Handout 6: Close reading of Film Extract – group exercise
Teacher – Cut out the boxes below and give one to each group. Screen the film extract a number of times while the students take notes on the area of Close Reading they have been given to focus on.
Group 1
Close reading is a skill that underpins many areas of a media studies course. When close reading a media text, you deconstruct (take apart) the text by analyzing the way different elements are used to create meaning.As a group, your task is to carefully watch the film extract a number of times and take detailed notes on the following aspect:
What is the director trying to communicate through their use of lighting and colour? Discuss as a group what the EFFECTS of using these techniques might be. Why has the filmmaker made these choices?
Group 2
Close reading is a skill that underpins many areas of a media studies course. When close reading a media text, you deconstruct (take apart) the text by analyzing the way different elements are used to create meaning.As a group, your task is to carefully watch the film extract a number of times and take detailed notes on the following aspect:
What is the director trying to communicate through the use of the camera? Discuss as a group what the EFFECTS of using these techniques might be. Why has the filmmaker made these choices?
Group 3
Close reading is a skill that underpins many areas of a media studies course. When close reading a media text, you deconstruct (take apart) the text by analyzing the way different elements are used to create meaning.As a group, your task is to carefully watch the film extract a number of times and take detailed notes on the following aspect:
What is the director trying to communicate through what we hear? Discuss as a group what the EFFECTS of using these techniques might be. Why has the filmmaker made these choices?
Group 4
Close reading is a skill that underpins many areas of a media studies course. When close reading a media text, you deconstruct (take apart) the text by analyzing the way different elements are used to create meaning.As a group, your task is to carefully watch the film extract a number of times and take detailed notes on the following aspect:
What is the director trying to communicate through the editing? Discuss as a group what the EFFECTS of using these techniques might be. Why has the filmmaker made these choices?
Group 5
Close reading is a skill that underpins many areas of a media studies course. When close reading a media text, you deconstruct (take apart) the text by analyzing the way different elements are used to create meaning.As a group, your task is to carefully watch the film extract a number of times and take detailed notes on the following aspect:
What is the director trying to communicate with their use of sets, props and actors? Discuss as a group what the EFFECTS of using these techniques might be. Why has the filmmaker made these choices?