Health ScienceSexually Transmitted Diseases-Chapter 18Lecture Handout
The Major STDS
Seven STDs pose major health threats
Bacterial Infections
Viral Infections
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Hepatitis B (HBV)
Herpes simplex virus(HSV)
Human immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV)
Chlamydia (“The clap”)
Most prevalent bacterial STD in U.S.
Symptoms in the female-Most women asymptomatic. If symptomatic, women have discharge, vaginal bleeding, painful urination, painful intercourse, abdominal pain, nausea, fever, etc.
Symptoms in the male: Painful urination, slightly watery discharge from penis, sometimes pain around testicles
- Gonorrhea
Symptoms in the female-Most women asymptomatic. If symptomatic,women experience painful urination, pelvic pain, vaginaldischarge.
Symptoms in males – Thick yellow-white discharge from penis caused by urethritis, painful urination
Symptoms –
Primary Syphilis - Painless sores (chancre) appears 10-90 days after exposure
Secondary Syphilis - Body rash 3-6 weeks after chancre
Tertiary Syphilis- If left untreated, 1/3 can have damage to organs and nervous system, dementia, blindness and death
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PID
Definition: Progressive infection that harms a women’s reproductive system
Symptoms - long and painful periods, discharge, spotting, low abdominal pain, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, pain during intercourse.
Caused by: untreated Chlamydia and Gonorrhea infections
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Most common STD in the US
Gardasil is a vaccine against most common strains of HPV
Causes genital warts and genital cancers
•Small bump on the skin or a large, warty growth/ Cauliflower-like mass on genitals
•Most people who carry HPV have no visible warts or any symptoms but are contagious
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Caused by the hepatitis B virus
Found in all body fluids
Causes Inflammation of the liver
•Can lead to liver disease and death
Preventable with vaccination. (given at birth)
• Extreme fatigue, headache, fever, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, tenderness in abdomen
Herpessimplex virus (HSV) (Comes in two forms)
HSV1 & 2 (Both cause herpes)
•HSV1 causes cold sores & fever blisters
•HSV2 causes genital herpes (lesions)
•90% of infected people are asymptomatic; symptoms are flulike symptoms in addition to lesions.
Human immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV)
Virus that causes AIDS
Found in all body fluids; most concentrated in blood, semen and breast milk
Suppresses the immune system because HIV attacks and kills T helper cells
Early Symptoms are similar to flu symptoms; later stages marked by weight loss, night sweats, fatigue, opportunistic infections etc.
What Can You Do to Protect Yourself
Diagnosis and Treatment
Get vaccinated
Be alert for symptoms
Get tested
Inform your partners
Get Treated (bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics; viral infections cannot be cured, but can be treated with antiviral medications which lower the viral load)
Use a barrier defense.
Know your potential partner. (To say the least!)
Women are hit hard by STDs
Male-to-female transmission of STD’s is more likely to occur.
Young women are more vulnerable because the cervix is more susceptible to injury and infection.
Once infected women seem to suffer more consequences of STDs
•Ex. gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause PID in women