College of Education, Teacher Education Division
TED 400: Introduction to Education (3 units)
Fall 2014
Instructor: Dr. Jeff SappOffice: COE 1453
Phone: (310) 243-3721Office Hours: Thursday 3-5
Email: lass Meetings: Monday 4-6:45
- CSUDH Teacher Education Department Preliminary Credential Program Handbook,
- Ornstein, A. and Levine, D. (2008). Foundations of Education. Independence, KY: Wadsworth Publishing.
- Taskstream: A web-based toolset for demonstrating learning achievement.
- Additional materials are available at .
- Burant, T., Christensen, L., Salas, K., & Walters, S. The New Teacher Book: Finding Purpose, Balance, and Hope During Your First Years in the Classroom. Second Edition. Rethinking Schools. Milwaukee, WI, (Available as an instant download e-book)
University Statement Regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act: CSUDH adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with temporary and permanent disabilities. For students with a disability that may adversely affect their work in class, it is recommended that they register with Disabled Student Services (DSS). All disclosures of disabilities are kept strictly confidential. Note: no accommodation can be made until a student is registered with the DSS in WH180. For more information call 310/243-3660.
University Statement Regarding Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: The CSUDH booklet Student Rights and Responsibilities states that “...all academic work submitted by a student as his or her own should be in his or her own unique style, words, and form. When work is submitted that appears to be original, but actually is not, the student has committed plagiarism.” For this course, you are expected to submit an original instructional unit. You may incorporate materials and resources developed by other individuals, but be sure to cite the authors or developers of these materials and resources. Please refer to University Catalog for the full state of the university’s policies.
Mission Statement: We collaborate to design and implement rigorous and relevant programs, recruit, and support excellent candidates, develop interactive learning environments that foster student achievement and empowerment, pose critical questions, and engage in continuous improvement.
Vision Statement: The College of Education, in partnership with P-14 schools, prepares deeply knowledgeable education professionals who are passionate about helping all students reach their full potential, and who make urban schools the places where children, families, and teachers thrive.
Philosophy Statement: We recognize the wide range of perspectives, ideas, and deep-seated beliefs that exist within our own community. At the same time, we share core values that underlie our work with and for candidates.
Core Belief Statement: Developed by faculty and centered on key themes in educator preparation, these statements express the strong values that underlie our professional work and that have long been held in the College of Education. These beliefs define our work together even when it branches out into different projects and endeavors. Each theme and statement stems from a strong knowledge base that includes theories and research from each of the disciplines present in our school.
• Access: We believe that every child is entitled to caring, competent, and qualified teachers, administrators, and counselors every year.
• Responsive Pedagogy: We believe all students can learn when educators know them, have high expectations for them, and provide them with appropriate instruction and scaffolding.
• Reflection: We believe our academic programs and clinical preparation must integrate current research, significant theory, and public policy through reflective practices that result in continuous improvement.
• Growth: We believe that education professionals have an obligation to be a force for continual and positive growth for themselves, their students, their colleagues, and their communities. This gives purpose to our practice of continuous assessment and improvement.
• Collaboration: We believe that collaboration within and among all stakeholders and communities is integral to learning and to transforming schools.
COE Programs are Accredited by NCATE and CTC (See COE/CSUDH Website for detailed information)
TED Policy states that candidates must maintain a B average, with no grade lower than a C. A grade of Incomplete is given only in cases of documented grave emergencies.
One of the goals of the University is to provide the best customer service to our students. During the past few years the university has been working to refine and ensure that any e-mail system used by the University to communicate to students is secure and safe. As part of this process, Student E-mail is now the primary means of communicating to all CSUDH students used by the Offices of Admissions, Financial Aid, Records and Registration and Student Financial Services.
In addition, to successfully participate in this course, students must:
1. Demonstrate facility with Microsoft Office, including Word and PowerPoint (or other similar programs).
2. Regularly access their CSUDH email account.
3. Access course information and materials from CSUDH Blackboard.
4. Upload assignments to
5. Access additional materials on-line for in-class assignments.
6. Access and respond to on-line prompts and discussion.
7. Access and use a range of on-line programs (e.g. Dropbox, Flickr, Blogger, Wikispaces, etc.).
As students will need to access information available on Blackboard and/or other Internet sources for classroom activities and it is important to bring a computer or mobile device with Internet access to every class. Many—though not all—of these instructional materials are available on Blackboard and can be downloaded ahead of time (and printed out if they cannot be accessed in class).
This course is an introduction to Education and to the CSUDH Division of Teacher Education Credential Program for single and multiple subject programs. It is taken during Phase I of the program. The observation and participation requirement includes 30 hours of early field experience in urban, multilingual, and multicultural school settings. Course topics include: history and philosophy of education, credential program orientation, state Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs), credential program assessment system (PACT), state content standards, lesson planning/teaching/reflection, and the professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities of teachers. Throughout the course in in-class and out-of-class activities, students learn about and use a number of computer applications to complete instructional course tasks. They also critically evaluate these and other technological tools for their usefulness as integral tools in K-12 classrooms. This is a traditional in-class course that meets weekly during the session.
Candidates will participate in a number of activities both in and outside of class related to using technology to support K-12 student learning. Through these activities, candidates will:
- Understand the history of education and its impact on today’s educators.
- Identify and write about their philosophies of teaching.
- Become familiar with and reflect upon the Teacher Performance Expectations.
- Observe and engage in public school classrooms in the appropriate subject and level.
- Collect and analyze a range of instructionally-related information about students in a public school classroom. TPE #3, #8
- Develop skills in developing effective lesson plans that incorporate principles of effective instruction and best practices. TPE #3, #4, #5, #6A, #6B, #6C, #9
- Become familiar with and reflect upon legal and professional guidelines and obligations. #12
- Become familiar with and use a range of web-based tools that support learning. TPE #3, #4, #5, #9
- Identify resources for integrating technology into classroom use. TPE #3, #4, #5, #9
- Evaluate web technologies for use in the classroom. TPE #3, #4, #5, #9
Grades for this course are based upon assignments completed outside of class, as well as in classroom sessions. Assignments are due on the dates listed on the Class Schedule. No late work will be accepted.
Course Grading Scale: Grades are calculated using the following scale:
A 95% and aboveB-80-83%D+67-69%
B+87-89%C74-76%F63% or below
Assignments: Grades are based upon the following assignments:
Philosophy of Education15 points
Student Information and Classroom Context Form10 points
Lesson Planning & Reflection20 points
Reflection on Field Experience10 points
Documentation of Field Experience15 points*
Educational App Review10 points
Reflective Blogging20 points
Total100 points
* Required for passing TED 400
Students are expected to attend all classes. In the case of an unavoidable absence, students are responsible for contacting the instructor and acquiring materials and information from other members of the class. Students will lose In-Class assignment points for each absence.
Assignments are due on the dates listed on the Class Schedule. Electronic assignments must be posted by 3:30 of the due date. Physical assignments are due at the beginning of class period on the due date. No late work will be accepted.
As a courtesy to the instructor and members of the class, make every effort to arrive on time to class. If you arrive late, please enter the class quietly so as not to disturb others.
It is the responsibility of all members of the class to treat other members and the instructor courteously and professionally to assure that each individual has the opportunity and right to express his or her opinions. Additionally, as a courtesy to all members of the class, all cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off or to silent mode upon entering the classroom. Personal and class computers should be used for class work, except during breaks or after completion of classwork. Misuse of computers may result in the suspension of the privilege of using these devices in class.
Philosophy of Education (15 points) A philosophy of education is a statement about the purposes of education, how students develop and learn, and what and how they should be taught. Your philosophy should be succinctly developed using either PowerPoint or Prezi and fully address each of the following statements:
- Identify what you believe are the purposes of education.
- What do you think the curriculum and content should be? Include which of the philosophies of education discussed in class form the basis of your personal philosophy. You can combine one or more and have an eclectic perspective.
- Identify what you believe about how children learn and develop. What are the approaches to teaching that support students’ learning?
- What are the important roles played by teachers? What metaphor best describes your ideas for the teacher? What are the most important teacher characteristics?
Student Information and Classroom Context Form (10 points) An important component of the course, these activities introduce you to learning about the students in your class and using this information for planning instruction. This task asks you to collect information about the class that you are observing and plan instruction based upon the information. You may also, optionally, teach the lesson you plan. See page 7 for the form.
Lesson Planning and Reflection (20 points each) Another important skill that the course is structured to develop is your ability to plan lessons. You will develop a lesson plan with other members of the class. Your group will then teach part of this lesson to the whole class. You will be asked to individually reflect upon this process and the skills and knowledge you may have acquired from it. Demonstrate technology proficiency by including at least two Apps you’d use to engage students. See page 8 for format.
Reflections on Field Work (10 points) As you complete the required 30 hours of observation, you will be asked to respond to specific questions about classroom and instructional practices that you are likely to observe (see School Classroom Observation document). Your responses to these will also be discussed at various points in class throughout the semester. See page 10 for Observation Journal Prompts.
Documentation of Field Experiences (15 points) The thirty hours of classroom observation required for this course must be documented on the Observation Documentation Form. This completed form must be turned in to receive credit for the course. See page 9.
Reflective Blogging (5 points each = 20 points)
During the semester students will respond to four prompts related to the course content on on-line blogging sites. Grades for reflective blogging are based on submission and quality of content. Students will post entries to prompts, as well as in response to other students’ postings. The Blog and Prompts are at
Educational App/Other Review (10 points)
To encourage exploration of the broad range of applications and other technology uses available free or at low cost, students will locate an app with interesting educational uses and write a review of it. These will be posted to an on-line site for access and comments by the rest of the class.
Application Accounts
In addition to the above assignments, students will need to create personal accounts for several applications that will be used during the class (Google, Dropbox, Prezi, etc.). While it is hoped that these applications will be useful, students can, of course, cancel their accounts at the end of the semester.
Students will fill out Disposition Survey #1 and Disposition #2 on Taskstream at two designated times during the semester. You can see these surveys in paper form on pages 5 and 6.
TED 400 Disposition Self-Reflection Survey #1
Please reflect on your abilities to demonstrate the following behaviors at this point in your credential coursework. Completion of this survey should serve to assist you in reflecting upon your own strengths and opportunities for growth.
I am confident “I ” can: / No confidence Very confidentDemonstrate sensitivity and respect for others’ cultural differences / 1 2 3 4 5
Approach learners with patience. / 1 2 3 4 5
Collaborate effectively with other professionals / 1 2 3 4 5
Approach learners with empathy / 1 2 3 4 5
Communicate effectively with families from culturally& linguistically diverse backgrounds / 1 2 3 4 5
Approach learners with fairness / 1 2 3 4 5
Will hold all learners, including those in high need areas to high expectation / 1 2 3 4 5
Communicate effectively with colleagues / 1 2 3 4 5
Participate effectively as a team member / 1 2 3 4 5
Communicate effectively with administrators / 1 2 3 4 5
Develop and implement systematic, evidence based instructional strategies to teach skills within the school and work setting. / 1 2 3 4 5
Use informal assessments to make accommodations, modifications, & instructional decisions. / 1 2 3 4 5
Use formal assessments to make accommodations, modifications, & instructional decisions / 1 2 3 4 5
Implement intervention strategies that address specific learning needs, that are developmentally & culturally appropriate. / 1 2 3 4 5
Develop differentiated lessons and instructional sequences that address diverse strengths and needs. / 1 2 3 4 5
Implement positive behavioral support plans and interventions based on functional behavior assessments. / 1 2 3 4 5
I am an individual who: / Not true Very True
Has high expectations for all learners in high-need schools / 1 2 3 4 5
Reflects on my own biases / 1 2 3 4 5
Is comfortable with individuals from varied cultural and linguistic backgrounds / 1 2 3 4 5
Collaborates effectively with professionals / 1 2 3 4 5
Reflects on my own learning / 1 2 3 4 5
Engages in reflective practices / 1 2 3 4 5
Reflects on my own goals / 1 2 3 4 5
Reflects on my own strengths / 1 2 3 4 5
Values cultural and linguistic diversity / 1 2 3 4 5
Adapted Spring 2014 from CSUDH COE’s SPE 481 Special Education Personal Reflection Survey
TED 400 Disposition Self-Reflection Survey #2
Please reflect on your abilities to demonstrate the following behaviors at this point in your credential coursework. Completion of this survey should serve to assist you in reflecting upon your own strengths and opportunities for growth. You are asked to provide the last four digits of your student ID for data collection purposes only. The results will not be viewed by faculty currently supervising or evaluating your work. Results will be used for program reflection, accreditation purposes and as appropriate for research purposes.
Using the scale below, please rate yourself on the extent to which you believe you currently engage in the following behaviors:
1=Never 2= Not usually 3= Sometimes 4= Most of the time 5= Always
Thinking about myself at this point in my professional growth, I…
_____ Demonstrate sensitivity and respect for others’ differences, experiences, culture, values, ideas, and
_____ Exhibit behaviors and attitudes towards students and peers that acknowledge and celebrate
_____ Show a commitment to helping student realize their potential.
_____ Demonstrate flexibility and openness to different ideas and thoughts, including feedback from others.
_____ Demonstrate self-awareness and knowledge of personal strengths and limitations which may
influence my professional success.
_____ Demonstrate willingness to transfer insight into action (e.g. to seek professional help or make changes)
_____ Show attentiveness and respectfulness when interacting with colleagues and instructors.
_____ Adhere to established group rules as delineated and explained during TED courses.
_____ Display professional behavior to faculty, staff, and peers.
_____ Attend class regularly and am punctual.
_____ Demonstrate a willingness to self-examine and participate in self-reflection for growth.
_____ Maintain both physical and psychological health when lack of soundness is apparent.
_____ Demonstrate integrity and honesty in my academic work and in my personal interactions in group.
_____ Demonstrate ethical behavior.
_____ Participate in assignments as required by the instructor (reading, journaling, etc.).
_____ Utilize active listening skills.
_____ Demonstrate a commitment to my own development as a professional.
(Adapted Spring 2014 from CSUDH COE’s PPS 525 Group Dynamics for Personal Growth Self-Reflection Survey)
Student Information and Context for Learning Form