Chapter Advisor Training

(excerpt from Collegiate Leadership Manual, pp. 26-27)

Advisor Duties

Advisors are essential to a chapter’s strength and growth. An advisor is an important part of the Fraternity. In many cases, the strength of a collegiate chapter may be credited to its advisor support.

An advisor communicates to the chapter the Fraternity’s expectations and reinforces its standards.

She encourages the chapter to strive for excellence. She reinforces the positive, thus instilling confidence.

In the eyes of collegians, she represents Alpha Gamma Delta.

An advisor’s position actually has a dual role. She is concerned with the specific area(s) of chapter life that she advises; and, as a member of the Fraternity, she is concerned with the chapter’s overall operation and performance.

The time required for an advisory position always varies. Many women currently serving as advisors manage a family and a career. Some are able to give endless hours each week; others can spare only a few hours per month. The quality of time, not quantity, is most important. Regardless of the time commitment, chapters may not grow and flourish as they should without the support of advisors.

Duties of All Advisors

·  Develop a close, supportive and positive relationship with assigned collegiate officer(s) and communicate weekly.

·  Know and understand the responsibilities and duties of the assigned collegiate officer(s).

·  Assist the officer(s) in fulfilling the duties of office, including the preparation of reports and forms, if required.

·  Ensure adherence to the officer budget.

·  Be knowledgeable of and adhere to the Governing Documents of the Fraternity and of the chapter, college or university policies and local regulations and assist the Chapter Advisor in enforcing these policies.

·  Communicate regularly with the Chapter Advisor with regard to potential problems.

·  Proactively guide and facilitate the chapter to be successful, financially stable and self-sufficient.

·  Serve as a participating and voting member of the collegiate officer’s team and committee.

·  Ensure that officer training is completed for the successor to the collegiate officer.

·  Attend all officer training workshops and train the advisor’s successor.

·  Participate in the Target Achievement Workshop.

·  Keep an up-to-date Officer Notebook.

·  Attend Advisor Team meetings.

·  Maintain an advisor file.

·  Attend chapter activities and functions/events when possible.

·  Be a positive role model and foster sisterhood.

·  Be willing to listen and learn and have a desire to assist the chapter.

·  Be willing to accept change while relating to permanent values and standards of the Fraternity.

·  Function in a helpful and supportive, rather than judgmental manner. When dealing with chapter members and situations, be patient, fair, wise and kind, but firm. Maintain a sense of humor.

·  Know and use correct parliamentary procedure.

·  Designate another advisor to substitute in your place when needed.

·  Use correct Alpha Gamma Delta terminology. Consult the Alpha Gamma Delta Stylebook.

Duties of Chapter Coordinator Advisors

In addition to duties of all advisors, coordinator advisors are expected to:

·  Occasionally attend Executive Council with only voice, upon the approval of the Chapter Advisor.

·  Attend Executive Council with voice and vote if representing the team advisor in her absence.

Duties of Executive Council Advisors

In addition to the duties of all advisors, Executive Council advisors are expected to:

·  Serve as a participating and voting member of Executive Council.

·  Observe chapter room secrecy of Executive Council.

·  Sign reports to show agreement with the information.

·  Serve as the team leader advisor.

·  Advise all collegiate officers on the team if there are no other advisors.

·  Communicate regularly with the other advisors on the assigned team.

·  Attend the annual Executive Council Workshop.

·  If unable to attend Executive Council, appoint another advisor on the team to attend.

·  Substitute for the Chapter Advisor in her absence, or at her call.

Presented at the Volunteer Leadership Conference 2007 1