PO Box X 901, Pretoria, 0001, 134 Pretoria Street, HSRC Building, Pretoria

Tel: (012) 312 7945 Fax: 086



The purpose of these Terms of Reference (ToRs) is to solicit proposals from NPOs to facilitate the implementation of an integrated Household Food and Nutrition Security Programme for the Department of Social Development in the financial year 2015/16 in the Northern Cape Province.


The 2012 General Households Survey indicates that our country has a problem of hunger caused by household’s inability to that food. Food access problems were the most serious in North West where 32,9% ofhouseholds had inadequate or severely inadequate food access, followed by Northern Cape(29,7%), Mpumalanga (26,1%), Eastern Cape (25%), Free State (22,6%) and Western Cape (22,4%).

In 2012, Government reconfirmed its commitment to household food and nutrition security. On the 11 September 2013 Cabinet approved the National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security together with the Households Food and Nutrition Security Strategy. The main focus of the strategy is to address household-level hunger and nutrition insecurity. The strategy proposes immediate steps to establish a robust network of Food Distribution Centresbacked by a substantially larger financial commitment from the fiscus.

The strategy proposes for a shift from the conventional food banking model which has food rescue as a main source of food and place focus on bulk procurement of nutritious food and reaching both urban and rural areas through the establishment of Food Distribution Centres.

The Household Food and Nutrition Programme have been developed and derive its mandate from various policies and documents that include SA Constitution, the National Food and Nutrition Security policy, the Households Food and Nutrition Security Strategy and the National Development Plan Vision 2030.

The programme is guided by the following objectives:

  • Ensure access to food for the poor and vulnerable members of our society through bulk government procurement of food;
  • Improve nutrition security of citizens;
  • Develop market channels for emerging food producers
  • Fostering partnerships with relevant stakeholders within the food supply chain;
  • Enhance safety nets and food-emergency management systems

And its desired programme outcomes include the following:

  • Improved state capacity to deal with food insecurity
  • Improve food production capacity of households and poor resource farmers;
  • Increase access to food for the poor and vulnerable
  • Decreased severe malnutrition among children under five years
  • Increased food distribution to the poor and vulnerable
  • Increased community awareness on food security
  • Improved nutrition security of citizens.

These terms of reference informs the desired programme to deliver the desired Household Food and Nutrition Security Programme to deliver the above listed programme outcomes in collaboration with the Provincial Department of Social Development, other government departments, Local Municipalities and Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and other stakeholders in an integrated manner.


To solicit services of Non-Profit Organisation, to deliver food and nutrition services under the “Household Food and Nutrition Security Programme”.


The overarching goal of the project is to achieve community nutrition and feeding of poor and vulnerable households in the poorest wards in the Province (Northern Cape / Eastern Cape).

The expected programme deliverables include establishment of a robust network of Food Distribution Centres (FDCs), Community Food Depots, and Community Food and Nutrition Development Centres (CNDCs) in the province.

The attached Model for the Implementation of Household Food and Nutrition Security Programme and the programme document provides a comprehensive overview of the programme, its scope of work and the principles guiding programme implementation.

The scope of work includes:

  • Establishment of a Provincial Food Distribution Centers (PFDCs) in the province
  • Support and operationalize the Community Food Depots
  • Support a minimum of 8Community Nutrition and Development Centres (CNDCs) in the province
  • Linking the Community Food Depots to the feeding programmes (CNDCs) in the province
  • Bulk Procurement of food from local food producers
  • Acquisition of capital assets for the programme
  • Ensure proper management of the programme in the province
  • Technical support for programme implementation in the province
  • Project administration, staffing and human resource management


Below is a list of the project milestones that informs the extended project deliverables the partner organisation must deliver on;

Objective: / Activities to be undertaken / Reporting Milestones / Reporting timelines
  1. Establishment of a Provincial Food Distribution Centre (PFDCs) Northern Cape.
  • Stakeholder consultation and mobilization – National, provincial and local level with all relevant stakeholders.
  • Establish integrated provincial coordination forums
  • Provincial implementation plans
  • Facilitate establishment of PFDCs
  • Stakeholder consultation and mobilization sessions held.
  • Forum meetings and participation.
  • Progress on implementation of provincial implementation plans
  • Progress on establishment of PFDCs
/ Quarterly
  1. Support the Community Food Depots within the province.
  • Management of CFDs operations
  • Regular visit to community food depots
  • CFD’s operations report.
  • Reports on visit to community food depots
/ Quarterly
  1. Support the minimum of 8CNDCs in the province.
  • Facilitate community engagement sessions
  • Develop database of CNDCs and beneficiaries
  • Facilitate establishment of CNDCs
  • Management of CNDCs operations
  • Progress on establishment of CNDCs
  • CNDC and beneficiaries database
  • Progress on establishment of CNDCs and their operations
/ Quarterly
  1. Bulk Procurement from local food producers
  • Procure and distribute food through the food distribution centres.
  • Database of local food producers
  • Report on amounts of food purchased from local producers
  • Report on amounts of food procured and distributed.
/ Quarterly
  1. Project administration and staffing
  • Recruitment and appointment of staff across the food distribution network.
  • Resourcing of the National Services Centre/ Office
  • Project administration
  • Number of jobs created
  • Project administration & reporting:
-Financial Management
-Procurement Management
-Food Sourcing, Management & beneficiaries. / Quarterly
  • The Non-Profit Organisation must be operating in the province where they are applying.
  • Ability to develop, plan, and implement feeding and food distribution programmes.
  • Communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community (social facilitation).
  • Experience and skills in logistics and have worked in the logistics fields
  • Experience in food security and food distribution or related areas
  • Project and Financial Management.
  • Ability to develop and maintain recordkeeping systems and procedures
  • An NPO that have foot print within the province
  • Understanding of community development and sustainable livelihoods
  • Ability to gather data, to compile information, and prepare reports

7.1Prospective service providers (NPOs) must submit their proposals in one envelope with the technical proposal including the following:

  • Entity registration Certificate (NPO certificate)
  • A response to the terms of reference.
  • A project plan that states the methodology and approach for accomplishing the task, project phases if applicable, time frames and outputs (excluding cost for the project).
  • Profile of the company and description of similar work undertaken,
  • Numbers, names and CVs of NPO management and leadership assigned to the project, including their roles and responsibilities,
  • Agreement between service providers in the case of a joint venture/Consortium
  • Letter of authority to sign documents on behalf of the company/joint venture/Consortium
  • One hard copy of the technical proposal and a CD with a soft copy of the technical proposal in pdf format.

7.2 The following information must be endorsed on the envelope:

  • Name of the Organization
  • Closing date

7.3 Failure to comply with these conditions will result in a proposal being disqualified.

7.4 The closing date for the submission of proposals is 11h00 on 23November 2015.

7.5 The proposals must be deposited in the physical address below:

Province / Venue
Eastern Cape / Department of Social Development
Beacon Hill Office Park
Corner Hargreaves road & Hockley Close
King Williams Town
Northern Cape / Department of Social Development
Mimosa Complex
Barkley Road

7.6 Proposals received after the closing date and time will be regarded as late and will not be evaluated.


All deliverables report should be submitted to DSD through the Chairperson of the Project Steering Committee. Any deliverable submitted and not accepted must be reworked and resubmitted at no additional cost.

It will be expected of the successful service provider to sign a service level agreement with the Department prior to the commencement of any work.

A comprehensive monthly and quarterly report with statistics of amount of food distributed, number of beneficiaries supported, number of emerging food producers supported in-line with government financial year/ calendar will be submitted by the service provider.

The contract shall be valid for a period of 12 months as from the date of signing of the service level agreement by both parties.

The successful service provider will be paid in advance the allocation for the completion of phases or milestones set out in the project plan mutually agreed by the Department through the Project Steering Committee and the service provider.

The service provider will provide a single overall project manager.


There will be a compulsory briefing session of potential service providers prior to submission of proposals and commencement of the project. Other applicable conditions are that:

a)The department reserves that right to award work to one or more service providers

b)The department reserves the right not to award the contract should it deem fit not to award

c)Once the briefing session has been held, successful providers (NPOs) must further acquaint themselves with the programmes, policies and legislation at their own cost

d)The Department reserves the right to contact any applicants to seek clarity on any matter included in the proposal documents.

e)The Department reserves the right to appoint an independent auditor for financial auditing purposes.

f)There will be a compulsory briefing session to be held as follows:

Province / Date / Venue / Time
Eastern Cape / 16 November 2015 / Department of Social Development
Beacon Hill Office Park
Corner Hargreaves road & Hockley Close
King Williams Town / 11:00 am
Northern Cape / 17 November 2015 / Department of Social Development
Mimosa Complex
Barkley Road / 11:00 am

The Department will become the owner of all information, documents, advice and reports collected and compiled by the consultant/firm/service provider in the execution of this agreement.

The copyright of all documents will vest in the Department and may not be reproduced or distributed or made available without the written consent of the Department.

All information, documents and reports must be regarded as confidential and may not be made available to any unauthorized person or institution without the written consent of stakeholders.


Department of Social Development

During the project implementation, DSD officials will make themselves available for clarity, reporting processes, discussions mentoring and meetings. The service provider will also have access to required documents and other records available within the Department that may assist in executing the project.

Successful service provider

All resources, equipment’s and technical skills will be the responsibility of the service provider; these may be sourced from the Department at no cost and if not available outsourced to ensure successful execution of the project at a cost to the service provider.


Only proposals of NPOs who complied with the administrative requirements will be evaluated.

A departmental Project Steering Committee (PSC) comprised of the relevant line function and supporting directorates will evaluate the proposals received using the evaluation criteria as reflected below.

Project Steering Committee:

Directorate / Function/ Speciality
Integrated Development Branch / Integrated development branch oversight
Community Development / Household Food and Nutrition Security programme
Sustainable Livelihoods / Community Development
Non Profit Organisations / Regulations governing NPOs & compliance to the NPO act
Financial Monitoring of Public Entities / Financial management and internal control systems
Provincial representation / Provincial Programme Manager - Programme implementation monitoring:Northern Cape

The recommended line functions Managers may nominate dedicated officials from their Directorate to represent their units in the Project Steering Committee.


Technical proposals will be evaluated on a scale of 0 –5 in accordance with the criteria below. The rating will be as follows:

0 = No response

1 = Poor

2 = Weak

3 = Average

4 = Good

5 = Excellent

ELEMENT / Rating
1 / Weighting / Total
Approach and methodology / 15
Demonstrate experience of the prospective bidder’s engagement in similar work and understanding of the assignment. / 20
Knowledge and experience in in food security and food distribution. / 20
Capacity to facilitate and ensure establishment if institutional mechanisms for programme delivery. / 20
Operations within the province where they are applying for funding and have linkage with local NPOs. / 15
Functionality / 90


Proposals will be disqualified if they fail to comply with any of the following minimum requirements:

a)Proposals submitted after the stipulated closing time and date.

b)Failure to submit a fully completedtechnical proposal


Enquiries may be directed to:

Mr. M. Mbhele Tel. (012) 312 7594;