california society of health-system pharmacists
proposal in stp format
PROPOSAL: Controlled Substance Diversion and Patient Access
SUBMITTED BY: Board of Directors
DATE: July 16, 2017
1. CSHP Professional Policy #2015-04 directs CSHP to adopt ASHP policies and other guidance documents as CSHP Professional Policy
2. To adopt as CSHP policy all ASHP Policy Positions, Guidelines, Bulletins, and all official Statements in the current edition of the Best Practices for Health-System Pharmacy of the ASHP, except when such policies differ substantially from CSHP policy.
3. To endorse the use of ASHP Position Statements, Guidelines, and Technical Assistance Bulletins by its members in their practice settings.
4. CSHP will review all ASHP Policy Positions by 2020 for possible adoption as CSHP Professional Policy.
5. CSHP has policy #2014-38: The Role of the Pharmacist in Substance Abuse and Drug Diversion.
6. ASHP has 2016 policy position 1614 Controlled Substance Diversion and Patient Access.
1614 Controlled Substance Diversion and Patient Access
Source: Council on Pharmacy Management
To enhance awareness by pharmacy personnel, healthcare providers, and the public of drug diversion and abuse of controlled substances; further, to advocate that the pharmacy profession lead collaborative efforts to reduce the incidence of controlled substance abuse; further, To advocate that pharmacists lead collaborative efforts by organizations of healthcare professionals, patient advocacy organizations, and regulatory authorities to develop and promote best practices for preventing drug diversion and appropriately using controlled substances to optimize and ensure patient access and therapeutic outcomes; further,
To advocate that the Drug Enforcement Administration and other regulatory authorities interpret and enforce laws, rules, and regulations to support patient access to appropriate therapies, minimize burdens on pharmacy practice, and provide reasonable safeguards against fraud, misuse, abuse, and diversion of controlled substances; further, To advocate establishment of programs to support patients and personnel with substance abuse and dependency issues.
1. CSHP provides resources to its members, their patients, and the public per the 2017-2021 Strategic Priorities and Goals.
2. CSHP develops professional policy in congruence with other professional organizations, but adopts policy as an independent professional society.
3. CSHP has a professional policy that addresses drug diversion, policy #2014-38: The Role of the Pharmacist in Substance Abuse and Drug Diversion:
#2014-38: The Role of the Pharmacist in Substance Abuse and Drug Diversion Source: HOD 2014
The California Society of Health-System Pharmacists endorses the ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Substance Abuse Prevention, Education, and Assistance:
1. That pharmacists have the unique knowledge, skills, and responsibilities for pharmacists assuming an important role in substance abuse and drug diversion prevention and education.
2. That pharmacists should be actively involved in the identification and mitigation of substance abuse and diversion within health-systems.
3. That pharmacists, as health care providers, should be actively involved in reducing the negative effects that substance abuse has on society, health-systems, and the pharmacy profession.
4. Rehabilitation programs for pharmacists and other health-system employees whose mental or physical impairments are caused by substance abuse.
While the CSHP policy states that pharmacists “should be actively involved…within health-systems.” The position should be made clear that “the pharmacy profession lead collaborative efforts to reduce the incidence of controlled substance abuse”- from ASHP policy 1614 above.
Per ASHP Guidelines on Preventing Diversion of Controlled Substances: Those responsible for their CSDPP should be familiar with local and state requirements and work collaboratively to minimize risk to the organization and ensure public safety.
#2014-38: The Role of the Pharmacist in Substance Abuse and Drug Diversion
Source: HOD 2014
The California Society of Health-System Pharmacists endorses the ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Substance Abuse Prevention, Education, and Assistance:
1. That pharmacists have the unique knowledge, skills, and responsibilities for pharmacists assuming an important role in substance abuse and drug diversion prevention and education.
2. That pharmacists should be working collaboratively with other health professionals are actively involved in the identification and mitigation of substance abuse and diversion within health-systems.
3. That pharmacists, as health care providers, should be actively involved in reducing the negative effects that substance abuse has on society, health-systems, and the pharmacy profession.
4. That Rrehabilitation programs are available for pharmacists and other health-system employees whose mental or physical impairments are caused by substance abuse.
Reference: ASHP Guidelines on Preventing Diversion of Controlled Substances
Philip W. Brummond, David F. Chen, William W. Churchill, John S. Clark, Kevin R. Dillon, Doina Dumitru, Lynn Eschenbacher, Toni Fera, Christopher R. Fortier, Kristine K. Gullickson, Kristen Jurakovich, Stan Kent, Jennifer Keonavong, Christine Marchese, Tricia Meyer, Lee B. Murdaugh, Richard K. Ogden, Brian C. O’Neal, Steve Rough, Rafael Saenz and Jacob S. Smith
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy March 2017, 74 (5) 325-348; DOI:
Financial: Minimal
CEO time: Minimal
Staff time: Minimal
The CSHP Board of Directors approved this proposal on July 14, 2017 for consideration by the 2017 House of Delegates
☐ Bylaws update
☐ Rules and Procedures of the House of Delegates
☐ Update Administrative Policy catalog
☒ Update Professional Policy catalog
☐ Staff Procedural manual
☐ CCTF’s volunteer hand book
☐ Minutes only
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