25MAY 2017
TS Tender 2017 -01 BarkleyCommunity BLKS SB8/9 MAG1/MC3
Timber SaleTender# 2017-01 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCFLPHarvest of Standing Timber and Road Building Cutting Permit 5 Blocks SB8, SB9, MC3, MAG 1
The Barkley Community Forest Limited Partnership (BCFLP) is the corporate entity entrusted to operate the Barkley Community Forest. The Licence Holder is the City of Ucluelet and Toquaht First Nations. The BCFLP is administered by a local Board of Directors and managed by a local Forestry Manager.
The BCFLP is seeking tendersfrom B.C. entities interested in purchasing standing timber from the Community Forest Lands. The BCFLP and its Board has a mandate to manage this tenure in a way that is both economically sustainable and provides positive benefits to the community These benefits include water quality, recreation, local employment, local use of forest products and non-timber forests products while maintaining a high level of forest stewardship including high utilization and low levels of waste post-harvest.
The BCFLP is requesting interested parties to present tenders to harvest approximately 40,895 m3 of wood. All work is to be completed by February15, 2018. There will be no extensions to the contract due to Cut Control considerations. Please see the attached Information Package for specifications.
Your bid proposal should include the following:
1.End use of logs or customers for the logs produced.
2.Access to, or relationships with, competent and experienced BC Safe Certified logging and road contractors.
3.Bid price per cubic meter.
4.The expertise and benefits your company can provide to ensure the maximum financial benefit to the BCFLP while ensuring its mandates are met.
5.Methods and assurances on how your company could meet the goals of the BCFLP regarding:
- high levels of local employment
- maximum utilization of wood within Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, and BC
6.Any other information you wish to provide, i.e. references etc.
The ForestManager of the BCFLP, Zoltan Schafer, R.P.F. may provide clarification if required on the information package provided however any additional information requested must be in writing by email at or by phoning (250) 720-1177.
Please submit your bid using the Bid Tender Offer Form by June 7, 2017 at @ 5:00pm.
The BCFLP makes no commitments as a result of this Timber Sale Tender and may, as a result of submissions received, accept or reject a bid at their sole discretion. Based on the tenders received, the BCFLP may issue a timber sale agreement for volumes to the amount in this timber sale tender.
Cutting Permit 5 Blocks SB8/SB9/MC3/MAG1
Approximately 40,895 m3 of second growth (approximately 37% Hemlock, 52% Douglas-fir, 2% Red Cedar, 5% Balsam, 2% Spruce and 6% Alder).
These blocks have 69.3 ha of 5% retention harvest area. There are adjacent Wildlife Tree Retention Areas and Timber Leave Areas for fisheries and other values of the management of the blocks.
There are no CMT’s, cultural values or visual concerns in these blocks however Block MC3 has some Karst features and will be identified on the final Harvest Map with the terrain Letter. This is for worker safety and does not impact on the volume harvest as it can be managed in the 5% retention.
There are fish streams in or adjacent to all blocks and must follow the RMA riparian management plan on the Harvest Maps and completed fisheries reports. These streams should have some focused retention retained on them.
Harvest volume is approximately 40,895 m3, with approximately 5.8 ha of internal right-of-way, and63.3 ha of ground based. There are some areas in MC 3 that require hand falling for steepness and all operations can be hoe chucked and processed safely with a log loader and log processor.
All harvesting must comply with all regulations, approved cutting permits, site plans and assessments.
2.Road Building:
Name / Length in Lineal
Meters / Stations / Length in Lineal
Mag 1-1 / 0+000 to 0+232 / 232
Mag1-2 / 0+000 to 0+155 / 155
Mer Main / 5+987 to 6+671 / 774
SB 8-1 / 0+000-0+293 / 293
SB 9-1 / 233 / 0+000-0+731 / 498
SB 9-2 / 0+000-0+161 / 161
SB 9-3 / 0+000-0+172 / 172
Total / 233 / 2285
New road of 233 lineal meters and 2285 lineal meters of reconstructionto be paid for by the successful proponent and constructed to the approved road permit, road construction maps, designs, bridge plans, RDL and the FPPR. Details are found in the Road Construction Information.
The successful bidder will be responsible for road maintenance from Kennedy DLS to all roads rehabilitated and newly constructed for the duration of the contract. This includes all approved road use agreements for FSR held under BCFLP. Any changes to the planned road construction must be approved by the BCFLP.
All harvesting and logging cleanup to be completed by February 15, 2018. Unharvested volume left on site meeting the contracted harvesting specifications will be charged as per the harvesting contract.
4. Waste and Residue:
The successful bidder will complete at their costs, waste and residue obligations including undertaking a waste and residue survey.
The Bidder will pay the Licensee:
(i)For Waste and Residue (W/R) as follows:
(a)The amount of $Bid Price/m3 times all coniferous W/R at block with a minimum of 10 cm top and greater diameter.(U grade and Better)
(ii) Payments above are exclusive of
(a)The first 20m3/ha of total W/R at block with a minimum of 10 cm top and greater diameter
The Bidder will pay the Licensee:
(i)The amount of $Bid Price/m3 for any logs or standing timber left on site upon
expiry of this Agreement that was included in the area designated to be harvested under this Agreement. (exclusive of designated leave trees)
5. Tendered Bid:
Your bid per cubic meter shall be for the volume of all species, all grades 10 cm top and greater diameter. The successful bidder is responsible to pay all HBS stumpage that is due to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations at the tabular rates, at their expense.
The Bidder will pay the Licensee:
(i)The amount of $Bid Price/m3 (the “Purchase Payment”) times the trucked volume equal to the m3 volume of all species, all grades Y grade and better, minimum 10 cm top and greater diameter.
(ii)The applicable tabular rate stumpage for all HBS stumpage due under this contract, including HBS stumpage required as per the waste and residue survey results.
Payment to be based on scale summaries provided by the bidder or scale and royalty (S/R) volumes of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. (MFLNRO).
6. Security Deposit:
The BCFLP will require a security deposit, at time of contract award, in the sum of $75,000 for this sale. The amount will be returned upon successful completion of all works. The deposit will be used for payment of works not completed or payments not made by the contractor. The deposit will not be returned if the contractor defaults on the contract.
7. Payment Schedule
The BCFLP will require a 25% payment based on the awarded Bid Price/$m3 and the cruise volume of 40,895 m3 for this sale ($/m3 * 40,895 *0.25). This is payable on signing of the contract for this sale.A payment schedule for the remaining volume will be set up in 3 equal payments for the term of this agreement which ends February 15, 2018.This is to ensure BCFLP receives payments regardless of logging and scaling timelines during the term of the agreement.
The BCFLP will require scale reports twice a month on the 15th and 30th.
8. Other Info:
Road Permit has been submitted and approval date expected is June 10, 2017.
Cutting Permit has been submitted and approval date expected is June 10, 2017
Road Use of FSR required for these blocks is approved under BCFLP
Kennedy DLS has an approved virtual scale site for the BCFLP
Final site plans and other final assessments will be supplied by June 15, 2017
Harvest and Road Instructions with SOP will be supplied in the final package
Approved cutting and road permits will be supplied in the final package
The successful bidder is responsible for all harvesting costs including but not limited to : falling, hoe chucking, processing, load, haul, site rehabilitation in the form of ditch cleaning , debris piling , deactivation , waste, scaling, Dryland Sort and towing costs and any other costs in harvesting of CP 5
BCFLP would like input on the appointment and approval of a scaler contractor.
The licensee will be responsible for planting and silviculture costs
TS Tender 2017 -01 BarkleyCommunity BLKS SB8/9 MAG1/MC3
Contract Name/Project: Harvest of Standing Timber and Road Building
Location:Blocks SB8, SB9, MAG1 and MC3
Deadline for Submissions: (5:00pm PST) June 7, 2017
Sealed Tender Submissions submitted in person or by mail to:
Office:BCFLP Office, 1971 Peninsula RD PO Box 759 Ucluelet, B.C. V0R3A0
Attention Zoltan Schafer, RPF Forestry Manager
Business Address:
Telephone Number:FAX Number:
Email Address:
WCB #:BCFSC Certification:
Identify how you may maximize local employment and support First Nations participation and/or attach your plan:
a)the nature and scope of the work described in the Tender Information Package and the tools and equipment required to complete the services or work (the ‘Work’);
b)the contents of all of the bid proposal documents issued by the BCFLP in respect of the Work, including any addenda; and
c)the locality of the Work and the conditions of the geographical area within which the Work will be carried out (the ‘Work Site’), having viewing the Work Site, if required.
a)undertake all Work and supply all materials, tools, equipment and labour necessary to perform the Work in strict accordance with the Bid Tender Documents, the provisions of this tender (the ‘Tender’), and at the rates and prices specified in this Tender, which rates and prices include all fees, expenses of any kind, cash allowances, contingencies and applicable taxes (excluding the GST);
b)sign a contract for the Work to be provided by the BCFLP (the ‘Contract’);
c)complete all Work to the satisfaction of the BCFLP in accordance with the Contract, including any schedules, specifications, maps or drawings, and permits which form part of the Contract.
d)not assign trade or sell the contract without the approval of the BCFLP.
a)This Tender is irrevocable for 30 days following the tender closing date.
If the Bidder revokes this Tender within 30 days following the tender closing date, or fails to execute the Contract within the time period specified in the Contract award letter: i. the BCFLP may pursue any remedy available to it at law or in equity.
b)if this Tender is accepted, the Bidder will provide the BCFLP with proof of insurance coverage required in the Contract;
c)the successful bidder will be designated as the owner under the Workers Compensation Act Part 3 in respect to any workplaces associated under this agreement. The bidder as the owner may appoint a third party contractor as prime contractor for any workplace under this agreement that is a multi-employer workplace for the purposes of WCA Part 3 Section 118. All third party contractors must be registered with the BC Forest Safety Council and be registered as an independent form under the Workers Compensation Act.
d)the successful Bidder will ensure that each member of the workforce who will perform the Work in Canada under the contract is either a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or holds a valid employment visa from the Government of Canada;
e)any attachments to this Tender, including schedules, information on subcontractors, unit prices, timing of work, drawings and specifications are an integral part of this Tender, as if set out at length in the body of this Tender;
f)the Bidder hereby certifies that:
i.the rates and prices in this Tender have been arrived at independent of any other bidder;
ii.the rates and prices in this Tender have not been knowingly disclosed by the Bidder, and will not be disclosed by the Bidder prior to contract award, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or competitor;
iii.no attempt has been made, nor will be made, to induce any other person to submit, or not to submit, a tender, for the purpose of restricting competition; and
iv.non-compliance with the requirements of this certification will result in the disqualification of this Tender.
TS Tender 2017 -01 BarkleyCommunity BLKS SB8/9 MAG1/MC3
Table 1 – Unit Prices for Items of Work
Item # / Description of Work / Rate/m31 / To harvest approximately 40,895 m3 of Second Growth timber to approved Cutting Permits, site plans and FPPR and construct approximately 233 lineal meters of new road construction and 2285 lineal meters of reconstruction to Industry Standard, approved permits and FPPR.
Bids must be exclusive of GST.
THIS TENDER has been signed by the Bidder or its duly authorized representatives or officers
on the _____ day of______, 2017
Signature of Bidder or Bidder’s Authorized Representative
Print or type name and position of Bidder or Bidders’ Authorized Representative.
Appendix A – Exhibit A Maps 1:20,000 Cutting and Road Permit
Appendix B – 1:30,000 Overview Map of Blocks
Appendix C – Road Construction, Reconstruction and Harvest Draft Maps
Appendix D- Harvest and Cruiser Call grade Compilations for CP 5
Appendix E-RDL, road designs and bridge plan for SB9
Appendix F- Fish Reports completed by Dave Clough, RP Bio for Blocks
Appendix G- Terrain Letter for MC 3
Appendix H- Stumpage Rates Community Tenure
TS Tender 2017 -01 BarkleyCommunity BLKS SB8/9 MAG1/MC3