B E T W E E N:



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I, Helen Clorley, of 67 Kennmoor Close, Warmley, Bristol, will say as follows:

  1. Before I joined the Mayflower Group on 1 September 2003, I worked, in part, for the MD of a company, which is now owned by EDF Energy, until I was made redundant.
  1. I then applied for a job at Mayflower as an office administrator. I did not realise at this stage that the business was in financial difficulty, but I was told that it might be taken over by another company. I was not deterred because my previous employer had been taken over on a number of occasions. I soon came to realise that the business was not doing well financially and that people like Brian were making all efforts to save the business. Mayflower was taken over by Magellan Corporation and I was employed by Magellan Aerospace (U.K.) Limited (“MALUK”).
  1. In my role at MALUK, I ran the office on a day-to-day basis. I had responsibility for the maintenance of the building and repairs, timesheets, organizing sub-contractors, filing, typing and document production. I also worked as a personal assistant for Paul Archer who was the general manager of engineering, and Brian Little.
  1. During the recruitment process, Paul told me that I would be working for Brian. He explained that working for Brian could be challenging. However, as I had worked for challenging people before, I was not put off. Although I had worked for people at the MD level, Brian was different in that he was a lot more hands on than most other senior managers. He seemed to be right in the thick of things. It was clear to me that Brian was extremely dedicated and was driven to save the business. I got on well with Brian right from the start.
  1. In December 2005 when I was around 7 to 8 months pregnant I was working with Brian and Paul on a document. This document was very important as it was a substantial strategy document, which Brian was going to present to the board in Canada. I had been working on this flat out with Brian and Paul for several weeks. It had to be finished before Brian flew to Canada. I had been working long hours with Brian and Paul to finalise the document and Brian asked me to work over the weekend in order to finish it. I agreed. My general attitude towards work is that I would stay as long as it took to get the job done. The fact that I was pregnant did not impact on this and I would stay late when required. This was not a regular occurrence but neither was it exceptional.
  1. Around this time I recall I became tearful one day because I had not felt the baby move. I told Corrie Prinsloo (assistant accountant) and Madeleine Harris (quality engineer). Corrie told me not to worry and that this was normal as the baby would move less the closer it got to the birth.
  1. I am aware that Shawn Smith (the Chief Financial Officer) alleges in his witness statement that he and Madeleine told me to go home when I became upset. I do not recall this alleged conversation with Madeleine and Shawn. I do recall a conversation with Madeleine and Corrie as set out above. Shawn had no reason to get the impression that I was worried about Brian’s reaction, because I had no such concerns.
  1. I returned to work at the beginning of 2007, after taking maternity leave. Mary Walker rang me after I had been back for a few weeks. She referred to an alleged incident that had been brought to her attention by Shawn Smith and asked if I would be willing to drop her a line about what happened. She relayed the incident to me and did not show me a statement. I was taken aback and I asked her for time to consider her request. The next day I told Mary that I did not recall the conversation that Shawn had referred to and did not think that there had been a problem. I told her that I did not want to make a statement about it and did not want it used as part of the case She told me that MALUK would respect my wishes. Mary later told me that Shawn had contacted her at the time of this incident voicing his concern. However, I do not recall that Mary contacted me about it at the time.
  1. I am aware that Magellan alleged that Brian was dismissed because of his behaviour. I liked Brian. What you saw was what you got and I felt that I knew where I stood with him. I found Brian to be very positive and a real motivator. No one told me that they felt bullied by Brian and I would be surprised if it were true that Brian was stirring things up against Shawn Smith as it was Brian who brought Shawn into the business. This would be contrary to the interests of the business and, as far as I am aware, Brian always put the interests of the business first. A lot of people had a lot of time and respect for Brian and a large number of people have left MALUK since Brian was dismissed.
  1. I left MALUK on 14 August 2007 when I was made redundant.

The contents of this witness statement are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Helen Clorley


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