Dear Radiation Equipment Users,
Please take note on the safety requirement for radiation equipment usersin EEE:
Must pass the 2 Safety Induction modules (e-learning) within ONE month of work commencement in EEE to gain access the lab for your project/work:
- OHS2SIL01 NTU Safety Induction for Lab Users + Quiz via NTULearn
- EEE2SIL01 EEE Safety Induction + Quiz via NTULearn
Dear EEE Lab Users,
Please take note on the safety requirement for all EEE Lab Users:
Must pass the 2 Safety Induction modules (e-learning) within ONE month of work commencement in EEE to gain access the lab for your project/work:
- OHS2SIL01 NTU Safety Induction for Lab Users + Quiz via NTULearn
- EEE2SIL01 EEE Safety Induction + Quiz via NTULearn
Complete the identified 11 Core Modules of Safety Training as below:
- Electrical Safety
- Fire Safety
- Office Ergonomics
- Slip, Trip & Fall
- Manual Lifting
- Use of Fire Extinguisher
- Risk Management: Introduction
- Risk Management: Legal Requirements
- Risk Management: Doing Risk Assessment
- Risk Management: Risk Control Measures
Complete the following modules of related to handling of ionizing radiation materialsas below:
- Ionizing Radiation: Introduction to IR & Local Regulation
- Ionizing Radiation: Hazards and Monitoring
- Ionizing Radiation: Protection and Spill Response
To access these safety modules, please login in to NTULearn (click here) and proceed to enrol for the courses under the following steps:
Login with your Userid and Password
Click “Courses” tab at the top menu
Select from the list of courses:Eg.OHS2SIL01 - NTU Safety Induction for Laboratory Users
Complete the course and take Quiz
Proceed to take the course: Eg. EEE2SIL01 EEE - Safety Induction for Laboratory Users
Complete the course and take Quiz
Click on “Check Your Grades at the bottom left menu and do a screenshot on the grade (made sure your name appeared on it so can identified your test result).
Email the screenshot to Yock Ching Fong and cc to me, .
Do let me know if you encounter problem to login and to complete the quiz.
You can also view your records on the Safety Training Management System (STMS) on the next day by following the steps as below:
For Staff
> Learning & Development Services
> Safety Training Management Services
> Safety Course Records
> View/Print My Training Records.
For Students
> Learning & Development Services
> Safety Training Management Services
> Safety Course Records
> View/Print My Training Records.
You will be required to show your training records to our laboratory staff in charge before you are allowed to use any of the EEE laboratory facilities.
You may wish to take note that all laboratory users shall complete the above safety induction modules within ONE month from the date of work commencement. Failure to do so shall constitute a safety violation and offenders shall be dealt with according to the disciplinary action stipulated in the EEE SOP on Laboratory Safety Rules.
You may write to EEE Safety Committee () should you encounter any issues.
Thank you for the attention.
Best regards,
PC Tan
Safety Training Management Focal Group
EEE Safety Committee