Faculty Programmes Report2016-17
Completed by (Associate Dean (ESE): / Date:
Reviewed by Dean: / Date:
Considered by FPC / Date:

Faculty Overview

Use this space to report on the Faculty’s educational activity between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2017in its taught programmes, including programmes taught collaboratively. Suggested headings under which to provide comment are shown in the box below, and the overview should a discussion of the impact of identified issues and actions.This section should not exceed 2000 words in total.
(An overview of the Faculty’s educational activity in the previous academic year. Use SWOT format if that is useful.)
Recruitment and student numbers
(Recruitment to UG, PGT, and taught PGR programmes, recruitment strategy, issues or actions taken)
Teaching spaces, equipment and the estate
(Suitability and provision of teaching space, improvements, issues, or measures taken)
Curriculum, validations, programme closures
(Please comment on any issues relating to the introduction of new programmes, programme validations or programme closures)
Student surveys (NSS, PTES, Module evaluation)
(Please comment on results and participation rates, and identify any areas of good performance or concern)
Appeals, complaints and student behaviour
(Any general comments on issues arising fromappeals/complaints received; and issues identified in student discipline, academic integrity and fitness to practise cases. Do not comment on individual cases.)
Are there issues that cannot be managed through at faculty level which should be escalated to AQSC?
(Please highlight any issues arising from the above report, or the Faculty’s Education Action Plan that are beyond the Faculty’s control, and which should be escalated for consideration at AQSC)
How effective have the Faculty's efforts to engage students in the quality assurance of its programmes been in 2016-17?
  • confirm that module survey has taken place for all taught provision in the Faculty in line with the University’s Module Survey Policy
  • confirm the mechanism/s used in the Faculty to carry out module survey
  • comment on the effectiveness of module survey in the Faculty,
  • comment on student engagement with SSLCs
  • comment on student involvement in validation
  • comment on student involvement in any other quality assurance processes

Annual Monitoring Process

Are you satisfied that the QME Annual Monitoring Process (Module Reports, Programme Reports, Collaborative Provision Reports, PGR Reports) has been carried out in a robust manner during the period 1 July 2016-31 June 2017, and that it has enabled issues to be appropriately escalated and discussed at Faculty Programmes Committee?
If no, please give details. / Yes


Contributions to University Enhancement Themes in 2016-17, Academic Student Support
What other Enhancement activities has the Faculty undertaken this year?
(Suggested maximum: 500 words)
What areas does the Faculty plan to focus on for enhancement for 2017-18?
(Suggested maximum: 500 words)