Humanitarian WASH Coordination Induction Course
Sectorial/cluster coordination has become an essential aspect of the humanitarian WASH response. Designed to support WASH personnel – whether UN, NGO or Governmental staff – undertaking a coordination function for the first time, this course seeks to provide a grounding in the basics of WASH coordination system and tools.
Provide WASH professionals new to humanitarian coordination with the essential starting knowledge and basic capacity for carrying out WASH humanitarian coordination.
OBJECTIVE1 / Understanding humanitarian context and Humanitarian Program Cycle (HPC)
2 / Getting essential knowledge about the Humanitarian WASH Coordination system, architecture ,functionsand roles throughout the HPC
3 / Listing all tasks of a humanitarian WASH coordination platform, and know the tools on GWC website that will support their implementation
This course is mandatory for the following persons at the beginning of their contract/assignment:
- Any staff joining the Global WASH Cluster (GWC) or the GWC Field Support Team (FST) for the first time
- Any staff from GWC standby partners taking on a Humanitarian WASH coordination function for the first time
- Any staff of UNICEF having a humanitarian WASH coordination role
- UNICEF chiefs of WASH
This course is recommended for the following persons:
- Any WASH partner staff taking on a Humanitarian WASH coordination function (at global, regional, national or sub-national level) for the first time.
- Governmental officers from ministries involved in humanitarian WASH coordination
- All UNICEF staff involved in managing WASH programmes
The induction is spread over three days, preferably done before the assignment:
- Day 1, providing introductory knowledge on coordination
- Day 2, providing core knowledge on coordination
- Day 3, providing advanced knowledge on coordination
Depending on the nature and timeline of the deploymentand the skills of the inductees, the induction modulescan also be condensedin 1 or 2days, only focusing on specific modules (based on deployment objectives and inductee’s knowledge gaps).
At the end of the training, the participants should be able to:
- Accurately describe the role and key interactions expected of the humanitarian WASH coordination platform
- Accurately describe the core functions, responsibilities and tasks of the WASH coordination platform, their relation to the Humanitarian Programme Cycle phases, and
- Know where to find resource materials to achieve the core functions
Induction is done as e-learning, so only a computer and an internet connection are needed, as well as a quiet room (home or office).
One facilitator is requiredfor each inductee, for the briefing/Q&A, and the 3 first month mentoring. The option of having a facilitator following two inductees at the same time is possible, depending on facilitator work load and nature of assignment.
The induction course consists of a series of modules providing essential knowledge to the inductee on the humanitarian WASH system, tasks, responsibilities linked to the 6 HPC phases + 2 key enablers, and coordination related cross cutting issues. Modules follow the same structure as the GWC coordination tool kit and the GWC WASH Operational Coordination (WOC) training[1].
This induction course is done using the AGORA training platform, through the following methodology:
- Pre-course preparations begins one week before the first module, with some pre-reading, followed by a quiz to ensure a self-assessment on pre-reading material
- An initial 30 briefing is done by the facilitator before the start of the induction
- Inductee has 3 days to complete the e-learning modules using the AGORA website. Each module is followed by a 15min knowledge evaluation, that needs to be completed in order to validate the module and go to the next one
- The 3 days e-learning is followed by a 30min Q&A session with facilitator to answer possible questions from the inductee
- The facilitator becomes a mentor for the inductee during the first 3 months of the assignment, available through email and skype for question and support
The induction content is based on the GWC tool kit framework and the WOC course. The order of the different modules has been set up based on a progressive taking up of coordination responsibilities, but can be adapted to the nature of the deployment and the inductee’s knowledge gap.
Induction step / Module[2] / Content / Recommended durationPrerequisite (1 week before) / Pre course info / Pre course essential reading / 1 week
Before the induction / Skype briefing with facilitator / Briefing about the assignment / 30min
Day 1 / Humanitarian Coordination accountabilities & functions (incl. Briefing on GWC, CAST and FST) / Briefing info / 1h30
WASH Coordination throughout the HPC / Briefing info / 1h
General coordination (Establishing the HWCP, HWCP work plan) /
- Briefing info
- Tools
- Examples
HWCP accountabilities /
- Briefing info
- Tools
- Examples
GWC working groups and operational guidelines / Briefing info / 1h
Day 1 evaluation / Survey / 30min
Day 2 / Needs assessment /
- Briefing info
- Tools
- Examples
Strategic planning /
- Briefing info
- Tools
- Examples
Implementation & monitoring /
- Briefing info
- Tools
- Examples
Emergency Preparedness /
- Briefing info
- Tools
- Examples
Day 2 evaluation / Survey / 30min
Day 3 / Resource mobilization /
- Briefing info
- Tools
- Examples
Operational review & Evaluation /
- Briefing info
- Tools
- Examples
Sudden onset emergency / Briefing info / 1h
Advocacy /
- Briefing info
- Examples
Transition / Briefing info / 1h
Humanitarian WASH Coordination Training pathways and available material / Briefing info / 1h
Day 3 evaluation / Survey / 30min
After the induction / Q&A session / Facilitator answers question from inductee about the course, the role and the assignment / 30min
- Level 1 evaluation (Reaction and Planned Action by Session):
- At the end of each day, a survey evaluation is done on agora to allow feedback on instruction, materials, the platform, and facilitation.
- Level 2 evaluation (Learning and Confidence):
- After each module a survey is done on AGORA to ensure that the learning objectives are achieved. Depending on the results, participant may be asked to repeat the module
Planning / ACTION / RESPONSIBLE PERSON3 weeks before / Participant identified / Hiring organization’s HRfocal point
2 weeks before / Facilitator identified / Hiring organization’s HR focal point / CAST
1 week before / Start pre-communication with participants, sendpre-reading document and pre-course survey / Hiring organization’s HR focal point
1 week before / Venue preparation for e-learning (book a room if course is done in the office) / Hiring organization’s HR focal point
Initiation / Briefing from facilitator / Facilitator
Day 1, 2, 3 / Participant does e-learning / Participants
End of the induction / Q&A session with facilitator / Facilitator
The first 3 months of the assignment / Inductee’s mentoring period / Facilitator
[1]The 5 days WOC training is part of the WASH Cluster coordination training pathway, given to general/expert level staff
[2] Some other modules can be added depending on the context, for example: briefing on the country of deployment, hand over with the person leaving, etc...