Formally adopted on September 28, 2010:





A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haddon was convened in the MunicipalBuilding, 135 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ on Tuesday, August 24, 2010, at 7:00PM.

Mayor Teague requested all stand for the flag salute.

Mayor Teague announced that Chapter 231, Public Law 1975 requires adequate notice of this meeting be provided. This was done by placing Annual Notice in the Courier-Post and Retrospect Newspapers and by posting on two bulletin boards in the MunicipalBuilding.

ROLL CALL:Mayor TeaguePresent

Commissioner FoleyPresent

Commissioner DoughertyPresent

Stuart Platt, Esq.,Greg Fusco, PE, Chief Cavallo, James Stevenson,Jennifer DellaValle,Lee Palo, and Denise P. Adams were also present.

Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 27, 2010 be approved, with all members voting in the affirmative.

Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the Minutes of the Caucus Meeting held August 17, 2010 be approved, with all members voting in the affirmative.

At the request of the Mayor, the Clerk read the following Ordinance by title:




Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the aforementioned ordinance introduced at this time be approved on the first reading and remain on file with the Clerk for public inspection until the public hearing thereon and further consideration thereof which will be on September 28, 2010, in the MunicipalBuilding. The Clerk was further directed to publish said ordinance together with the notice of such hearing in the manner required by law in the Retrospect Newspaper and also to post copies on the bulletin boards in the MunicipalBuilding prior to the second reading and make copies available to the general public of the Township who shall request same.

ROLL CALL:Mayor TeagueAye

Commissioner FoleyAye

Commissioner DoughertyAye

The following resolutions were approved by consent agenda, with a motion by Commissioner Foley, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, all members affirmatively concurring:

#2010-130 – Bill Resolution

#2010-131 -- Authorizing the Tax/Utility Collector to Process Posting Corrections and Various Other

Adjustments and Deductions

#2010-132 – Approval of Change Order #3 – 2010 Road Maintenance Improvement Program (amending

contract from $263,454.00 to $294,070.25, an increase of $30,616.25)

#2010-133 – Honoring Navy Corpsman Joe Malandro for his Dedicated Service to his Country

#2010-134 – Renewal of Membership in the CamdenCounty Municipal Joint Insurance Fund

#2010-135 – Approving Submission of a Grant Application and Execution of a Grant Agreement with

the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the Restoration of Emerald Avenue –

Phase 4 (from Center Street to Locust Avenue)

#2010-136 – Approving Submission of a Grant Application and Execution of a Grant Agreement with the

New Jersey Department of Transportation for the Haddon Bikeway, from the Haddon

TownshipMiddle School to the Recchino Recreation Ball Fields

#2010-137 – Professional Service Contract Award – Historic Preservation Architect

#2010-138 – Authorizing Application for a Historic Sites Management Grant for the Westmont Theater and

Commitment of a 25% Grant Match

#2010-139 – Revising Resolution #2010-078, Authorizing Acceptance of a Reduced Grant Amount from the

New Jersey Economic Development Authority Pursuant to the Hazardous Discharge Site. Commissioner Foley requested clarification on the amount of the grant being revised and noted that the amount in the first paragraph should include the original grant amount. The Clerk indicated that the original grant was for $26,917.24 and corrected the amount on the Resolution accordingly.

Remediation Fund for Lot 14 of Block 21.06 in a Redevelopment Area

#2010-140 – Award Contract for the Acquisition of a Submersible Wastewater Pump

#2010-141 – Award Contract for the Acquisition of a Four Wheel Drive Articulated Wheel Loader


The Commissioners approved Raffle License #RA:14-2010 and 15-2010 for StrawbridgeSchool PTA with a motion by Commissioner Foley, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, all members voting in the affirmative.

Commissioner Foley moved to authorize the Clerk to Advertise a Priority Bid for the Acquisition of Water Meters, said motion seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, all members affirmatively concurring.

The following reports were presented and ordered filed:

Revenue Report for the Month of July 2010

Budget Status Report for July2010

Construction Official’s Report for July 2010

Tax Collector’s Report for Month of July 2010

Mayor Teague reported that the responsibility of overseeing Channel 19 programming was held by the Community Activities Office and due to recently layoffs, it was necessary to look at alternatives to keep the public access channel operational. He reviewed a proposal from Sponsor It to operate Channel 19. He explained that the Township currently paid $400 each month to TelVue for use of the equipment to maintain the local access channel. He indicated that the Township would purchase the needed equipment for $5,000, with the vendor reimbursing the Township by year’s end. Sponsor It would be responsible for the operation and production of Channel 19 under the direction of the Township, with the understanding that they would be permitted to secure non-commercial sponsors and underwriters to offset costs. Mayor Teague moved to accept the proposal and execute an Agreement with Sponsor It for the maintenance and operation of Channel 19, said motion seconded by Commissioner Foley, both members voting in the affirmative.

Mayor Teague opened the floor for thoughts or concerns to be brought before the Board.

Margaret Westfield, 425 White Horse Pike, HaddonHeights, explained that she was the consultant appointed to initiate the Westmont Theater Historic Sites Management Grant Application and offered to address questions that the Mayor and Commissioners or public may have. She provided a brief history of previous historic restoration projects that her firm had been involved with.She explained that the planning grant being sought from the New Jersey Historic Trust would allow for the preparation of a feasibility study to determine the best use of the building, as well as develop plans to stabilize the building’s exterior. She noted that the filing deadline was September 16th and explained that they were waiting on the CamdenCounty Improvement Authority’s approval as the owner of the building. She indicated that grant awards were expected to be made in March of 2011 and noted that the Westmont Theater project should be very competitive.

Frank Bierman, 58 E. Collingswood Avenue, queried who was responsible for zoning issues in the Township. He reported that he had been given the runaround recently when he attempted to stop his neighbor from installing a fence that was encroaching on his property. He indicated that he was questioned about his relationship with his neighbor and it was suggested he seek legal advice. He noted that the Zoning Officer is part time and was not available to assist. Commissioner Foley suggested that if it had been determined that the fence was installed incorrectly, then the Township could order the fence taken down and moved. Mr. Bierman reported that the issue was being resolved, but expressed frustration with the process when he tried to have the job stopped. Mayor Teague observed that if there was a boundary dispute, then the issue would have to be resolved between the neighbors as the Township could not offer legal advice. He suggested that the Zoning Officer would be the individual to report these types of concerns to.

BurtWatson, E. Greenwood Avenue, requested a status report on the Bettlewood Sanitary Sewer Replacement project. Mayor Teague reported that E. Ormond Avenue was being paved and noted that they were still looking at an October completion date. Mr. Fusco explained that curbing and paving was progressing and the gas company was moving along to wrap up their work.

Mary Berko, 445 W. CrystalLakeAvenue, suggested that residents be given an opportunity to speak on any future plans for the Westmont Theater. She queried if the proposed bike path would include the gulley. It was noted that the proposed path would run along the Van Sciver School side of the gulley.

There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the meeting be adjourned at 7:30 PM with all members voting in the affirmative.

August 24, 2010



Denise P. Adams, Municipal Clerk


Randall W. Teague, Mayor


John C. Foley, Commissioner


Paul Dougherty, Commissioner