/ Sustainability Committee

Earth Week

April 16-21, 2007

I.Proposed Activities:

A.LOGISTICS: During the Monday-Friday events, the Committee thought that activities should occur between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. during the school week to maximize attendance (grab them between classes and at lunch). The Saturday work day will run from 9:00 a.m. – noon.

We need to reserve in front of the bookstore and under the sky bridge with fifteen long tables and chairs. In case of rain for the speaker day, we need to reserve the BaxterCenter, 2nd Floor Huge room in the Ed Bldg. and/or the basement library.

A volunteer list to man the tables during earth week will be put together and distributed shortly. I will approach student government and Terese will approach student services.

B.SPEAKERS: Invitations will go out no later than March 15, 2007. Speakers will be invited to participate on Wednesday. This will be the biggest day of events.

B.FILM SERIES: Kevin Christopher organizes and should be contacted. The Ecology Club has also put together films so perhaps they can work together.


Neighborhood reach-out: Simone and Jill will create and post flyers in local neighborhoods and on campus. Terry and Tammy will help as able. We will also approach Our Lady of the Lake, the Jewish Community Center, MOMS club of Seattle, the CommunityChurch (Ken Reiman) on 92nd & 5th since they have all expressed interest in participating.

Polaris: Jill will contact Polaris.

New NSCC blog: Tammy will draft a small blurb on Northspeaks.com or should we post our fact sheet?

Screen Saver: Terry will develop a screen saver for the week’s events. Kevin Christopher needs to be contacted.

Student Government: Jill will contact Jeffrey Vasquez about assigning Sustainability to a member and growing participation.

II.Proposed Schedule

April 16:

Sustainability, the Environment & Business (11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

Tables will be provided with information.

Barry Bettinger of Snoqualmie Creamery has participated in a lot of sustainability programs and Simone has contacts and will handle.

The following will be approached about having a booth or providing handouts. Tasks will be split among Jill and interns though volunteers are highly appreciated:

  • Seattle City Light representative
  • FlexCar
  • Ballard Market
  • PCC
  • Linda Muter? Anyone have the name of her business?
  • Toyota Hybrid Cars.

** will tie in guest Speaker Thomas Kerns to POL 102 class. I will ask Rick Olguin to cancel class and ask students to attend. We will also advertise and open to the public for this day.

April 17:

Sustainability, the Environment & Agriculture (11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

Tables will be provided for handouts.

The following will be approached about having a booth or providing handouts. Tasks will be split among Jill and interns though volunteers are highly appreciated:

  • Full Circle Farm
  • Luke Woodward runs Oxbow Farm in Carnation
  • PCC
  • Ballard Market

Chris will contactPea Patches/Rich McDonald.

Linda Versage: Could you speak with Sylvia Kantor who works for King County Cooperative Extension on Education about local food issues and see if they have any handouts? And/or a representative fromSeattleCentralCommunity College culinary arts program?

April 18:

Sustainability, the Environment & Politics (11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

Big Speaker Day!! Tables will also be provided for handouts.

Possible Speakers:

  • Dr. Ron LaFayette
  • Staffer for Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray
  • Outreach offices of NOAA
  • Local politician Richard Conlin. He’s a great friend of the environment, creeks, bicyclists, etc. He’s done a lot to help the watershed this campus sits in: Thornton Creek.
  • EPA Regional Office Representative
  • Jim Diers is “former” head of Neighborhoods.He may be at UW. Should we contact him?
  • Environmental legislative staff for the mayor

Table Handouts:

  • Invite the Democrat and Republican political parties to be represented at a table and share information.
  • Provide summaries of pending city and legislation (POL 102 will do these).
  • Give Congressional Research Service briefing reports to attendees. I have copies of the latest report.

Logo Contest: Winner to be announced by Pete Lortz—

Prize (Case of Soda courtesy of Real Soda, two pizzas courtesy of Zagi’s Pizza and a case of ice cream courtesy of Snoqualmie Creamery)

Free Food is being investigated.

April 19:

Sustainability, the Environment & the Mind, Body & Soul

(11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

Tables will be provided with information.

The following will be approached about having a booth or providing handouts. Tasks will be split among Jill and interns though volunteers are highly appreciated.

  • The Vitamin Shoppe in Ravenna
  • Thomas Kerns regarding Chemical Sensitivities
  • Xenith massage
  • Spiritual person?

Former Student Erin Wilson (Phi Theta Kappa International VP) talks about waste. She will be invited to participate.

April 20:

Sustainability, the Environment & Environmental Justice (11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

Tables will be provided with information.

Linda Versage suggested wecontact the Community Coalition for Environmental Justice. They’re the experts in town. 206-720-0285

Linda also has a friend of mine is nationally known for his work in Environmental Justice but I’m not sure if he’s still in town. He worked for EPA in California and was at theSeattle office for a while: Running Grass. He would be top of the line. The folks at ccej should know if he’s still here. He likely won’t be free, however.

NSCC Collaboration Day: Tie In Tree Inventory count? Pete will approach the administration.

April 21:

Working Day (9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.)

Ivy Removal, Tree Inventory