Manningford Parish Council Meeting - Manningford Village Hall

5 December 2016

Present:Richard Netherclift (RN), Chairman

Phil Hossack (PH)

Sue Lymposs (SL)

Reg Sampson (RS)

Paul Oatway (PO), County Councillor for Pewsey Vale

Anne Thompson-Ashby(ATA) Clerk

Apologies:Bernard Gaskin (BG)Bridget Lanyon (BL)David Proto (DP)

Absent: Andy Reed (AR)

Minutes: Minutes of theParish Council meeting of 11 October 2016approved (proposed PH,secondedSL)

1Finance: RN on behalf of BG reported a balance of £15,608. It was unanimously agreed that the precept for 2017 would remain at £6,300.

2Planning Applications:

Application 16/03263/FUL Dragon Lane. Appeal submitted. It was agreed that the PC would continue to oppose the development. RN to write on behalf of the PC.

Application16/08598/FUL Aero View appeal. The fencing has been approved by the planning department but the issue of land ownership is to be dealt with separately. PC expressed their disappointment at the outcome.

3PCC:Carol Service on 18 December at 4.00pm followed by mince pies and mulled wine. Christmas Day service at 9.30am

4Parish Projects:

  • SL expressed concern about the size of the tree outside the village hall. RN to contact tree surgeons for an estimate to reshape.
  • Phone kiosk – SL reported that Sandra Hossack was doing further research on the refurbishment and she would report back on progress.
  • Village noticeboard(s) – SL to enquire costing of Woodborough’s new board - pending
  • AR drew attention to PIGS (Path Improvement Grant Scheme) which would provide 50% toward the cost of kissing gates – pending
  • Additional defibrillator training will take place in the village hall in the Spring in conjunction with Woodborough
  • PO expressed concern about the danger of pedestrians near the Chapel on A345 and the PC supported his view that a sign indicating pedestrians in road should be considered.


  • Speedwatch is continuing.
  • RN is continuing to try to contact Sat Nav companies to have the C52 removed as an alternative to the A345..

6Footpaths:No report but ATA drew the Council’s attention to a letter from the public which had been passed on from Woodborough PC about an overgrown path near Church Farm. RN to liaise with AR.

7Localism, environment and flooding: No report.

8Police Matters:No report.

9Village Hall:A highly successful Quiz Night was held on 19 November; Carols and Christmas Party on 14 December.

10Website: PH reported that it was now more visible on google search engine. Plans are continuing to have the website engraved on the glass of the VHall.

11Correspondence:See above – footpaths.

RN to provide the PC with a map of the layout of the allotments - pending.

12Items from the public:None

13Date of next meeting:Tuesday 28 February 2017 at 7.30.

Meeting closed 8.25pm