Humanities: Scheme of Work


Year: 7

Topic: Italy Time: 6/7 Weeks

(13/14 lessons)


N/C 2000 Objectives:


6a. Countries:

i.  The regional differences that exist in Italy and their causes and consequences.

ii.  How and why Italy may be judged to be more or less developed

Opportunities to address cross-curricular themes:

Environmental education:

Relief and the shape of the land.

Cultural diversity:

Comparing Italian cultural identity with UK.


What does it mean to be a European citizen?


Reading, cloze procedure, spelling.


Maps skills such as scale, etc.

Handling/transforming economic data

Key Question / Content / Learning Objective / Suggested Activities / Resources / Key Words / Assessment / Homework
What is the European Community?
What does it mean to be a European citizen? / Examine the main features of the European community and European Citizenship. / To know the main features of the European Community / 1.  Label European countries on map of Europe
2.  History of Europe (EC)
3.  Timeline of events
4.  What does it mean to be a European Citizen? / Map of Europe
Key Geography Interactions / Europe
Citizen / Marking of class work / Learn the name of 10 European countries and their capitals.
Where is Italy?
What is Italy’s Geography? / Examine the location of Italy.
Examine the main human and physical features of Italy’s Geography. / To be able to describe the location of Italy
To know the location of Italy’s main geographical features. / 1. Brainstorm – Italy
2.  Describe the location of Italy in Europe.
3.  Label Italy’s main features onto an outline map.
4.  Write a letter to a pen pal in England describing Italy’s Geography. / Map of Europe (from previous lesson)
Outline maps of Italy – Where in Italy sheets / Italy
Location / Marking of class work / Draw the Italian Flag.
Name 10 famous Italians.
Find out 10 facts about Italy.
Using the yellow pages find the names of 5 Italian restaurants.
How is Italy different to England? / Examine differences between Italy and the UK / To be able to compare Italy with the UK.
To be able to use the internet to research information. / 1.  Students use the internet to complete a table of comparisons between Italy and England / Internet
Table of comparisons / GNP / Marking of class work
How does the Italian cultural identify differ to our own? / Identify the main features of the Italian culture. / To be able to describe Italy’s cultural identity. / 1.Define culture
2.  Read information about Italy’s culture
3.  Complete questions from text
4.  Compare culture with UK – Display as a table or drawings / Key Geography Interactions (p.56/7)
Italy Booklet (SEN) / Identity
Stereotype / Marking of class work
What are Italy’s main regions and how do they compare? / Identify Italy’s main physical and economic regions. / To be able to compare and contrast regions in Italy. / 1.  Define region
2.  Map main regions
3.  Students produce poster about one region – read to class and compare
4.  Which region would you prefer to live in – why? / Key Geography Interactions (p.60/1)
Italy Booklet (SEN) / Economic
Political / Marking of class work
What are the differences between the North and South of Italy? / Examine the physical differences between the North and South of Italy. / To be able to compare physical differences between the north and the south of Italy / 1.  Compare farming areas in two regions
2.  Compare other geographical features of the two regions / Key Geography Interactions (p.62/3)
Italy Booklet (SEN)
Key Geography Interactions Activity Sheet 4.5a
Key Geography Interactions Activity Sheet 4.6
Key Geography Interactions Activity Sheet 4.7 / Plain
Delta / Marking of class work
Examine the characteristics of life in Southern Italy / To be able to give reasons for low standards of living in the South of Italy. / 1.  Discuss main job types – primary, secondary and tertiary
2.  Discuss main types of jobs
3.  Examine problems experienced by people in the south of Italy.
4.  Describe recent improvements / Key Geography Interactions (p.66/7)
Italy Booklet (SEN) / Subsistence farming
Markets / Marking of class work / Write a letter from a person in the South of Italy to a cousin in the north to tell them what life is like.
Examine the characteristics of life in the North of Italy. / To be able to give reasons for high standards of living in the North of Italy. / 1.  Discuss main types of jobs-how does this compare with south?
2.  Examine reasons why the north is rich / Key Geography Interactions (p. 64/5)
Italy Booklet (SEN) / Commercial farming
Intensive farming
Industrial Triangle / Marking of class work / Write a letter from a person in the north of Italy to a cousin in the south to tell them what life is like.
Examine the reasons for industrial growth in the north of Italy. / To be able to explain the growth of Italy’s industrial triangle / 1.  Map the industrial triangle
2.  Explain reason for industrial triangle / Key Geography Places (p.74/5)
Italy Booklet (SEN) / Industrial Triangle
Valle d’Osta region / Marking of class work
Describe and explain the regional differences in wealth and development in Italy. / To be able to describe and explain regional differences in development in Italy / 1.  Discuss assessment
2.  Complete assessment: Describe and explain differences in wealth between Northern and Southern Italy / Assessment Resources – North South Italy Assessment – The relevant information can be found on GeoNet: Http:// under the teachers (VGD) section / Communications
Accessibility / National Curriculum Levels – See assessment criteria
Why do people in Italy migrate? / Examine migration from southern to northern Italy / To be able to explain migration patterns in Italy. / 1.  What is migration? –discuss
2.  Where will people migrate from in Italy? – why? / Migration cross word
Italy Booklet (SEN)
Atlas / Migration / Marking of class work
Is Italy interdependent? / Examine the extent to which Italy is interdependent / To understand the term interdependent. / Key Geography Places (p.82/3)
Italy Booklet (SEN) / Interdependent
Export / Marking of class work / Find out 10 things which Italy imports. Find 10 things which Italy exports
Is Italy a rich or poor country? / Investigate Italy’s level of development using economic statistics. / To be able to draw conclusions about Italy’s level of development. / Key Geography Places (p.84/5)
Italy Booklet (SEN) / Development
Standard of living
Sustainable / Marking of class work

End of Unit Assessment – Italy an EC country Key Geography Interactions Assessment Sheet 4.1