Date | time10/11/2016 10:00 AM | Meeting called byCoordinating Committee

Attendance: Dawne Quinn, Gwen McCann, Cindy Cole, Karen Ziel, Rosemary Lamie, Marcie Jackson, Kyle Cannon, Jill Manners, Georgette Huie,



Item Note: Items in RED require action



10:00 am / Devotion: we shared joys and concerns for our congregations, our families and especially our member, Tracy Bausum who is undergoing eye surgery. / All /
10:05 am / Continuing Education-share ideas around Advent, Christmas, Pageants– deferred until November (did not get to discuss these ideas) / All /
For our November offering??
10:15 am / Approve minutes and reports
  • Minutes of 9/13/16 meeting were approved
  • Registrars report – no change; big renewal month
  • Treasurer’s report – no change. Balance $1532.62
  • NEAUCE (added) – Draft title for 2017 “Towards Common Ground”
Will be in same location in NH. May 2-4, 2017. Same price. Will include Racial Justice Training and three keynotes: Day McAlister, Heidi Hadsell and a CE professor. Worship will be led by a team from CT. More details will be available at the next meeting.
  • Karen announced that the 2017 CT UCC annual Meeting is June 16-17.
/ Rosemary
Tracy G.
Georgette /
10:25 pm / Read our vision statement:
CAUCE will foster communities that affirm, equip, support, develop, and
advocate for leaders of faith formation / All /
10:25pm / Ryan Gackenheimer, Director of Silver Lake (via Zoom) with an idea for “VBS
on the Road” How might CAUCE be involved?
Ryan introduced himself as did all those gathered. A new approach to increasing familiarity with Silver lake and the summer conferences. A team from SLCC would go to a church and present a VBS program for K – 4th graders. The program is designed to be held during the day but could include an overnight experience for 3rd and 4th graders to approximate a SLCC experience as much as possible. The SLCC team would work with local volunteers to present the program. A threefold goal: Provide VBS to churches who would not otherwise be able to do one; partnering with local churches; and a potential feeder for SLCC. The program will start this year with three churches: Norfolk, Southbury; and South Church in Granby. Financially, SLCC would probably charge a fee per person for a minimum number of children. After that number is reached, the church would decide how to pay for the difference. There could be a fee charged to families, fundraising events could be held, etc. Ideally, Ryan would come to the church and preach and have an introductory program on a Sunday morning. One question was would the team consider hosting an overnight experience without the full VBS? Ryan will explore. A few folks at the meeting said their church could be interested in that idea. Ryan welcomes any ideas or questions. Correction: Email him . The URL for SLCC issilverlakect.org / Ryan Gackenheimer /
10:45 am / Continued discussion of CAUCE 2016-2017 as guided by the survey results; Karen distributed the results and asked that we review them before the next meeting.
Stepping Stones–info coming soon.
Annual Event/Retreat – tabled until after the discussion of the survey results
Web presence/social media – the team who has been working on this is very close to a launch / Dawne and Gwen /
11:30 am / Closing Prayer/Lunch / Gwen and Dawne /
. / Next month:Georgette volunteered to do a devotion.

Next meeting: November 8th, 2106 9:30 coffee and discussion, 10:00 meeting

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