Standard specification for THERMEXX Plaster System incorporating Keim Silikatputz finishing plaster and Keim Soldalit Sol-Silicate paint to EIFS cavity construction onto light timber frame.
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Ref: P7031
This specification is for the application of Thermexx Plaster System (reinforced meshed plaster), incorporating Keim Silikaputz1.0mm fibre reinforced finishing plaster with Keim Soldalit Sol-Silicate paint finish on 40 or 60mm “H” Grade polystyrene, EPS battens over Building Paper on timber framed construction.
All work in this section shall be the responsibility of the Main Contractor, unless otherwise expressly agreed.
The Main Contractor is to ensure that they are fully conversant with all Standard ACAD installation and fixing details and the Main Contractor’s responsibilities before works
commence. The Main Contractor shall to be responsible for all on site liaison, with the
various sub contractors to ensure that all weather tightness issues of joints/connections affecting the Thermexx Plaster cladding system are strictly in accordance with ACAD
standard or project specific details, i.e. items such as downpipe, light and security fittings, electrical wiring, flashings, plumbers trays or any items that flash or penetrate the Plaster system.
The Thermexx QA Procedure Form is required to be filled out by the all parties involved (Main Contractor, Sub Contractors, EPS Installer, and Thermexx Applicator) for the Equus Warranty.
The Main Contractor shall also be responsible for ensuring the Building Paper is installed strictly in accordance with the latest WANZ and BRANZ recommendations.
2.2Materials of Construction:
.1Timber Frame:
Shall be constructed to comply with NZS 3604 with maximum 600mm for normal wind zone, 400mm for high wind zone stud and noggins spacing per storey height. All framing shall be true in vertical and horizontal planes with particular attention to intersections of top plate/floor beams/bottom plate in multi-storey construction. Adequate timber framing/blocking shall be provided by the Main Contractor/Builder to facilitate adequate cladding fixings and clearances off associated surfaces for the Thermexx System. The timber grade shall be in accordance with the latest BIA recommendations normally timber bottom plates and any other critical timberelements likely to be exposed to moisture should be H3 minimum and remaining framing H1. The moisture content of the timber frame shall be no more than 16% prior to EIFS Cavity installation.
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Ref: P7031
.2Building Paper:
All wall exterior surfaces shall be covered with a SANZ-approved fire retardant breather type building wrap recommended by the manufacturer , and must be
securely fastened in accordance with their instructions. The building paper shall be taken into all door/window recesses and fastened to the inside face of the framing. Side/sill junctions and sills shall be adequately overlapped and an approved “self adhesive” vapour tape used to mask/cover these internal junctions.
All these details shall be in strict accordance with WANZ (Window association of New Zealand) or BRANZ and the manufacturer’s latest recommendations.
All proprietary aluminium or approved other window/door head flashings are to be supplied by the Main Contractor. These Head flashings shall be fixed as per the ACAD Detail then a secondary flashing shall over seat the head flashing and be adhered back onto the building wrap using a building wrap tape in accordance with WANZ or BRANZ recommendations.
.3Vented Cavity Battens:
All wall exterior surfaces shall be battened using the Cavity Battens in accordance with the batten standard or project specific details. The uPVC vented bottom foot tray shall be installed onto the timber bottom plate then the vertical battens installed into the seat of the foot.
All timber studs shall receive a vented EPS batten to the full length of the stud
preferably in one continuous length. Should joins be necessary, they should be tight butted. The battens should be centred on the timber framing. Additional
vertical battens are required on internal corners and around openings, at the soffits and interior/exterior corners a solid batten shall be used to close off air flow as per standard or project specific cavity details.
All horizontal noggins/dwangs on 400 framing are to receive an EPS spacer at a maximum length of 100mm. Additional horizontal battens are required at the head and any dissimilar material junctions
All details must be in strict accordance with standard or project specific ACAD details
provided upon request by Equus Industries Limited. The Main Contractor is to fully
understand and comply with all details specific to the project.
2.4Aluminium Window/Door Joinery:
All windows/doors shall be fitted by the appointed window supplier/installer. They must be installed prior to the EPS and cladding flashings. The windows to have preinstalled soakers to all window corner and frame/mullion junctions prior to window placement. The window frames are to be installed offset from the timber frame to allow for the cavity batten plus 2/3mm gap between the batten and the inside face of the aluminium facing (approx 22mm/23mm) refer details. The associated proprietary head flashing should then be dimensionally appropriate. Head flashings are to be fitted by the installer so they tight butt into the PVC side flashings when installed and are then over flashed back to the building wrap.
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Ref: P7031
2.5Head Flashings:
All proprietary aluminium or approved other type window/door head flashings are to be
supplied by the Main Contractor. So they measure 4-5mm past the window side frames an additional flashing mask over the cavity batten is fixed then adhered back onto the building wrap using Proprietary Building Wrap Tape in accordance with WANZ and BRANZ recommendations.
Shall be fixed before cladding is installed, with a finishing bead of sealant allowed after cladding work is completed and before plastering commences. In the case of raking,
inclined or soffits under 450mm an additional back flashing shall be provided in accordance with details and recommendations.
Penetrations/Fittings such as waste pipes and fixing brackets shall be adequately flashed prior to cladding installation. Note: All penetrations through the Plaster system shall be
adequately supported by Timber blocking sized to suit, mechanically fixed and foam glued into the system.
All electrical wiring and plumbing piping etc shall only penetrate the EPS and plaster
system with the appropriate sized uPVC conduit sheathing and flange installed, cut to the depth of the EPS cladding and installed.
All work in this section shall be the responsibility of the Thermexx Applicator, unless
otherwise expressly agreed. If others fix the EPS, the Thermexx Applicator shall satisfy themselves as to the correctness of the fixing before proceeding with any coating/sealing work.
.1Expanded Polystyrene Sheet:
Shall be 40 or 60mm “H” grade self-extinguishing sheet manufactured to As 1366 Pt 3 – 1982 by an approved manufacturer. Sheets shall be stress relieved in the plant. Other thicknesses of EPS sheet may be used for the Plaster System
depending on the architectural detailing required, providing design code R-values are maintained.
All EPS Sheet layout is to comply with the Equus standard sheet lay out
.2Fixing Nails:
Shall be 90mm x 3.5 galvanised flathead nails for 40mm EPS and 115mm x 4.0 galvanised flathead nails for 60mm EPS, with Thermexx Washers, unless the site is classified as coastal marine, i.e. within 250m from the sea or is classified in the Building Consent as “A Zone” in which case stainless steel fixings must be used. All washers are to be strictly set out as per Equus standard fixings layout complying with the specified wind load zone.
Cladding fixing shall be nailed in so they are only 2mm below the surface of the polystyrene.
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Ref: P7031
.3Flashing/Corner Beads:
Shall be Thermexx Pre-Meshed corner angles to all corner and edges.
Shall be Tremco Dymonic FC Sealant used strictly in accordance with the Technical Data Sheet (TDS).
Sheets shall be true from the base, using Foot Tray Flashing fitted at batten stage as a starter. Sheets shall be fixed with Cladding fixings (nails/washers) at 300mm centres, or 250 centres in a high wind load area, or 200 centres on coastal marine wind load.
Sheet joints shall always occur over a framing member. Sheets joints shall be straight and true and in the same plane.
When edge fixing, nails in adjacent sheets shall be staggered. Nails shall be
carefully driven 2mm compressing the sheet, not in a skewed manner.
Where necessary, sheet edges shall be pre-wrapped and plastered or capped prior to fixing. This applies particularly with installation for some recessed
joinery/dissimilar materials junctions.
External changes of direction shall be made only with factory-cut sheet edges on both faces foam fused and tightly butted. Where angles other than 90º at sheet edges are required, these shall be carefully cut foam fused and tight butted to give uniformity.
All Detailing shall be in strict accordance with Standard or project specific details.
Where required nail holes and minor surface defects shall be stopped flush using a Thermexx Plaster mix, before the Thermexx base coat is applied. Joints and gaps are to be Gorilla Glue Foam flushed.
.3Polystyrene Shapes – Plant-On’s:
Any polystyrene shapes used to create detailing shall be correctly cut to size and fitted using Tremco Build Bond adhesive applied to shape prior to placing. Where appropriate, nail or pin fixing may be used to locate shapes correctly whilst the adhesive cures. If necessary Thermexx Cladding fixings can be used to mechanically fix large shapes but care is required to avoid distortion. The Plant-On’s shall be premeshed or receive a Thermexx Detailing Plaster mesh coat.
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All work in this section shall be the responsibility of the Thermexx Installer/Applicator up to and
including provision of external sealant beads and weatherproof coating system.
4.2Materials: - All supplied by Equus Industries Ltd.
.a Windows, Doors and Corners Detail Basecoat (skin):
Thermexx Detailing Plaster, Thermexx Detailing Mesh, Thermexx Pre-Meshed Corner Angles, Rolleck and Thermexx Butterflies
.bBasecoat (skin):
ThermexxNF Binder, Thermexx Premix M1 and Thermexx Heavy Glass.
.cFinishing Plaster Coat:
Chevaline Coverfil, Keim Silikatputz 1.0mm Pre-Coloured Fibre Reinforced Plaster.
Keim Soldalit.
Installation shall be carried out in Four (4) stages i.e. Thermexx Detailing Plaster, Thermexx Base Plaster (skin), Intermediate Chevaline Coverfil Bodycoat, Keim Silikatputz Pre-coloured fibre reinforced Plaster finish and Keim Soldalit Sol-Silicate coating system. Adequate
protection of the adjacent surfaces shall be allowed, particularly for Trowel application coats and subsequent sealing systems.
.2Detailing Skin:
All corners, windows, door recessed and opening areas shall be sealed with Thermexx
Detailing Plaster into which is embedded Thermexx Detailing Mesh, Thermexx Pre-Meshed Corner Angles or Rolleck.The Detailing Plaster shall overlap the face of the recess by 100mm and must have a feathered edge for the application of the Thermexx Base plaster.
.3Reinforcement Butterflies:
To all transitions around windows, doors and other areas of a similar nature shall be reinforced with Thermexx glass-fibre mesh Butterflies as supplied by Equus Industries, All mesh shall be embedded and encapsulated into the Thermexx Detailing Plaster.
.4Thermexx Base Plaster – (Skin):
All surfaces shall be sealed off by application of Thermexx Binder /Premix M1 Mortar into which is embedded Thermexx HeavyGlass, finished by trowel to an even finish, with all
glass-fibre scrim reinforcement lapped 50mm. Spreading rates, application and detailing shall be strictly in accordance with procedures laid down in Procedure A133 and any subsequent instructions issued by Equus Industries Limited. In all cases theEquus Thermexx skinincluding Thermexx Heavy glass shall be carried up to all corner angles and base of window trim installed as part of the Thermexx Plaster system. Finished surfaces shall be allowed to dry overnight before application of the Intermediate Bodycoat.
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Ref: P7031
.5Parapet Waterproofing:
All parapet surfaces where the application of the Thermexx Skin base plaster has been applied shall be fully encapsulated with Chevaline Dexx Liquid Membrane with embedded into 230gsm Fibre-glass, all application procedures shall be observed, and all architectural details shall be provided by the architect.
.6Sealant Installations:
All junctions between joinery and Thermexx Plaster Cladding and around penetrations,
flashings and similar details shall be sealed with Tremco Dymonic FC sealant.
.7Intermediate Bodycoat:
Apply to all prepared base plaster and waterproof parapets one (1) full coat of Chevaline Coverfil applied by brush or roller at 4 sqm/litre. Allow overnight drying before the application of the Finishing Plaster.
.8Finishing Plaster:
All intermediate bodycoated surfaces shall receive one (1) full trowel coat of Keim
Silikatputz 1.0mm applied with a steel trowel, gauging to the thickness of the aggregate size. Allow to firm up, and finish with plastic trowel to requisite pattern. Allow to dry
Spreading Rates:1.0mm -11 sqm/25kg Pail.
Allow to apply by brush or roller two (2)full coats of Keim Soldalit at a spreading rate not
exceeding 7.0 sqm/litre/coat, so as to achieve uniform colour and gloss. Ensure that roller banding does not occur by cross-rolling.
The finish shall be Mineral - Flat as directed by the client/specifier.
For any area the colour of the two final coats shall be the same. It is permissible for the Texture Coat to be a shade lighter than the topcoats, but in the same tonality.
5.3 Light Reflectance:
Equus Industries strongly recommend that the LRV (Light Reflectance Value) as provided be greater than 30% and be strictly observed. Where doubt remains the specifier may request the LRV for selected colours to be provided by Equus. Should the colour be selected outside the Cladding manufacturers recommendations, the warranty shall be affected.
5.4 Approval:
The Specialist Finishes Sub-contractor shall obtain approval from the client/specifier or his
representative before cleaning up and stripping off masking in any area.
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5.5Quality Assurance:
The Specialist Finishes Sub-contractor Applicator shall provide Equus Industries with a full Q/A Report Check List before a warranty can be issued.
6.1 Maintenance:
This coating system may be cleaned at any time by low-medium pressure washing with a weak (0.1%) solution of neutral detergent. When recoating is required, either to maintain long-term film integrity or for colour change, this may be either carried out using one or two coats of Keim Soldalit. Where major colour change is involved the Manufacturer should be consulted for a specific recommendation.
6.2 Warranty:
The Thermexx Plaster System described in this specification shall be warranted for its
Durability for a period of up to 15 (fifteen) years. The Keim Soldalit Topcoats shall be
warranted as weatherproof for a period of 15 (fifteen) years from the date application is
completed provided that:
Such a warranty is issued by Equus Industries Ltd.
(a)All work is carried out by the Approved Equus Applicator.
(b)All work is done in accordance with this specification, and any amendments or
alterations thereto issued by the Manufacturer.
Such a warranty is issued by the Approved Equus Applicator carrying out the work and is backed by the Manufacturer as to the fitness for use of the materials supplied for the work.