HC Exceptional Faculty Grant Guidelines


The HC Foundation accepts applications for funding for Exceptional Faculty Grants. This year, the Academic Affairs Office has partnered with the Foundation in a pilot project to increase the award amounts for projects that advance specific Student Achievement Initiative goals. The additional funds are drawn from last year’s SAI payment.

Guidelines for all Applicants:

  • All full-time and part-time faculty members are eligible to apply for these grants. These grants are intended to support projects that promote student learning and should emphasize innovative approaches to teaching and learning.
  • Each grant application should:
  • include a narrative explaining how the project will benefit students, the College, or the community
  • identify the participants on the project
  • include a proposed budget (a budget form is included in the application)
  • General awards of $2,000 or less are available under the criteria outlined in Section 614 of the HCEA Agreement. This year, an additional $2,000 per project is available from Academic Affairs for activities that specifically advance one of the following Student Achievement Initiative (SAI) metrics:
  • Basic skills transition: Increase to and sustain in-year transition rates at 10 percent
  • College math: Increase in-year completions by 3 percentage-points (from 30 to 33%)
  • 15 college credits: Increase in-year attainment by 5 percentage-points (from 50 to 55%)
  • 45 credits:Increase attainment by 3 percentage-points (from 30 to 33%)
  • Grant applications must be received in the Academic Affairsoffice in building 9 no later than 4:00p.m. Friday, March10, 2017. This year’s extended deadline has been arranged with the support of HCEA. Funds are available between the times of notification and up to one year after the notification date — that is, the period between summer 2017 and spring 2018. The participating individual(s) must be a continuous employee(s) of Highline College during the period of the grant.

Additional Guidelines:

Funds may be used for:

•Professional travel

•Stipends for part-time faculty or for summer project work

•Project-related materials and supplies

•Student activities (field trips, admission fees, etc.)

•Single-course release time (requires full $4,000 award) for full-time faculty

Grant recipients will:

  • Upon completion of the project, submit a brief report including a description of the impact of the project on teaching and learning
  • Evaluate and share project results with appropriate audiences, including the HC Foundation and the Trustees
  • Scoring considerations to be used by the committee will include:
  • Project involves an innovative approach to teaching and learning
  • Project promotes student learning
  • For the enhanced $2,000 ($4,000 total) eligibility, the project must promote one of the four SAI objectives (above
  • Project identifies and addresses outcomes of the college
  • Project states a clear goal with a desired outcome

Faculty are welcome to apply in pairs or groups. However, a single project is capped at $4,000.

Please note that this year’s additional-funding option is the second year of a pilot program, offered with the support of Academic Affairs, the Foundation, and HCEA. The pilot’s outcome does not obligate any of the partners to sustain the current process into the future.

Please call the Academic Affairs office at (206) 592-3711, if you have any questions about the grant application process.