. If you obtain a conference proceeding, see the APA test 6th ed., pg 206-207.

  1. Education Abstracts

Hint: To help you prepare for completing your term paper assignment, look in this source for “Primary” research articles. This means the research article will have a methods section. Also, save a printed copy of your search results to submit with your term paper.

TO CITE: Use journal format discussed above.

  1. PubMed

Hint: To help you prepare for completing your term paper assignment, look in this source for “Primary” research articles. This means the research article will have a methods section. Also, save a printed copy of your search results to submit with your term paper.

TO FIND: We search the National Library of Medicine PUBMED MEDLINE database. Use the web link provided to “PubMed” under “P” in the index of library databases. Do not use the MEDLINE search option within the library information system list of databases (Under “M” listings) that uses the First Search version of MEDLINE, which is incomplete.

TO CITE: Use Journal format discussed above. Note that MEDLINE will provide you with only abbreviations of the journal titles, while APA style requires the FULL journal title. To convert, use the “Journal Browser“ link provided on the PUBMED home page.


TO FIND: Search the web using a search engine.

This citation must be a web site source of information, not an online electronic journal article.


Examples # 31-34 pp 205-206.


  1. Most of the APA book examples include a report # or publication #, such a number does not exist for most web pages, and so is not included in most web page citation.
  2. If individual people (or person) is listed as the author of the web site, you include a title of the web site after “Retrieved from…” (see examples 33 & 34).
  3. If an organization or group is listed as the author of the web site (not individual people or person), you do not include a title of the web site after “Retrieved from…” (see examples 31 & 32).
4.First field is the author field. If there is no author identifed then in most cases use an institutional author (e.g., American Heart Association) because the institution "authored" the web page. Check with your instructor if in doubt.
5.Year date is electronic publication date. Look through the page to try to find a date. Include only the year. Write (n.d.) when the electronic publication date is not available.
6.Title must be in italics.
7.Microsoft word will often display a web address in underlined blue text. This is not APA style and must be removed.
  1. The URL must point to the specific address of the information, not to the home page
9.Note there is no period at the end of this citation

Remember: The web site you cite in the web search part of the SLS assignment must be a research quality web site as defined in the description of the term paper requirements in the course outline.

10.WWU CATALOG SEARCH (for books not articles)

Hint: To help you prepare for completing your term paper assignment, save a printed copy of your search results to submit with your term paper.


CAREFUL, the new (2008) WWU library interface defaults to a general search box that is searching the “Articles in general interest databases”, based on the default tab of “articles”. The default does not search for books. There is a tab to allow even the general search box to search Books only. Or, use the “Books and More” section of the page. YOU ARE TO SEARCH THE “BOOKS AND MORE” SECTION OF THE DATABASE. ARTICLES WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE SEARCH RESULT FOR THIS PART OF THE SLS ASSIGNMENT.


See APABook citation examples: pp. 202 - 205, examples 18 – 30


  1. Give city & state for US publishers. Give city & country for non-US publishers.
  2. Use U.S. Postal service two-letter abbreviations for States and Territories.
  3. Do not abbreviate the country.
  4. Omit additions such as “Co.” “Inc.” from the publisher name.
  5. If more than one publishing location is listed, you use the first one, or the publisher’s home office.
  6. If the author is the publisher, use “Author” in the publisher field.

Note: If you are finding a specific journal article you are not in the WWU CATALOG, you have accidentally gotten into an article database.

  1. Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd Edition (NOT the 2nd edition!)

TO FIND: This book may be held by the reference librarians, if it is not on a reference shelf you can access. Ask for it at the reference desk..

Haggard 2 -Reference, GV706.4 .H37 2007

TO CITE: See example #25, pg 204.


Use the final space for a citation if a reference librarian or your instructor advises you to use an information source in addition to those listed in the SLS assignment. For example, you may need to search a business database if you need information on the financial aspects of having a professional sports team franchise in a town.

Do not repeat a search method used previously in the assignment (e.g., sport discus) to fill something in here. Few Students will need to use “other reference tools” (if we have written the SLS assignment well). You will not lose marks if you have a sufficient number of articles found in the reference tools used in the previous sections. If you find very few articles, you may need to use “other reference tools”, or consider expanding or changing your topic.
