TITLE: Naming Campus Facilities Number: 6Hx12:1006
AUTHORITY: District Board of Trustees Page: 1
RESPONSIBILITY: District Board of Trustees Date: See History Below
OTHER: State Board of Education Rule 6A-14.0247
Florida Statute 240.319
It is the policy of the District Board of Trustees that naming buildings and facilities shall usually be consistent with levels of giving. Buildings and facilities may be named for donors who make significant gifts to support the college. The Board of Trustees may also elect to name a facility or area in honor or memory of an individual. The president or his designee shall make recommendations to the Board when a gift has met the policy and procedures for approval of naming buildings and facilities. The Board of Trustees will approve any such gifts and the naming of any college facility or campus area.
All buildings and areas named may be limited to the useful life of the building or area named. Individuals, for whom buildings were originally named in their honor or memory by the Board of Trustees prior to the amendment of this policy, shall be recognized after their names have been removed from the area named, by the placement of a permanent plaque either on the exterior of the facility or on the inside as appropriate.
History: Adopted: 6/14/77; Effective: 6/14/77; Revised: 7/14/87, 5/14/96; 11/12/02, 10/09/12
TITLE: Naming Campus Facilities Page: 1
AUTHORITY: District Board of Trustees Date: See History Below
RESPONSIBILITY: District Board of Trustees
In accordance with District Board of Trustee Policy 6Hx12:10-06 the following procedures apply.
Upon receipt of a qualifying gift, the donor and the College and Foundation will determine whether or not a facility is to be named according to the following procedure:
(1) Buildings and sections of buildings such as classrooms, wings, labs, walkways, pavilions, garden areas, patios and auditoriums shall be named in recognition for major gifts that are consistent with naming gift requirements as approved by the Board of Trustees. The president shall have the authority to determine if matching funds, if available, are to be included in the total gift amount for naming purposes.
(2) Buildings or areas will only be named for companies, organizations or individuals that reflect favorably upon the college and whose gift will advance the mission of the college. The president reserves the right to refuse any gift not consistent with these requirements. Due consideration will be given when naming for companies or organizations to insure that the naming will not alienate other companies or organizations whose support may be needed.
(3) Buildings or areas named in honor or memory of an individual when a naming gift is not made must be approved on a case by case basis by the District Board of Trustees.
(4) The president or designee shall maintain a campus wide naming schedule listing required gift levels for naming opportunities on campus. The District Board of Trustees shall approve the naming gift schedule.
(5) The president or designee shall maintain a uniform donor recognition plan for naming opportunities.
(6) Naming rights shall be for the useful life of the facility or area, so long as the facility or area is used for the same purpose as when the gift was made. If a program moves to another facility, prior to the expiration of the useful building life, consideration will be given to naming a comparable area in the new facility as originally named, if the donor requests. If the building name is moved, it shall remain on the new facility for the remaining useful life of the original facility. Otherwise, the original name shall remain on the original building for the remaining useful life of the building.
(7) Naming will occur when a cash gift is received, a pledge is satisfied, real estate or stock is converted to cash, or a bequest is received. For non-cash gifts, the gift level will be determined by the amount realized when the gift is converted to cash.
(8) Should the company, organization, or individual making a naming gift come into disrepute in the college or community at-large, the president may recommend to the District Board of Trustees that the use of the name be discontinued.
(9) Naming agreements will be in writing and authorized by the president or his designee consistent with the facilities naming policy and procedure.
(10) Facilities named in memory of a deceased individual shall have the support of the next of kin and/or the estate executor.
History: Adopted: 6/14/77; Effective: 6/14/77; Revised: 7/14/87, 5/14/96; 11/12/02, 09/18/12