Grosse Pointe North Band and Orchestra Booster club Minutes

May 3, 2010

President Lisa Carmer called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Board of Directors in attendance: Lisa Carmer, Tom Warnez, Barb Glovac, Karen McCarthy and Mike Brinker. Band director Dave Cleveland was also in attendance.

President’s Report:

·  March meeting for April, booster minutes were presented for approval. Pat Curran motioned to approve, seconded by Tom Warnez. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report

·  Report was presented, motion to accept report made by Pat Curran and seconded by Mike Brinker. Report approved.

Orchestra Hall

·  Suggested changes for next time:

Do not have the students cut through the lobby to and from the stage.

There was a lot of talking in the balcony during the performances, additional parent chaperones needed to sit in the balcony.

·  Students in all groups did a great job with their performances!

Band and Orchestra Banquet

·  Mrs. Lucia Ross and Mrs. Chanel Harlan are working on the senior plaques details. They will have a picture mat for seniors to sign.

·  Mr. Cleveland will check into Varsity letter parent volunteers.

·  Mr. Cleveland asked for parents to help with checking students in. Mrs. Bakowski and Mrs. Kubacki volunteered.

·  Becky Curran will do the certificates.

Summer Scholarships

·  Mr. Cleveland has received 8 applications for summer scholarships.

·  A question was raised as to how the money is distributed, i.e. directly to student or teacher. A possible revamp of the procedure will be reviewed for next year. Ideas included changing the scholarship form and having the private teacher sign the form, with a possible voucher. Mrs. Curran and Mr. Cleveland were going to braintorm ways to distribute the money in the future.

Nominating Committee

·  Mr. Curran asked for names to contact for possible booster positions for next year.

·  Job descriptions of open positions will be posted on the web.

Band Directors Report-Mr. Dave Cleveland

·  Mr. Cleveland was taking a poll of which view the parents liked more from the Orchestra Hall concert, tha dsitan view or the close up view.

·  Students did an excellent job at the Toronto Music Festival!!

·  Symphony Band received a “Superior” rating, highest band score and highest score of the festival!!

·  Symphony Orchestra also received a “Superior” rating and the highest ratingof all orchestras at the festival!!

·  Mr. Cleveland would like to give a special thanks to all the chaperones that went on the Toronto trip.

·  Jazz Band will be going to Cedar Point on May 22nd . Mrs. Lucier volunteered to chaperone, Mr. Cleveland asked if there might be 2 more parents who would be willing to chaperone.

·  Outdoor concert on May 27th, at 7:00 PM at Grosse Pointe South.

·  Jazz Band will also be playing at “Music on the Plaza” in the village, on June 10th.

New Business

·  Mrs. Jankiewicz volunteered to be secretary for the 2010-2011 school year. Thank you Pam! Mrs. Glovac motioned to accept, Mr. Warnez seconded. Motion approved.

·  Other open postions will be posted on the website, VICE-PRESIDENT AND TREASURER are essential positions needed to be filled. Please volunteer!!!

·  Mrs. Kozak asked for someone to volunteer to co-chair the flower bulb sale next fall.

Motion was made at 8:00 to adjourn the meeting by Tom Warnez, seconded by Pat Curran. Meeting adjourned. The next meeting of the Grosse Pointe North Band Boosters is on Wednesday , June 2nd , at 7:00 PM in the band room at GPN. The power point presentation will be shown from the banquet.