Guidance 3(xxix) Documentation for a validation or review event
Document / ResponsibilityBook 1
Agenda / Officer
Officer Paper / Officer
APAC minute of approval, APAC form and confirmation of meeting any conditions / Officer
Overview document / Programme Leader
Programme handbook / Programme Leader
Indicative assessment schedule (if not included in handbook) / Programme Leader
QAA Subject Benchmark Statement, Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and if applicable, Masters and Doctoral Degree Characteristics and PSRB standards (not required for franchised programmes) / Officer
Curriculum Design – Academic Policy Statement APS18 (Validated programmes only need to follow the principles and this policy does not need to be included for franchised events) / Officer
Diversity Guidance / Officer
Draft programme marketing material (as provided on web site) / Programme Leader
Event evaluation form / Officer
Additionally for a validation by School Committee:
Resource statement
Additonally for a review:
Most recent validation/review report together with compliance statement / Officer
Annual Monitoring and Enhancement Report (including those for MU Overseas Campus if appropriate) for the last two years including all appendices covering student feedback, external examiner reports and responses, KPI data sheets, Board of Study minutes, Boards of Study action/outcome tables, PSRB and/or QAA reports to include information from all campuses and franchise partners. / Officer
Additionally for collaborative events:
Institutional Approval or Institutional Waiver Report (if this is the first validation for the partner) / Officer
The institution’s regulations/academic misconduct procedures and confirmation of their approval by the Academic Registrar if these differ from the Middlesex Regulations (for validated programmes only) / Officer
Book 2 (for Chair, University Representative and External Assessors only)
Fully updated or abbreviated CV for all key teaching staff / Programme Leader
Book 3 (for External Assessors only)
Middlesex Regulations / Officer
Roles and Responsibilities of Panel Members / Officer
Guidance on Fees and Expenses and EPP / Officer updated 2Nov15 2015/16