Harrison Township Environmental Committee

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Monday, January 13, 2014

Call to Order at 7:35 p.m.

Open Public Meeting Act Statement

Pledge of Allegiance: Remember the men and women who are serving to protect the freedoms that we enjoy.

Roll Call:

Luigi Lupo (Chairperson)

Kevin Riefenstahl, Vice-Chairperson (Excused)

Sam Zappala (Member)

Michael Gonserkevis (Member)

Kevin Dunsmore, (Alternate Member 1)

Thomas Fernandez, (Alternate Member 2)

Dennis Bonanni, (Joint Land Use Board Member)

Patricia Dudley (Secretary)

Don Heim, Township Committee (Excused)

Mark Froio, Member (Excused)

Stanley Hershey, Member (Excused)

Member Nomination for 2014

Dennis Bonanni made a motion to appoint Luigi Lupo to continue as the Harrison Township Environmental Commission Chairperson for 2014. Michael Gonserkevis seconded this motion and all present agreed for Mr. Lupo to continue as the chairperson for the year. Chairman Lupo accepted and thanked all for the re-nomination.

A motion was made by Dennis Bonanni for Kevin Riefenstahl to continue as the vice-chairperson for 2014. There was a unanimous vote for Mr. Riefenstahl to preside as the vice-chairperson for the HTEC.

Kevin Dunsmore was reappointed by Mayor Manzo for the 2-year alternate member on the Environmental Commission.

Candidate Interview: None

Guest Speaker: None

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Harrison Township Environmental Committee

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Monday, January 13, 2014

Public Attendance: Danielle Castley

Public Comments: Ms. Castley expressed concern regarding the impact to the wild life in the area for new building development especially endangered species.

Educational Workshop: None

Minutes of Previous Meeting Pending Approval: The minutes of the December 4, 2013 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Michael Gonserkevis and seconded by Kevin Dunsmore to accept the minutes as written.

Review Communications: (Mail, e-mail, phone)

Project Reports:

  • Recycling workshop to be review and discuss at the February meeting with projected date of the workshop on March 5, 2014.
  • Residential Termite Control is a potential April/May presentation.

Old/Continuing Business:

  • Potential “Clean up” project list – hold until summer 2014.
  • Cache in/Trash out events– possible to reach out to Clearview H.S. student to participate for extra class credits.
  • Bike & pedestrian project – no updates.
  • Non-Native invasive Species – ongoing project potential partnership with Clearview High School.
  • Website review and update – no updates.
  • Windshield inspection tour – hold until summer 2014.
  • Trees and Maintenance article – Mr. Zappala to forward final draft to Chairman Lupo.
  • Mullica Hill Life Magazine – Volunteers needed for new articles for 2014 to be published in the Mullica Hill Life magazine.
  • Electronics Recycling - Dennis Bonanni volunteered to present a topic on eCycling and the impact it has on the environment.

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Harrison Township Environmental Committee

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Monday, January 13, 2014

New Business:

  • Harrison Township Environmental Commission 2014 meeting schedule was reviewed and approved at tonight’s meeting.
  • Clearview High School and the HTEC to schedule a meeting to assist in the development of a student sub-committee, Chairman Lupo to confirm a Tuesday, January 21, 2014 meeting at the high school at 2:30 p.m. for discussion of the following:
  • Recycling program at the high school
  • Harrison Township Day participation
  • Other topics of interest for the students re: environmental issues.

Reports from Committee Representatives:

  • Joint Land Use Board (DB)
  • No site plan issues currently for review
  • Richwood new home development project up to 1200/1400 homes moving forward including retail space.
  • Mullica Hill West project approved
  • Township Committee (DH) – No report representative Mr. Heim excused from tonight’s meeting

Notice of next meeting:

The next regular meeting of the Environmental Commission is scheduled on Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.

The next Harrison Twp. Pond Meeting – TBD

Adjournment: A motion was made by Tomas Fernandez, seconded by Dennis Bonanni to adjourn tonight’s meeting at 8:50 p.m. Meeting adjourned.


The items listed o this agenda of the Environmental Commission of the township of Harrison constitute the agenda to the extent known at the time ofposting. Since this agenda is tentative items may be added and/or deleted prior to the commencement of the meeting. Formal action may or may not be taken regarding each item listed on the final agenda.

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