Middle School C&I Day

August 10, 2011

EB Stanley Middle School

***Bring Your Laptop for the Activities

8:30 – 9:00 / 9:00 – 11:45 / 11:45 – 1:00 / 1:15-3:30
EBSMS Auditorium (All Faculty – Unless Otherwise Assigned) / Break Out Sessions : Technology in the Classroom *
Session 1 (9:15 – 10:15)
Session 2 (10:30 – 11:30)
If you choice is full, select anther session / Lunch on Your Own / 12:15 -3:30
Middle School Librarians (School Board Office) / 1:15-2:15
Response to Intervention
EBSMS Auditorium (All Faculty – Unless Otherwise Assigned)
Achieve 3000 Training
(Selected EBSMS/DMS Teachers) (Computer Lab – New Addition) / 2:30-3:30
Collaboration (For teachers who attended RTI workshop) -See Below **
8:30 – 11:45
Math Teachers/SPED Math Teachers – New Textbook Training - School Board Meeting Room / Guidance Counselors – Virginia Wizard & Career Clusters – Library Computer Lab / 1:00 – 3:30
Algebra I Teachers – New Textbook Training - School Board Meeting Room / 1:15-3:30
Achieve 3000 Training
(Selected WMS/GSMS Teachers) (Computer Lab – New Addition)
Guidance Counselors – Virginia Wizard – Library Computer Lab / 1:15-3:30
Math Teachers/SPED Math Teachers – Meet with Judy Honaker (Library)
1:15 – 3:30
Collaboration (Spanish, PE, Band, Chorus, Art, ) – Discuss the years activities, pacing, and arrange calendar – special activities during the year***

* Break Out Sessions: Technology in the Classroom

GlogsterEdu – Stingrays Room

Websites for student creativity (prezi, animoto, etc.) – Dolphins Room

VoiceThreads – Sharks Room

CPS (using the clicker in the classrooms) – Marlins room

Tech Tips for integrating technology - Barracudas Room

**Collaboration Room Assignments (2:30 -3:30)

Science 6 – Tiger Room

Science 7 – Panthers Room

Science 8 – Bobcats Room

Social Science 6 – Eagles Room

Social Science 7 – Badgers Room

Social Science 8 – Stingrays Room

Language Arts 6 – Dolphins Room

Language Arts 7 – Sharks Room

Language Arts 8 – Marlins Room

***Collaboration (Spanish, PE, Band, Chorus, Art)

Band/Choral Teachers – Band and Music Rooms

Art – Art Room

Spanish – Spanish Room

PE - Gym

For Collaboration sessions, bring written lesson plans or activities to share. Focus on technology use, SOL’s, activities student’s enjoy, etc.

Career & Technical Education

Curriculum & Instruction Day

August 10, 2011

Middle School

8:30 -11:45

All Middle School CTE Teachers will be at EB Stanley Middle School. They will attend the general sessions in the morning.

1:00 – 3:00

All Middle School CTE Teachers will report to the Neff Center for CTE informational session.