Today’s Date:

Guest Program Apprenticeship applicants: Please read the Guest Program ApprenticeshipApplication Process on the SFZC website before applying. You will be contacted to schedule a guest student stay after we have reviewed your application.

Please attach a resume if you have one. It is not necessary to compile one for the application process.


Street Address (including zip)

PhoneCell Phone

Email address ______GenderAge





Physician’s Name Phone

Medical Insurance Co. Subscriber # Group#


  • Please indicate pertinent information that would be needed in a medical emergency (allergies, asthma, conditions, prescription medications, etc.)
  • Please describe (and give dates of treatment, if applicable) any past or present mental health conditions orsubstance abuse issues. Do you have any needs or requests regarding these conditions that we should be aware of?
  • Do you have any physical conditions that might limit your meditation or work practice? Please explain.
  • If you have had substance abuse issues, have you participated in a treatment program? How long have you been in recovery? We occasionally offer 12-Step meetings at Green Gulch.
  • Date of your last tetanus shot: ______


Have you been in residency at any of our three temples? If so, please give dates.

Tassajara______City Center______GGF______

  • Do you have any Zen Center practice period credits at this time? ______Please explain:

Have you participated in or resided at any other Buddhist or meditation center? Please indicate this or any other experience in meditation. “No previous experience” is acceptable.


  • Housing is dormitory style. Do you have any sleep conditions that might make it difficult to share a room with others? What is your experience in communal living?
  • Meals are vegetarian, and a vegan alternative is generally offered. Do you have any food allergies or other food concerns that would require special attention by the kitchen?
  • Do you smoke?

(If so, please be aware that there are very limited smoking facilities around Green Gulch Farm.)

  • Are you currently in a relationship? If so please describe what expectations you have to spend time together during the apprenticeship program.
  • How did you hear about Green Gulch?


To be filled out by Guest Program apprentice applicants only

Please be specific about your work background in hospitality or kitchen workand your skills

  • Please give a brief personal history, including education and work experience.
  • Describe any hotel, conference or kitchen work experience you have.
  • What is your purpose in applying for this apprenticeship?
  • Please review the daily schedule. Where will you need the most support in keeping this schedule?
  • Please indicate if you have ever had a back or other injuries or have had chiropractic care for your back, or if you have any particular back sensitivity.
  • Do you have a current driver’s license?
  • Please include any additional information you would like us to know.

Daily Schedules for Apprentices

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

5:00 am Zazen (sitting meditation)

5:40 Kinhin (walking meditation)

5:50 Zazen

6:30 Morning Service

7:00 Soji (temple cleaning)

7:20 Breakfast

8:20 Work Meeting/ Work

12:15 pm Lunch

1:15 Work

4:15 End Work

5:15 Zazen (except Thurs)

5:50 Evening Service (except Thurs)

6:00 Dinner

No early morning zazen on Wednesday or Friday


5:50 am Zazen

6:30 Service

7:00 Soji

7:20 Breakfast

10:15 Public Lecture

11:30 Question & Answer (optional)

1 Student applic – Rev 8/08