Helper Training 2014

Coordinating the class

  • Participate in the class – from the beginning shines to the end (don’t stand in the back and watch/socialize). Two volunteers can go to the front during the warm up and assist with demo.
  • If a student is struggling or has missed a class, take them to the back for a few minutes and quietly assist them. If it’s distracting to the class you can take them outside.
  • If you are a new volunteer, introduce yourself on Day 1 to the instructor and the other volunteers. As long as there is room, please try to join the rotation. New helpers should always get priority on getting into the rotation in every class. The most senior helpers should be walking around.
  • Please do not congregate in large groups at the doorway, around the hallways or in the back. If you have to discuss something kindly leave the studio and go outside so as not to interrupt the lesson.
  • Help us keep the class quiet when the instructor is talking. Refocus the students on the instructions and let them know you’ll answer their questions during practice time.
  • Social dancing with other volunteers while class can be intimidating for the students. You can practice before or after the class or at the outings
  • Attempting advanced moves that the students have not been taught while in the rotation is intimidating. If you are dancing with a student who is advanced and shows a lot of potential it is fine to give them a bit of a challenge (maybe similar moves with different handholds) but do so discreetly and let them know you are doing this because they are learning so quickly
  • Be aware if you are blocking the view of the student. Stand away for the center of the room.
  • Please don’t stand in the back of the class and expect the students to ask you for help. Learning to dance can be very intimidating and many students won’t feel comfortable seeking out a volunteer. If you are not in rotation, make an effort to speak with every student by the time each class has ended. Some may require corrections others will benefit from a simple word of encouragement. Start from one end in the first practice round and then switch and start from another end. Don’t forget the students in the middle.
  • If you are in the rotation please don’t clump around other helpers. Spread yourselves out and try to have a male leader at the beginning of the rotation and at the end so you can speed up the rotation process.
  • Every instructor should go in one direction and his or her assistant should go in the opposite direction of the U shape so that you meet in the middle. Next practice song switch sides. The senior helper who is also walking around should see where the instructor and assistance are going and try to target those not being helped

Feedback and interaction

  • Please interact with the students, especially if they are alone, to make them feel more comfortable.
  • Please wear a nametag in every class and introduce yourself as a “Helper” and provide (in a very positive way) constructive feedback if you are comfortable doing so and confident in your feedback. Many students have been commenting that they prefer more feedback about their dancing skills. Be aware of what you are saying to the students – everything has to be positive, even your suggestions for improvement. Share your own development stories – it helps to show how realistic dancing is for everyone. Put yourself in the students’ shoes and remember what it felt like to be at their level. Be empathetic to their feelings. If you don’t know the answer to a question ask the instructor.
  • Read the students. Some want assistance. Some want to be left alone. If your feedback is not being received well, let it go or let the instructor know.
  • Do provide input to the instructors. If a student gives you feedback or if you have any ideas, let us know.
  • Give all students equal time. If someone asks for specific assistance it is fine for a short period of time but other students will notice the special attention. Also too much attention can make students feel not good enough so give them feedback and the leave them alone to try it out. You can follow up at the next practice round.


  • Your role as a TDS Helper is to instill a sense of passion and love of dance in our students and make them feel welcomed, comfortable and part of the family.
  • Volunteers must arrive to class prior to the start of the class (15 minutes early) – remember you are a TDS representative and you are setting the example for the rest of the students. When students and volunteers come in late it is a distraction and affects the entire class. If volunteers come in late it shows students they can do the same.
  • Volunteers must let us know ahead of time through email if they cannot attend a class. Remember that you have taken on a 9 week commitment so please do your very best to attend every class. If you have to miss a class please find a substitute of the same gender and skill level should you not be able to attend. It is a good idea to have a helper buddy that can take over your shift and vice versa in case of emergencies. You can also post on the facebook group for help.
  • We highly encourage you to attend outings and the socials. Students love to see more advanced dancers as it inspires and motivates them and they also have people to talk to if they are alone as they recognize you from classes. Because of this we offer our helpers 50% off all outings, free entry for Bachata socials and $4 helper cover at the Sunday Salsa socials. Also the first 3 male and 3 female helpers who come to the Sunday Salsa social and want to be helpers get in for free. As Social Helpers you will be responsible for asking students to dance (especially those students that are new to our events!), introducing students to others, answering questions, catching students up on missed classes, etc.
  • Learn how to both lead and follow. It will make you a better dancer and a better volunteer. The time to do this is when there are enough helpers in the rotation and walking around.
  • Have fun. Classes should be light and fun. Just ensure everyone is included in the fun.


  • If you are assigned attendance or have to take it over please note the following:
  • Pay attention to any comments next to the person’s name. If they owe money don’t let them do the class without completing payment. There are bank machines in every club location. If they paid for a DVD ask the instructor for one and give to the student and then make sure you put down that they received it.
  • If someone wants to watch a class and they haven’t made an appointment please ask them to watch from the outside of Empress or at the doorway of the downtown clubs. This is for students’ safety and for the safety of the students’ purses and valuables. No one should be in the studio unless they are on the attendance list.
  • If someone comes in for a makeup and is not on the list let them in but ensure that they understand that they have to be granted approval for a makeup. There are no drop ins. Take their name down so we have a record.
  • If someone states that they have paid for the class and is not on the list, take their full name, phone number and email down. More than half of these people have not paid so we need to be able to contact them.
  • If someone wants to do a drop in, we do not allow drop ins. Refer them to the website. Only exception is if they are a current student wanting extra practice in their own level then it’s $10 drop in only if numbers allow it.
  • If someone wants to pay, they are welcome to drop off payment to either the instructor or the assistant directly.