Teacher Outings Auction
At Octoberfest (Oct. 10th)
Spend time with your favorite Sope Creek teacher, faculty member or administrator!
Support the Sope Creek Foundation by coming to Octoberfest and bidding on an outing.
Below is a list of the outings, a brief description and a minimum opening bid.
If you are unable to attend Octoberfest, you may submit a bid by returning the bottom of this completed form in a sealed envelope to the front office no later than noon on Friday, October 9th. The envelopes will be opened and the enclosed bids will be posted to the bid sheets being completed during Octoberfest at 4:30 PM, 30 minutes prior to the close of all bidding.
If you plan to attend Octoberfest, you do NOT return this page. You will make your bid at the Foundation Outing Boards from 2 to 5 PM during Octoberfest at the school.
Outing GroupDescriptionMinimum Bid
Kindergarten (All Teachers) Ball in the Hall -after school play & sundaes Nov 12 2:30-3:45$35
1st Grade (All Teachers) Chuck E. Cheese- w/your teacher & a mouse!Nov 12 3-4:15$35
2nd Grade (All Teachers) Bowling -2 games with your teacher and a snack Feb 25 3-5p$35
3rd Grade (All Teachers) Party in the Annex!!- games, crafts, ice cream Dec 7 2:30-3:30$35
4th Grade (All Teachers) Bowling – 2 games with your teacher and a snack Jan 21 3-4:30$35
5th Grade (Heyburn, Foote, Aasen)All-Star Pizza- Make and eat pizza! Bring a friend Nov 18 2:45-4$35
5th Grade (Rowlett/Ellingston, Bowling- an afternoon of bowling with teachers Date TBD $35
Lacher, Cronin, Farkas)
5th Grade( McDowell) Movies- Anyone and all can come! Saturday afternoon TBD $25
Administration (Whalen) Be Principal for a day!Make announcements and more! $5/tix raffleAdministration (Appleyard) Design Your Own Yearbook Page! Your pics, captions, design! $35
Administration (Grindstaff) Lunch on the Café Stage and game of Uno- Date TBD $35
Music (Popek and Towle) Bowling-with grade of choice & your favorite Music Teacher$35
Art (Hopkins) Winners choice!- go with the grade level outing of the bidder$35
P.E. (Hunt/Maloney) Coach for a Day! Help run PE classes for a day! $5/tix raffle
Basketball Clinic 2nd & 3rd grade20 spots avail Dec 8 2:45-4 $35
Basketball Clinic- 4th & 5th grade 20 spots avail Dec 10 2:45-4 $35
Media (Schultz-Suggs) Join the 4th grade for Bowling- 2 games and snack Jan 21 3-4:30 $35 Counselors (Hartman/ Gone Fishin’! –Fishing at Sope Creek pond Nov 11 3:30-5:30 $35
Target Teachers Fuji Hana!!Yum and fun! Nov 12 5p $35
Outing Group Name (Include Teacher/Administrator Name Your Are Bidding On) ______
Your Name (Bidder):______Telephone:______E-mail:______
Amount You Are Bidding:______
Bids being made prior to Octoberfest should be placed in a sealed envelope with “Teacher Outing” written on the outside of the envelope. The envelope must be submitted to the school office by noon on Friday, October 11th. If you have any questions about the bidding or outing descriptions, please contact Jill Harris or Shannon Pingley- . Thank you!