February 14, 2010

Worship Center: Holy Spirit Catholic Church 201 44th St. South Holy Family Chapel, 2800 Central Ave.

Parish Offices – 201 44th St. South Great Falls, MT 59405 Phone: 452-6491

Fax: 452-6495 Email: web: www.holyspiritgf.org

Parish Office hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – Noon

School Office – 2820 Central Avenue Phone: 761-5775

Email: web: www.holyspiritcs.org

“What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy.. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men and women. That is what love looks like.” St. Augustine of Hippo

Mark your calendar!!

Fat Tuesday Potluck Dinner

Tuesday, February 16th **** 6:00 p.m.

Sts. Peter & Paul Center

Beer Baron Sausage, Hot Dogs, Potatoes provided

A – O bring a salad, P – Z bring a dessert

Volunteers needed

Call Ed Kelley at 761-5164 or the Parish Office if you can help with set up, serving, or take down

Women’s Day of Prayer

Sunday, February 14th from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Social Hall

Child Care will be provided at Sts. Peter & Paul

“Blessing of the Beatitudes”

All women of the parish are invited to attend.

Presented by the Holy Spirit Parish Nurses.

Ash Wednesday **** Wednesday, February 17th

Mass and distribution of ashes

8:30 a.m. – Holy Family Chapel and 7:00 p.m. – Holy Spirit Church

Bring you palms back from last year to burn on Ash Wednesday


Lenten Reconciliation Service

With opportunity for individual confessions

Wednesday, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. – Holy Spirit Church

(soup and bread potluck at 6:00 p.m.)

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 7, 2010

Holy Spirit Parish Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday – 4:30 p.m.

Sunday – 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Daily Mass Schedule

Holy Spirit Day Chapel:

Tues. – 5:15 p.m. & Thurs. – 8:30 a.m.

Park Place: Wed. – 2:30 p.m. – 3200 15th Ave. S

Holy Family Chapel: Fri.: 8:30 a.m. – 2800 Central Avenue

Mass Intentions:

Tuesday, February 16th +Ernest Gagnon

Wednesday, February 17th – 8:30 a.m. Holy Family Chapel

+Bea Conry

2:30 p.m. – Park Place, Word & Communion

7:00 p.m. – +Clara Kirkendall

Thursday, February 18th – +Kay Biscup

Friday, February 19th – 8:30 a.m. – Holy Family Chapel

+Frank Voeller

Saturday, February 20th – +Gene & Alice Meyer

Sunday, February 21st –

8:30 a.m. – Parishioners

11:00 a.m. – +Paul Ferda

Reconciliation: Sat. at 4 p.m. at Holy Spirit

Readings for next week – 1st Sunday of Lent

·  Deuteronomy 26:4-10

·  Romans 10:8-13

·  Luke 4:1-13

Coffee & Rolls Schedule

February 14th – Formation Program

February 21st – Knights of Columbus

February 28th – Holy Spirit School

Bus Schedule:

February 20th – Stukey/Triplett

February 21st – Martin/Walczak

What’s Happening This Week….

Everything is at Holy Spirit unless noted.

Sunday: Confirmation only prep. – 10:00 a.m.

Women’s Day of Prayer – 2:00 p.m.

Monday: Christian Service – 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday: Fat Tuesday – 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday: Mass & Distribution of Ashes – 8:30 HF

Mass & Distribution of Ashes – 7:00 HS

Thursday: RCIA – 7:00 p.m. – Sts. P&P

Friday; Stations – 6:30

Thank you to the family of Jim & Alice Brown for the donation of $1,000 in their memory for the upkeep of our parish bus. Jim was a faithful rider for several years and greatly appreciated it. If you would like to help support our bus, you may donate to the transportation fund.

City-wide Lenten Reconciliation Services

February 26th – Cathedral of St. Ann – Noon

March 10th – Blessed Sacrament – 7:00 p.m.

March 23rd – St. Luke the Evangelist – 7:00 p.m.

March 24th – Cathedral of St. Ann – 6:30 p.m.

March 30th – Our Lady of Lourdes – 7:00 p.m.

WE, the people of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish of Great Falls, Montana, created by God, centered in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, are sharing our journey of faith.

WE are committed to upholding our faith, strengthening our families, and being a joyful people of prayer.

WE strive to be the Lord’s presence on earth by welcoming and ministering to all people with compassion and hope.

Rev. March 3, 2009


Fr. Dick Schlosser Pastor

Mark Meyer Parish Administrator

Mary Dupuis Worship

Larry Guilbault RCIA/Adult Formation

Sr. Catherine Kinsella, O. P. Pastoral Associate

Amy Volf Elementary Coordinator

Mary Jolley Youth Coordinator

Karyn Jenkins Secretary

Chuck Osterman Maintenance

Liturgical Ministers for Feb. 20, 21

Bread Bakers: C Grau, B McNamee

4:30 p.m. / 8:30 a.m. / 11:00 a.m.
Music / M Dupuis
M Steffes / J Malek
B Nardinger / 11:00 Group
B Nardinger
Sacristan / B. Thelen / G. Matsko / K. Krattiger
Greeters / Gray/Olmstead
V. Pedro / Rooney Family / Hayes Family
L. Romanchuk
Usher / S. Pedro
M. Thompson / Bill Chafin
J. Pierce / R. Martin
M Sitzmann
Cross / R. Wienholz / Molly Hodges / J. Nicholson
Servers / S. Mindt
T. Wienholz / A. Longin
O. Longin / T. Nicholson
M Sitzmann
C. L. W. / L. Erickson
M. Erickson
MK Hezel / P. Nicholson
H. Dutro
M George
Lector / A. Wienholz
J. Larson / Rodi Pitstick
J. Neu / T. Paul
C. Paul
Gifts / Gilligan Family / Gardner Family / Fehres Family
E. M. / S. Mayernik
L. Mindt
R. Olmstead
S. Edwin
C. Gilligan
T. Gilligan
E. Gilligan
S. Gray
S C Kinsella
Wendy Roehm
F. Talbot / Brenda Chafin
T. Neu
K. Neu
K. Donnelly
B. Duke
L. Gardner
Katie Hodges
M Hodges
K. Lakner
C. Neu
M. Neu / M E Francis
Lucius Francis
M Sitzmann
G. Boysun
H. Boysun
P. Byrne
C. Christiaens
K. Matteson
L. Matteson
D. Nicholson
J. Witham

If you are not available for a scheduled date, log into the Web Terminal and request a sub or contact Mary at the parish office 452-6491 /email

Adult Formation – RCIA

Larry Guilbault 452-6491ex. 205

RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process to invite and prepare people to enter the Catholic Church. We will celebrate the Rite of Acceptance and welcome on Saturday Feb. 13th at the 4:30pm Mass for those inquirers who are ready to make the next step in their faith journey. All interested people are invited to join us Thursday evenings at 7PM in the RCIA room of Sts. Peter & Paul Center. Call Larry for information at 452-6491or email me.

Our Parish Lenten Program Ashes to Easter will begin with our Fat Tuesday Dinner on February 16th and then Soup and Bread Potluck starting on February 24th. The schedule will be on next weeks bulletin cover.

Baptism Schedule

February 14th at 8:30am and 11:00am

April 4th (Easter Sunday) at 8:30am and 11am

April 17th Saturday at 4:30pm

May 15th at 8:30am

June 20th at 11:00am

Bible Study We will begin a short (4 week) study An Overview of the New Testament following Easter. If you would consider being a group leader for this study please call or email me. A special thank you to the group leaders for the last session: Pete Oberg; Tom Grau; Pat Hilgendorf and Pat Cahill. Without these volunteers we could not offer such a great program. For information on our Catholic Bible Study please contact Larry at the office 452-6491 or email

Youth & Young Adults

Mary Jolley 452-6491ex 207

Fr. Dick invites Young Singles, Couples and Families

If you are over 19, single, married, divorced or widowed please join us at

9:45 am Sunday, February 14th

in the Young Adult Room at

Sts. Peter & Paul across the street from Holy Spirit.

Child care provided!

7th & 8th Grade Youth Group meets Wednesdays 7 PM

Ash Wed. Feb. 17th we meet at 6:45pm Holy Spirit

***March 20th REACH RETREAT, apply now!

High School Youth Groups Join us at anytime!

9th & 10th Grades meet most Sundays, 6 PM at P&P

February 14th Guest Speaker “The Chosen People”

**Feb. 17th Ash Wednesday Teen Participation

** Retreat with Bishop Warfel at St. Thomas Camp

March 13/14 Transportation Provided Apply NOW!

Elementary Formation

Amy Volf 452-6491 ext. 208

HELP NEEDED ASAP: Assistant Catechist for Prayer 4-6 grade Group. Contact Amy Volf at the office.

Feb. 17 -Ash Wed. Mass---NO RE

Sacramental Preparation

for Completion of Initiation - Confirmation

NEXT Confirmation Session for members who have received 1st Eucharist will be Feb 14, 10 AM .Call Amy if you need info. Note TIME CHANGE-10am

Holy Spirit School

Roger Robbins – Principal

Helen Boysun/Anna Beckman, Secretaries 761-5775

Please join our students, faculty and parents for liturgy on Friday mornings at 8:30 at the Holy Family Chapel.


Holy Spirit Catholic School’s open house was a huge success with many new families visiting our school. It is always a fun evening meeting new friends and visiting with old. If you didn’t have a chance to visit us on open house night, no worries! Just call the school and we will set up a tour for you. We love showing off our terrific school and amazing teachers!

Grazie! Grazie! Grazie!

We are so grateful to our school and church families for attending, donating and supporting our

12th ANNUAL SPAGHETTI DINNER & CAKE AUCTION. With your wonderful donations, we were able to raise $4,100 for the Holy Spirit Titans and Booster Club. Many, many thanks for all the great help from so many people!!

Our students are still collecting “change for change in Haiti”. If you have any spare change, you can bring it to the school and drop it in our tube. All money collected will be given to Catholic Relief Fund.

Join us for our Ash Wednesday mass at 8:30 in the Holy Family Chapel. Our 5th grade class will be preparing the service.

Did you know that Holy Spirit Catholic School is only partially supported by tuition? One major fundraiser the school has is our BONUS BUCKS program. It is 100%, dollar for dollar, and very easy! Mary is at the school and willing to explain the program and help you with your orders. Don’t forget Easter, Mother’s Day, graduations, first Eucharist celebrations, and Father’s Day are fast approaching! What better gift than a gift card?

Christian Service

Sr. Catherine Kinsella, O.P. 452-6491ex. 204

Justice Notes:

Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. As part of our community’s observance of Lent, we ask all families to participate in the Catholic Relief Services’ Operation Rice Bowl, a program of prayer, fasting, learning, and giving.

Catholic Relief Services invites Catholics:

to pray with their families and faith communities:

fast in solidarity with those who hunger;

learn about our global community and the challenges of poverty overseas;

and give sacrificial contributions to those in need.

Please be sure to take a Rice Bowl and Lenten Calendar to enhance your Lenten observations at home.

Visit orb.crs.org to find videos and other information about the difference your Lenten prayers, fasting, and sacrificial donations make in the lives of our brothers and sisters in need.

Parish Relief Fund:

Thanks to all who continue to support our Parish Relief Fund monthly. We received $1,452.00 for the month of January. We responded with assistance to the needy of our community that totaled $1,067.00. THANKS!

Prayer Shawl Ministry:

Prayers Shawls are available through our Parish Nurse Ministry. If you are aware of an individual who would appreciate receiving a Prayer Shawl, please contact us at the office. This is a service provided by our Parish Nurses and there is no charge.

Christian Service Commission meets this Monday evening, February 15th at 7:00 in the Parish Conference Room. We welcome anyone interested in being a member of this Parish Commission.


“As Catholics, we are not to focus only on ourselves but are called by our Baptism to reach out and share our time, talent and treasure with our brothers and sisters.

Care and Share 2009

2009 Assessment: $84,000

Amount Contributed: 71,138

Amount due: 12,862

“Christians are called to be good stewards of the personal vocations they receive. Each of us must discern, accept, and live out joyfully and generously the commitments, responsibilities, and rolls to which God calls him or her.”


Mary Dupuis 452-6491 ex.206

Holy Wash: Feb. 14 – S O’Dell / Feb. 21-J Knutson

Liturgical Tidbits: Epiclesis: This word, which doesn’t find its way into our daily conversation very often, means the “calling down upon” or “invocation.” This is one of the most important parts of the liturgy. It calls down the power of the Holy Spirit for the consecration. In our name, the priest, with the authority given him by the Church through ordination, invokes the power of the Holy Spirit in our name. This has always been part of the Eucharistic Payer. In the Eastern rite, this is actually seen as the part that is the consecration.

Copyright © 2008 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word needs good assistants at the 11:00 Mass. Helpers need to be middle school and older, and willing to be on the rotation. They help with crowd control, bathroom visits and returning children to their parents. If interested, contact Mary Dupuis at the parish office.

Great Falls and Havre Vicariate Parishes: You are invited to celebrate the Rite of Election with Bishop Warfel at St. Ann Cathedral on Sunday, February 28th at 3:00 p.m. your presence will be a source of support and welcome to all of our diocesan Catechumens as they prepare to receive the Initiation Sacraments a the Easter Vigil.

Courtesy Announcements

The University of Mary Concert Choir and Concert Band will perform a free concert as part of their Spring Tour, on Friday, February 26th, at 7:00PM at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Featured music includes works by Palestrina, Rachmaninoff, Berlioz, Rossini and Eric Whitacre, as well as U-Mary conductor Tom Porter.