Tender for your future
- Would you like to secure a farm tenancy but need a bit more advice?
- Do you want to polish up some farm business skills or have questions which need to be answered?
- Are you thinking of entering the NFYFC Farm Business Development Competition next year but could do with some training?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, take up NFYFC’s offer, in conjunction with Savills, for a free training event with professional land agents in Exeter on Friday 20 November, London on Friday27 November and York on Friday 15 January 2010.
Savills has been recognised as the leading name in the UK property sector for generations. Formed in 1855 today Savills manage over 2 million acres on behalf of private, institutional and corporate clients in the UK, providing commercial expertise, a thorough knowledge of rural businesses and an understanding of the pressures and opportunities owners and occupiers face. Savills has worked with NFYFC to secure Defra funding for three regional events of informal training, workshops and discussion covering forms of land occupation, including contract farming agreements, Farm Business Tenancies and Agricultural Holdings Act (AHA) tenancies.
Clive Beer, Savills’ Head of Rural Professional Services, Ashley Lilley, Savills’ Agribusiness Consultant and Charlotte Balaam, Savills’Rural Consultantand Essex YFC member will provide the professional expertise on issues ranging from rent tender applications to the Tenancy Reform Industry Group (TRIG) reforms and their application. They will be joined by George Dunn, Chief Executive of the Tenant Farmers Association (TFA), who will give a briefing on the current market for agricultural tenancies and policy background.The events will be located at Savills’ Exeter and London offices and York Racecourse. Refreshments will be provided.
The event is free to YFC members, but as we anticipate high take-up for this offer, you are asked to send a £10 non-refundable deposit to NFYFC (refundable if your application is unsuccessful). If you are successful in securing a place, you will be advised accordingly and further details will be provided.
Please fill in and return the form attached with your cheque made payable to NFYFC.
Tenancy Training Event
- 3.30pmRegistration and coffee
- 4.00pmIntroduction and overview - A landlord’s perspective on tenancy - Clive Beer,
The tenant farmer’s perspective - George Dunn, Tenant Farmers Association
- 4.30pmWorking towards a successful tender - Introductions to workshops
- 4.45pmTechnical points of tenancy - Charlotte Balaam, Savills
- 5.15pmTenancy and farm management – Ashley Lilley, Savills
- 5.45pmWorkshops - Making asuccessful business proposal
- 6.45pmPresentations
- 7.45pmFeedback
- 8.00pmDepart
Supported by
Reply Slip
Post back reply slip with cheque for the sum of £10 made out to NFYFC to: Sarah Palmer, NFYFC, YFC Centre, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2LG. Contact details: Tel: 024 7685 7213
Email: (If you are unsuccessful with your application, your £10 deposit will be returned.)
A maximum number of 20 YFC members can attend, based on a first come, first served basis for the Exeter and York venue, 40 for the London venue.
Please return the attached form with your name, contact details and YFC membership number and cheque. You will be informed if you have been successful in gaining a place and further information will then be forwarded.
I would like to attend the NFYFC/Savills Training Day on: (Please tick appropriate date and venue)
Friday 20 November 2009, Exeter………Savills, Exeter -The Forum, Barnfield Road, ExeterEX1 1QR
Friday 27 November 2009, London ………Savills,20 Grosvenor Hill, Berkeley Square, London, W1K 3HQ
Friday 15 January 2010, York………York Racecourse, York, YO23 1EX
YFC Membership No:…………………………………………………………..
YFC Club:…………………………………………………………………………......
(Please tick/highlight where appropriate)
Dietary or access
Thank you