Guide to Proposal Price Reports (PPRs)
Version 2.0
15 Sep 2012
Notes about this version:
ALLUpdated Proposal Price Report file format (no Monthly Units or Monthly Rates).
Page 2Inclusion of instructions and process flow diagrams for new submission method of transaction formats for Proposal Price Reports (PPRs)
Gov’t will notify once “Direct Upload” feature is ready. Currently, all proposing SITE vendors must continue to follow the same process as before: Submit the PPR as part of the cost proposal package directly to the Contract Specialist. The Contracting Specialist will advise you if your PPR did not process successfully in STORMS.
For all task orders previously awarded with proposed monthly rates, the Vendor may continue to charge at the monthly rates in their STORMS Expense Reports.
Primary Points of Contact
STORMS Project Manager:
SITE Program Office:
STORMS Access Requests:
STORMS Technical Support:
STORMS General Inquiries:
STORMS Transaction Formats V1.0Page 1
Table of Contents
STORMS Transaction Files
STORMS Proposal Price Report (PPR) File Specifications
STORMS Proposal Price Report File Naming Convention
Proposal Spreadsheets Naming Convention
TO_Labor Spreadsheet (Labor Transaction Formats)
Proposal Labor Transaction Column Specifications
STORMS Processing Rules and Considerations
STORMS Proposal Valid Labor Price Transactions
STORMS Proposal Labor Price Transaction Error Conditions
TO_ODCs Spreadsheet
Proposal ODC Transaction Column Specifications
Submission of Transaction files into STORMS
Submitting Proposal Price Reports (PPR)
Appendix A: Abbreviations
Appendix B: IDIQ Labor Categories
Appendix C: IDIQ Price Groups
Appendix D: Approved Country Codes for STORMS
STORMS Transaction Formats V1.1Page 1
Guide to Preparation and Submission of STORMS Transaction Formats
This guide provides detailed information about the formatting, submission process,and automated processing of transactions used by the SITE Task Order and Requirements Management System (STORMS).
STORMS is an automated system for managing the status and detailed expenses of SITE Task Orders. Based on regular Contractor-provided inputs, the STORMS database containsinformation about the Labor costs and Other Direct Costs (ODCS)expenditures for each task order. STORMS also stores the IDIQ “not-to-exceed”labor rates by labor category, period of performance (PoP),and geographical work location(Price Group) for each SITE Vendor. The IDIQ rates are used during the Task Order Request for Proposal (RFP) process to validate each line of a Vendor’s submitted proposal.
Upon Task Order award, STORMS is loaded with the winning vendor’sprice submission, in the form of a formatted report called the Proposal Price Report (PPR). This data includes the proposed labor categories, specific Task Order not-to-exceed rates, proposed levels of effort, and ODCs,among other contract data. This information is then used during the operational life of the Task Order to validate the information submitted by Vendors in the STORMS Expense Reports (SER)(formerly called Monthly Expense Reports (MERs)).
The below process flow illustrates the timing of submission of the Proposal Price Report (PPR) and STORMS Expense Report (SER).
STORMS Transaction Files
To facilitate the automated import of data from the SITE vendors, a set of structured file formats has been developed to support the processing of the proposal and expenditure information for Task Orders.
There are twotypes of structured transaction files used by STORMS:
1)The first is the Proposal Price Report(PPR) which is prepared by the vendors and is a required component of the proposal response submitted for all SITE Task Order RFPs.
2)The second is the STORMS Expense Report (SER) which is used by Vendors to submit all the expenses incurred during the life of the Task Order. The separate SER file is a required delivery for all SITE Task Orders. To provide the COR with matching detailed expense information to the invoice, the SER needs to be processed into STORMS the same day (or within 2 working days) of when the invoice is submitted to NSA (or payment processing office).
STORMS Proposal PriceReport (PPR) File Specifications
The PPRis submitted directly to the SharePoint “Upload Price Proposal” tool in coordination with the proposal package for every Task Order RFP by each participating vendor. It consists of an MS Excel Workbook (no earlier than Excel version 2007) and must include two specifically namedspreadsheets containing the transactions that will be processed by STORMS to validate the price data for the proposed Task Order.
STORMS Proposal Price Report File Naming Convention
The PPRis a MS Excel 2007 or 2010 structured file. The PPRfile name is composed of three parts preceding the file extension: the Vendor’s IDIQ contract number, the Task Order Request for Proposal (RFP) number, and the STORMS file type “PPR”. Underscores (“_”) are used for separators between each part preceding the Excel file extension (either “.xlxs” or “.xls”). The format is defined as follows:
[Vendor’s SITE IDIQ Contract #]+ “_”+[Task Order RFP #]+ “_PPR”+[.File Type Extension]
This can be expressed simply as: IDIQ #_RFP #_PPR.xlsx(or .xls)
An example name is: HHM402-10-D-00XX_HHM402-11-R-XXXX_PPR.xlxs where HHM402-10-D-00XX represents a SITE IDIQ contract, HHM402-11-R-XXXXis the Task Order RFP number, “PPR” defines the STORMS file format, and “.xlsx” is an Excel 2010 file type.
Note: A PPR file name MUST not contain and apostrophe (‘) or the file will not process within STORMS.
Proposal Spreadsheets Naming Convention
The names of the two spreadsheets contained within the proposal file are: “TO_Labor” and “TO_ODCs”. Both spreadsheets must be contained within the file and the names of the spreadsheets must be labeled exactly as defined (see figure below).
The “TO_Labor” spreadsheet is used to submit the transactions for the proposed Labor cost information (e.g., labor categories, rates, levels of effort, etc.). The “TO_ODCs”spreadsheet is used to submit the transactions that contain all the essential cost information for the proposed Other Direct Costs (ODCs).
Other spreadsheets can be created in the file to assist Vendors during proposal preparation. These spreadsheets are ignored by STORMSand have no adverse effect during processing. The order of spreadsheets within the file does not matter.
The specific transaction formats for the “TO_Labor” and “TO_ODCs” spreadsheets are defined in the next two sections.
TO_LaborSpreadsheet (Labor Transaction Formats)
The TO_Laborspreadsheet contains the set of data which describes the bidder’s proposed labor costs for each Task Order period, CLIN, geographical location, and work facility. Because most Task Order Periods of Performance (PoP) straddle two IDIQ periods of performance, there are actually two approved rates that are applicable within a given Task Order PoP (see example diagram below).
In the illustration above, the Base period for the planned Task Order begins during Option Year 2 of the SITE IDIQ and ends sometime in Option Year 3. The Base period for this Task Order therefore has two possible approved rates that apply during its delivery. “Blended” rates (usually based on weighted averages) are sometimes used to define new ratesapplicable for eachTask Order’sPoP. SITE Task Orders will generally not use blended rates. For SITE, Vendor’shave the option of submitting two rates per PoP. Each must comply with the individual not-to-exceed rates of the associated IDIQ PoP. If a second rate is not included, the first rate will be applied to the entire period of performance of the Task Order.
In the example above, the proposed Task Order rates (Rate 1 and Rate 2)must comply with the corresponding not-to-exceed rates of the corresponding PoP of the IDIQ. STORMS will verify that each proposed labor rate does not exceed the corresponding IDIQ rate.
The structure of the TO_Labor transactions therefore contains the information used to identify the corresponding Contract and Task Order data, the type of labor being proposed, and places to submit the two corresponding labor rates for this PoP. Thelogical structure of the proposal labor transaction format is shown in the next diagram.
Proposal Labor Transaction Column Specifications
The specific column names and data formats for theproposal Labor transaction submissionsare as follows:
The definitions of each column in the TO_Labor spreadsheet are provided below. (Note: There are no embedded spaces in the column names)
Column Name / Contents / Field TypeContract / Contract Number - The SITE IDIQ contract number of the submitting vendor (NOT the RFP number). The bidding Vendor is responsible for enteringtheir IDIQ contract number on all the Labor lines being proposed. Any lines on the spreadsheet with a blank Contract # will be ignored during processing—this allows the Vendor to enter other data for their use such as subtotals and not affect STORMS processing. / Text
TaskOrder / Task Order name –This name will be provided by the SITE PMO and will be unique for every Task Order. It must not be changed in order for the file to process correctly. Note: This element will eventually be changed to the awarded Task Order number in order tosubmit STORMS expense reports (but that number is not defined until the actual award is made). / Text
Period / Period of Performance (PoP) – Identifies thePoP within the Task Order to which the proposed labor on this line applies. The first period is always defined as “Base” and each succeeding PoP as “Option #” such as “Option 1”, “Option 2”, etc. / Text
CLIN / Contract Line Item Number – The RFP will identify the CLINs to be proposed. Each PoP may contain multiple CLINs. Labor Category rates are managed and validated separately for each CLIN so a proposal can provide different rates on separate CLINS as long as they are within the IDIQ rate. / Text
PriceGroup / IDIQ Price Group – This equates to the geographical locations where work is being performed. There were seven (7) price groups for the United States and 18 foreign locations (oversees) in the original IDIQ contracts—more may be added over time. / Text
Category / Labor Category – This is the labor skill being proposed. There are 51 IDIQ approved labor skills. Any new labor skills applicable to the Task Order being proposed must be approved in advance of the submission or the labor category will not pass the STORMS proposal validation test.
The Category text must exactly match one of the IDIQ categories or an approved new labor category (see Appendix B for exact strings and/or alternative abbreviations that can be used). / Text
HourlyUnits / Total Hours – The consolidated number of hours proposed for this labor category until the end of the Task Order PoP (or if applicable until HourlyRate2 applies based a change in allowable IDIQ rates). / Number
HourlyRate / Hourly Rate of Labor – This is the proposed fully burdened labor rate for one (1) hour of work on the Task Order regardless of the type of contract (FP, LH, T&M, CP, etc.).
This specific rate applies from the start of the Task Order PoP and remains in effect for the duration of the PoPunless a second rate (HourelyRate2) is proposed as authorized by a change the IDIQ PoP rates.
Note: Regardless of the type of contract being proposed (FP, LH, T&M, CP, etc.), the proposed rate must be less than or equal to the Vendor’s not-to-exceed IDIQ rate for the corresponding period of the work being performed or an error will be produced by STORMS). / Currency
Markup / Offsite Markup Rate – This percentage markup is applied to the proposed labor rate when the Vendor’s employee will work at a Contractor provided facilities (i.e., not working at a Government provided facility). No other form of markup is allowed since these costs should already be included as part of the fully loaded rate according to the IDIQ award.
Separate transactions are required for a labor Category when more than one Markup rate applies (i.e., work will be conducted at two or more Contractor provided facilities which have different associated Markup costs). / Percentage
HourlyUnits2 / Total Hours 2 – Similar to the HourlyUnits column except that it consists of the consolidated number of hours for this labor category based on the portion of the work performed after the change in IDIQ rates and ending with the Period defined on this line for the Task Order. / Number
HourlyRate2 / Hourly Rate 2 for Labor – Similar to the HourlyRate column except that this proposed rate is effective upon the date when the IDIQ PoP rates change (for SITE that is always 14 May each year). HourlyRate2 remains in effect until the end of the Period (PoP) defined on this line. / Currency
Markup2 / Offsite Markup Rate 2 – Similar to the Markup column except that it applies only to the portion of work defined by the HourlyRate2 submission. / Percentage
TotalHours / Total Number of Hours – The sum of hours calculated as follows:
= HourlyUnits + HourlyUnits2 / Number
Total of Hourly Cost (without off-site Markup) / Total of Hourly Costs before off-site Markup is applied – The total cost, excluding markup fee for off-site contractor facilities, based on the following formula:
= (HourlyUnits * HourlyRate) + (HourlyUnits2 * HourlyRate2) / Currency
Total of Hourly Cost (includes off-site Markup) / Total of Hourly Costs with off-site markup percentage applied – Total cost for this labor line calculated as follows:
= (HourlyUnits * [(HourlyRate * (1 + Markup))] + (HourlyUnits2 * [(HourlyRate2 * (1 + Markup2))] / Currency
STORMS Processing Rules and Considerations
The following situations apply when processing transactions in STORMS:
- Only one (1) consolidatedtransaction is submitted for eachLabor Category where the Period, CLIN, Group, and Markup are the same. STORMS will identify a duplicate transaction error when more than one line has the exact same Labor Category,Period, CLIN, Group, and Markup.
- In the situation where aLabor Category will be hosted at multiple Vendor provided facilities within the same Period, CLIN, and Price Group—only one combined transaction is submitted if the Markup rates are all the same; otherwise, a separate transaction line must be submitted for each different Markup rate showing the correct level of effort applicable to each Markup.
- Excel workbook spreadsheet names and the Column names within the transaction cannot be altered or STORMS will reject the entire spreadsheet.
- Any row in which the Contract column is blank is ignored. This allows comments and subtotals to be included (if desired) as long as this column is blank.
- Additional columns can be added at the Vendor’s discretion when constructing the proposal labor spreadsheet to allow for subtotals, totals and other related information. These columns are ignored by STORMS. Additional columns cannot use any of the reserved STORMS column names.
- The order of the spreadsheet columns does not matter.
- No new Labor Category can be submitted in a transaction unless approved in advance of submission and in writing by the Contracting Officer. Any unrecognized Labor Category will be rejected by STORMS. To avoid this, submit a copy of the approved new Labor Category name (exactly as it will be submitted in the proposal) to the SITE PMO mail box.
STORMS Proposal Valid Labor Price Transactions
The table below provides examples of properly formatted transactions or transactions treated as non-proposal submissions (a blank in the “Contract” column causes the entire row to be ignored).
STORMS Proposal Labor Price Transaction Error Conditions
The set of error conditions identified by STORMS includes (but isnot limited to) the example transactions below. (Due to its width, the spreadsheet columns are shown stretched over the next two pages. The first column in blue is not part of the spreadsheet. It is only used to provide cross reference lines to the associated descriptionerror conditions on the next page.)
(Proposal Price Report continued from previous page)
TO_ODCs Spreadsheet
The TO_ODCs spreadsheet contains the set of data which describes the vendor’s proposed ODC costs for each Task Order period and CLIN.
The specific column names and data formats for the proposal ODC transaction submissions are as follows:
The definitions of each column in the TO_ODCs spreadsheet are provided below.
Proposal ODC Transaction Column Specifications
The specific column names and data formats for the ODC transaction submissions are provided below. (Note: There are no embedded spaces in the column names)
Column Name / Contents / Field TypeContract / Contract Number - The SITE IDIQ contract number of the submitting Vendor (NOT the RFP number). The bidding Vendor is responsible for entering their IDIQ contract number on all the ODC lines being proposed. Any lines on the spreadsheet with a blank Contract # will be ignored during processing—this allows the Vendor to enter extraneous data such as subtotals and not affect STORMS processing. / Text
TaskOrder / Task Order name – This name will be provided by the SITE PMO and will be unique for every Task Order. It must not be changed in order for the file to process correctly. Note: This text item will eventually become a standard Task Order number in order to submitSTORMS expense reports, but that number is not defined until the actual award is made. / Text
CLIN / Contract Line Item Number – The RFP will identify the CLINs to be used for ODCs. The ODC transaction formats are validated and stored in the database based on the CLIN. / Text
TrackingID / Unique Vendor ODC Tracking Identifier –This is a unique tracking identifier provided by the Vendor and is used as a reference to the ODC submitted on this transaction. When the winning Vendor’s proposal file is loaded into STORMS, this ID is stored and used for correlating ODC expenses as they are submitted. / Text
Type / ODC Type – This is the type of ODC being proposed. The SITE IDIQ contract identifies the types of ODCs which may be proposed. The text in this column must exactly match one of the IDIQ approved ODC types as follows:
OEM Payments(Relocation and other)
OTSS(Outside Technical Support Services)
Special Vehicles
Travel(and Per Diem)
Transportation (of Equipment)
Storms will reject any line which does not have one of these ODC types in this column. / Text
Item / Item Description – This is a description of the ODC. It should be detailed enough for the Contracting Office and COR to understand what is proposed. / Text
Count / Item Count – This is the total number of units proposed for this item. / Integer Number
Each / Cost Each – This is the single unit cost of the item defined on this line. The total cost is not required since it will be computed by STORMS as follows: Count * Each * (1 + Markup percentage) / Currency
Markup / Material Handling Markup Percentage – This is the percent of markup applied to this ODCand cannot exceed the rate quoted in the IDIQ for the associated Period. Contracting has identified the following ODC Typesas eligible for markup:
OEM Payments(Relocation and other)
Special Vehicles
Transportation (of Equipment)
STORMS will produce and error if a markup is applied to non-approved ODC types. / Percentage
G&A / G&A Markup Percentage – This is percentage allowed according to corporate accounting rules for General and Administrative expenses. / Percentage
Total / Total Cost of Item – Calculated as follows:
= Count * Each * (1+ Markup) * (1+ G&A) / Currency
Submission of Transaction files into STORMS
Submitting Proposal Price Reports (PPR)
The PPR is to be submitted directly to the SharePoint “Upload Price Proposal”tool(see below illustration) in coordination with the proposal package for every Task Order RFP by each participating vendor. The PPR is automatically processed securely through the STORMS validation tool.