Congratulations to you on your engagement! We hope that the following information will be helpful to you in preparation for your wedding. As from November 5th 2007, new legal requirements come into effect for those getting married, while the Church requirements remain the same.
The three important civil changes are:
- The couple take greater responsibility for the civil registration of their marriage.
- The couple make a declaration of no civil impediment
- Priests in order to officiate at a marriage, must be on the
‘List of Solemnisers’submitted by each local Bishop to the Registrar General
Book the church you wish to marry in, at least three months in advance. The Parish Office will advise how to do this.
Meet any civil registrar in person to give notice of your intention to marry. This meeting must take place at least 3 months before the wedding in order to comply with the civil requirement. The couple will need to know that the church is available prior to this meeting and they will also need to know the name of the priest who will solemnise the marriage.
When all the civil requirements have been completed satisfactorily the couple will receive the Marriage Registration Form (MRF) from the registrar. Without this form the couple cannot get married nor may the solemniser proceed with the marriage ceremony.
A Pre- Nuptial Enquiry Form must be filled by each of the couple. The bride will need to make an appointment with the priest in charge of the Parish where she lives, and the groom’s form is completed by the priest of his parish.
Present the MRF to the solemniser as early as convenient before the wedding.
Make the verbal declaration of no civil impediment not more than 2 days before the wedding in the presence of the solemniser and the two witnesses. It is recommended practice that this declaration be made at the beginning of the wedding, when the bride and groom arrive at the sanctuary.
Return the signed MRF to any civil registrar not later than 1 month after the wedding.
Other points to note:
All couples are most welcome to celebrate their marriage in any of our three churches. Parishioners are asked to make arrangements with regards to papers etc, with the priest of their area in the Parish.
Couples outside of the Parish should get their papers from their own Parish, and normally are expected to make arrangements for their wedding celebration with a priest of their own. However, in the event that you need a priest, please contact the Parish Office and we may be able to facilitate you.
A non-refundable offering of €170.00 for Parishioners of Killarney or €265.00 for couples not from the Parish is payable to Killarney Parish Office, when booking the wedding. This includes a fee for the Sacristan, who will assist you with your rehearsal and at your wedding ceremony, however this fee does not include the donation to the priest for celebrating your wedding Mass.
The ceremony is prepared with the priest who will celebrate the wedding.
The proposed music and lyrics must be approved by the Director of Music at the Parish Office in advance.
Flowers and plants should be used with discretion and discussed with the Parish Clerk. As each of the churches are beautiful, flowers need only be used sparingly. Artificial flowers and arches are not allowed. Because of insurance purposes, we ask people not to use candles outside the altar.
A video recording / photography of the ceremony is permitted on the understanding that the photographer / video technician is dressed becomingly and will remain outside the sanctuary, and is in a position which will not cause distraction or disrupt the ceremony.
No rice, confetti or anything else may be tossed in the church grounds.
Out of consideration for all concerned the bride should be present on time as delay inconveniences everybody. Finally enjoy your special day.
For further information please contact:
Parish Office, St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney, Co. Kerry.
Tel: (00353) 64 6631014 Fax 00353 64 6631148
Parish Office Hours Monday – Saturday 10.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.
May the peace of Christ
ever dwell in your new home;
May the angels of God protect it,
And may the family of Nazareth
be your model and inspiration.