Greetings to all Law Enforcement, Judges, and Staff

You are invited to attend a presentation hosted by the

West Texas Justice of the Peace and Constable’s Association,

to be given by

Jose Garza working with the FBI in McAllen, Texas

Concerning drug trafficking and what is going on in our communities.

To be held on

October 28, 2010

at the Hilton Midland Plaza Hotel in Midland, Texas

117 West Wall Street,Midland, Texas, United States79701
Tel:1-432-683-6131 Fax:1-432-683-0958


: 8:00 am

Presentation: 9:00 – 12:00

Lunch at the hotel: 12:00 – 1:00

Conclusion of Presentation: 1:15 – 3:00

Registration fee is $10.00 per person. All checks need to be made out to WTJPCA.

For those requiring overnight stay, an arrangement with the Hilton Midland Plaza Hotel has been made for a room cost of $85.00 per night. Please tell the hotel that you are staying with the WTJPCA in order to get the reduced rate. Rooms will be available at 3:00 pm on October 27th. Please register BEFORE October 13, 2010 with how many rooms you will need. You will be responsible for booking your room with the hotel directly. In order to get the reduced rate for the hotel rooms, booking must be done by October 13th, time is of the essence.

Please return the form below along with your registration fee to Gaines County Justice of the Peace Pct 2., PO Box 755, Seagraves, Texas 79359. ASAP.

Name: ______

Agency: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Telephone Number: ______

Number of rooms requested: ______

Names of those attending from your agency: ______

Mr. Jose M. Garza is currently the Director of Homeland Security for Kansas City Southern Rail Lines assigned to the JTTF and Railroad Liaison, at the FBI Office in McAllen, Texas.

Mr. Garza’s current position involves the planning, implementation and support of critical railroad security functions regarding the railroad, its employees, assets, and national security. Furthermore, the current position held by Mr. Garza involves serving as a liaison between the railroad, the American Association of Railroads (AAR) and government agencies in security related matters and initiatives. Mr. Garza is involved in the railroad industry security coordination in the United States and Mexico; the development of railroad emergency security response and training plans per federal regulations and voluntary initiatives. He is also involved in the internal security training and education programs, including meetings, activities and communicating with other agencies on railroad security initiatives and in development of hazardous materials security risk and vulnerability assessment for the movement of hazardous materials.

Prior to his current position, Mr. Garza was an Intelligence Analyst for the FBI in McAllen, Texas for over twelve years. During that period and currently, Mr. Garza continues to conduct strategic analysis and tracking the border violence associated with the drug cartels and their movements in South Texas and the Southwest Border. He tracks the Mexican railroad systems in Mexico and provides threat assessments to law enforcement on the rail movements, the sea ports and threats the Mexican railroad posses to the US. He is recognized as a subject matter expert concerning Drug Trafficking Organization and Gangs associated with the Cartels. Prior to working for the FBI, Mr. Garza was a Texas DPS Trooper and DPS Sgt. Narcotics Investigator. Mr. Garza is certified as a Special Texas Ranger and a Firearms and Classroom Instructor.

Mr. Garza has a close working relationship and association with the Department of Homeland Security and Border Protection, US Customs and Border Patrol, State and local law enforcement along the Southwest Border. Mr. Garza has furthered a close working relationship with DHS/CBP by coordinating and sharing intelligence with the railroad representatives regarding movement of cargo, human smuggling and hazardous material potentially affecting the security of our U.S. borders.

Class Description

Southwest Border Issues: International, Transnational and National Threats

The class consists of US-Mexico border issues specifically border violence, drug cartels, alien smuggling, gangs associated with the cartels and cultural aspects involved with the Mexican narco-traffickers. The class also covers weapons trafficking both national and international, sea ports and rail lines in Mexico being utilized by the cartels.

In summary, we are very fortunate to have a man with this much experience to be willing to come and speak with us about the saturation of drugs in our nation, state and communities. His information on drug trafficking will be invaluable for Law Enforcement, Judges and Court Staff.