HPC is committed to getting manuscripts ready for printing that are reader friendly, error free and conform to the highest standard of the relevant genre. As a result both content and copy editing is done.
Content editing is what the name implies, checking the actual content for errors, contradictions and inconsistencies. In a work of fiction, one looks for discrepancies in the plot, character or dialogue. ( For example, Susan’s mother is referred to as ‘Joanne’ on page 8 and as ‘Jillian’ on page 24 without any explanation.) The text must also be consistent with the genre. Copy editing checks for spelling, capitalization, punctuation, subject- verb agreement, sentence structure, word choices and such like. Copy editing corrects the language of the text.
After content and copy editing the text is proof read for typos and to ensure quality work before going to the printer.
We are committed to being faithful to the message of the author. In the interest of clarity some structural changes mayhave to be made to the text, some re-arranging and revision.
- As an author, when reading the revision it may not read the same as you wrote it. This may cause you to feel alienated from the work. Do not despair. Take a deep breath and ask yourself:
Is the message the same?
Has my message been twisted/ distorted?
When you answer these questions you will know how to proceed.
- Remember it is difficult for you the author to be objective because you know what you want to say. See the content editor as your first reader, do not be quick to defend but give thought to the corrections and observations.
- We know that the process may be daunting at times but be assured that HPC is dedicated to satisfied clients. You will be pleased in the end. Remember our motto is “Making it Plain”!
A deposit must be made (usually one third (1/3) of total cost before editing can begin. All monies must be paid before final edition is handed over either to you (if we are not the publishers) or for final printing.
I ______have read and understood the above HABAKKUK EDITING POLICY
and I am willing to enter into an agreement to have my work edited by the HPC.
Signature Date