The vision of MSBTE is to develop global standards in Diploma Level Technical Education that matches the latest requirements of Technology and Industry with all-round personal development of students, also motivating and patronizing by organizing various competitions like paper presentations, quiz and project competitions, Career fairs in different disciplines at various institutes.
MSBTE have mission to provide high quality technical and managerial manpower, information and consultancy services to the industry and community to enable to face the challenging technological and environmental changes.
About College
Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur was established in 1961 with Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Diploma Programmes. Started in a small rented building, the Institute was soon Shifted to its independent campus of about 12 hectors covering academic building and hostels. At present, the Institute offers Diploma programmes in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Electronics, Sugar Manufacturing, Information Technology, Metallurgy and Electronics and Telecommunication.
The Institute has the privilege of being the First Academically Autonomous Government Polytechnic in the state. Being rich with faculty of high qualifications, modernized laboratories and infrastructure, the Institute has progressed serving the industry and society.
The alumni either proceed for higher education or get employed in renowned industries through regular campus interviews organized by the Training and Placement Cell of the Institute. As a National level appreciation of education of the Institute, four programmes were awarded 3 years accreditation by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi in December 2003.
Chief Patrons
Dr.Vinod Mohitkar(Director, MSBTE)
Mr. Vijay Jadhav(I/C Secretary, MSBTE)
Mr. UmeshNagdeve (Dy. Secretary, MSBTE)
Prof. PrashantPattalwar (Principal GPKP)
Advisory Committee
Shri.Vijay Kolhe(I/C Dy.Secretary,RBTE,Pune) Mrs. Kanchan Kale (Asst.Secretary, MSBTE) Mrs.ShitalFartade (System Analyst, RBTE Pune.)
Prof. R. J. Balwan (H.O.D. Applied Mechanics)
Prof. Dr. D. M. Garge(H.O.D. Ind. Electronics )
Chief Co-ordinator
Prof. P.U. Wayse
(H.O.D., Mechanical Engineering)
Dr. B. V. Kamble LME (7411486838)
Mr. B. P. Patil LME (9922409387)
Organizing Committee
Mr. S. S. Birje Dr. R. L. Doiphode Mr. R. P. Kulkarni Mr. Y. S. Dhobale.
Mr. P. V. Minchekar Mr. S. B. Waghmode
Mr. B.B. Dome Mr. P. A. Sevale
Mr. J. B. Patil Mr. A, A, Shaikh
For Registration Contact:
9922409387, 7411486838
FirstPrize: Rs 7500/-,
SecondPrize: Rs 5000/-,
Third Prize: Rs 2500/-
State Level Technical Paper Presentation Competition
(Mechanical Engineering Group)
7th September, 2018
Organized by
University Road, Vidyanagar, Kolhapur - 416004 (Maharashtra) India.
Telephone No. :0231 - 2521038
Telefax No. :2521016
E-mail :
Participant shall have to submit one hard copy, one soft copy with power point presentation on CD along with registration form on 07/09/18. Soft copy of the paper in .doc format and .pdf file format should be sent by email on or before 31/08/2018.
Paper Size: A4 70 GSM, White
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size - a) Title of Paper: 14 Bold
b) Sub Title : 12 Bold
c) Text :12 Normal + 12 pt
d) Margins - Top – 0.75”, Bottom – 1”
Left – 0.625”, Right – 0.625”
e) Line Spacing – 1.5
Each column measures 3.5 inches wide, with a 0.25 inch gap between two columns.
Page numbering on right top of each page
Printing only in two columns and on one side of paper.
Heading of Table should be on head of that table while for Figures, it should be below that figure.
Title of Paper
Name of Author/s
Name of Institute
Index Items/ Keywords
SCHEDULE:7th September 2018
9.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. / Registration and Breakfast10.30a.m to 11.15 a.m. / Inauguration Function
11.15 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. / Paper Presentation Session-I
1.15 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. / Lunch Break
2.00 p.m. to 4.15 p.m. / Paper Presentation Session-II
4.15 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. / High Tea
4.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. / Prize Distribution & Valedictory Function
Instructions for Participants
Maximum one entry from each institute is permissible.
2nd Entry will be considered under extra ordinary circumstances with concerned to RBTE
Maximum number of authors will be four, two students, one H.O.D. and one faculty member.
The topic of the paper shall be technical and related to the theme only.
Length of paper should be between 1800 to 2000 words in MSBTE format (4 – 5 pages).
The student authors will deliver a seminar for maximum of 10 minutes.
Soft copy of the paper in .doc format and .pdf file format shouldbe sent by email on or before 31/08/2018.
Participant shall have to submit one hard copy, one soft copy with power point presentation on CD along with registration form on 07/09/2018.
The participants certificates will be issued by the host institute on the same day and the Winners certificates will be issued by MSBTE.
Refreshment and lunch will be served to the participants.
Outstation participants will be paid TA/DA as per MSBTE norms
Theme of the paper Presentation
- Plastic waste disposal problems and remedies
- Smart materials and structures
- Recent trends in Manufacturing Technology
- Advances in Refrigeration and Air conditioning
- Pedestrian and Passenger safety for passenger car; Alternative fuel for vehicles
- Advances in Mechatronics and Robotics
Registration Particulars
Last Date of Submission: 31/08/2018
Declaration of Acceptance: 04/09/2018
Competition Date: 07/09/2018
Registration Form
Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur
MSBTE Sponsored State Level Technical Paper Presentation Competition
07th September, 2017
Name of Institute ______
Institute Code: ______Branch &course: - _____
Title of Paper: ______
Name of Presenter -______
Email ID: ______Contact No:______
Bank details:
1) Bank Name:
2) Account Number:
3) IFSC Code
Name of Co-Presenter -______
Email ID: ______Contact No:______
Bank details:
1) Bank Name:
2) Account Number:
3) IFSC Code
Name of In charge Staff: ______
Contact No.: ______
I/ we agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the paper presentation Competition.
Signature of Participant: 1) ______2) ______
Recommendation of Head of Institute:
I hereby recommend the above students to participate in MSBTE State Level Technical Paper Presentation Competition 2017-18 at your Institute. I also certify that the said students are bonafied students of final year DiplomaIn Pharmacy of this institute.
Seal Date: Signature of Principal