
A capstone is an entire course, portion of a course, or field experience (internship, work placement, etc.) expected at or near the end of a student’s academic career. These experiences usually require students to demonstrate all or a portion of the skills they have acquired as a part of their matriculation in and through a given program or curriculum. They may be part of a formal course, program, or graduation requirement.


  • Significant time investment for development and implementation (similar to FYE?)
  • Instructor compensation
  • Additional time for scoring and grading (is assessment separate from course evaluation?)
  • FTSE benefit
  • Data collection and storage
  • Time to review results and make improvement decisions
  • Any other costs associated with specific instruments embedded in the course


  • Multiple measures can be administered to an attentive and motivated group of students
  • Flexible
  • Benefits to the student – summative experience, preparation for the future, learning community
  • Consistency – all students get the same assessments at the same time
  • All the other benefits associated with the chosen instruments


  • Costly development and maintenance (time and effort)
  • If required, it can be a disincentive to graduation.
  • If optional, the student population may not be representative.
  • Cannot be used for benchmarking or longitudinal data for each student beyond a single semester
  • Mostly a summative assessment for the student, not formative
  • All other disadvantages associated with the chosen instruments

Implementation Suggestions:

  • Make earlier course work inquiry-based to prepare and stimulate the students for the course.
  • The nature of the capstone experience will vary, but it should be of equal value regardless of future discipline.
  • Encourage and require collaboration.
  • The experience should enable the student to bring to a symbolic conclusion the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
  • Faculty and student work together in shared or mutually reinforcing projects.
  • Select multiple appropriate, reliable, and valid instruments for assessment.
  • Develop specific, measurable criteria, especially for performances
  • Survey students for course/experience improvement.


Capstone courses/experiences seem most appropriate for four-year institutions with a fairly well defined or constant student population. At PVCC, a capstone course may be useful for some specific programs, but it does not seem feasible for our general education population due to the swirl and graduation disincentive.


Mesa Technical College, 2000-2001 Student Learning Assessment Model, handouts from 2001 AAHE

Assessment Forum

Seybert, Jeffrey, “Assessing Student Learning”, Assessment Update, Volume 6, Number 4, 1994

Shepard College, “VII. Culminate With a Capstone Experience” Ten Ways to Change Undergraduate

Education, <

Van Kollenburg, Susan E., ed. A Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement:

Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the North Central Association: Serving the Common

Good: New Dimensions in Higher Education. Chicago, The Higher Learning Commission. 2001.