Greeley West High SchoolSyllabus 2016-2017

Class: IB Spanish V

Profesor: Sr. Jurado 348-5508 Room: 610

Course Description

The primary aim of the IB Programme is to encourage students to gain competence in the Spanish language, with the long-term goal of balanced bilingualism. At the same time aims to encourage in the student a respect for and understanding of the Spanish language and culture. Each unit of this course will include at least one of the following areas of interaction:

Approaches to Learning (ATL) –aims to help students understand how they learn, know and communicate their understanding.

Community and Service – Students learn responsible citizenship and deepen their understandingon our global community.

Human Ingenuity – Learn to appreciate and develop in themselves the human capacity to create, transform, enjoy and improve the quality of life.

Environments – aims to develop students’ awareness of their independence with the environment so they understand and accept their responsibilities.

Health and Social Education – aims to develop in students a sense of responsibility for their own well-being and for their physical and social environment.

Course Standards

Standard 1- Communication in language other than English

Standard 2- Knowledge and understanding of other cultures

Standard 3- Connections with other disciplines and information acquisition

Standard 4- Comparison to develop insight into the nature of language and culture


Oral communication – Understand, interpret and respond to a range of spoken tests

Communicate information, ideas and opinions in familiar and unfamiliar situations

Visual interpretation – Construct meaning from information presented in visual texts

Reading comprehension – Understand and interpret specific information, ideas, opinions and attitudes presented in written texts.

Writing – Communicate, request, use and understand appropriate register in formal and informal written communications.

Text book- IB Spanish B

Primary Methods of Instruction

Proficiency-based including- teacher presentations, oral and listening activities, readings in the target language, TPR (Total Physical Response) techniques, individual, pair and group activities and “realia” connected to the Spanish-speaking world.

Grading procedure and point scale-

Exams/Projects/Quizzes= 50% Classwork/Homework- 40% Final= 10%

Grading Scale-

A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F= 59 and below


Tests and quizzes can be made up on excused absences only. The student has one week to make up any quizzes or tests. For example- If you missed a test given on Monday, you will need to make it up by the following Monday by 3:30 pm. It is the responsibility of the student to see the teacher to take the test. Test must be finished when taken.


May be oral, written presentation and cultural projects. Five points for each day late will be subtracted from total grade. If a student will be absent the day a project is due, a parent/guardian must leave a message at 348-5549 stating a reason why the student does not have the project ready when due. Reasons should be general in nature as privacy should be respected for the student. Only reasonable excuses will be accepted for exemption of the late policy on projects. A student who was absent the class day before the project was due will need to present on the day assigned for the entire class.


It may be written, oral, listening, or a study assignment.

Late homework: I will consider homework late when is not completed in full at the time it is collected or stamped.

The student has 2 school days by the end of the school day (3:15 pm) to turn in late work for half credit.

Example: Student does not have homework completed in full when collected or stamped on Monday. The student will have two school days (by Wednesday/Thursday 3:15 pm.) to turn in for½ credit.Work not completed at the time that is collected or stamped will not receive full credit. Work copied when reviewed in class will not receive credit. If a substitute teacher is in place the policy for late homework will apply the same as explained above.


Extra Credit points will be allowed on various activities designated by the teacher when the assignment was given. Please see teacher for individual extra credit projects. There will NOT be extra credit projects accepted the last month of the semester. (December and May) Teacher will announce specific dates.


The student is responsible for making up missed assignments as quickly as possible. The make-up time for missed assignments is one day per absent. Student will receive full credit = excused absences

½ credit= unexcused absences.

Example:Student is absent on a Monday, Tuesday counts as one day. Completed work must be turned in the next day, Wednesday/Thursday by 3:15 pm (depending when student has the Spanish class.) If the student is absent for a long period of time under unusual circumstances, a reasonable amount of time will be agreed upon the teacher and the learner. The student is responsible for speaking with the teacher and arranging for missing assignments. Work should be placed in baskets marked “TAREA”. Any assignment no placed in these baskets are not the responsibility of the teacher. The assignments are picked up daily at the end of the school day and stamped with the day they were received. The policy for make- up work when teacher is absent is the same as stated. Oral homework will not receive credit on unexcused absences.

Welcome letter and syllabus agreement form.

Dear students and parents,

My name is Vicente Jurado and I am new to the Greeley West High School family.

I would like to introduce myself as your student’s World Language teacher and welcome you to my class. I will be teaching Spanish I and IB Spanish IV-V this year, starting an exciting journey together as our students learn more about other languages and cultures around the world.

I was born in Andalucía, Spain. I have been teaching Spanish Language and Culture at different high schools for 8 years. I also had the opportunity to gain experience in an international context living and working in countries like Ireland, England, Cameroon, Japan and USA.

I earned my Bachelor’s and Master´s degree in Foreign Language and Education in Spain and I am currently pursuing to complete my Ph.D. in Social Science-Education.

I absolutely love teaching andI am very excited about this new school year and getting to know each of my students and families.

Please, feel free to contact me if you have any question or concern.



Spanish Teacher



SYLLABUS AGREEMENT FORM (to turn in within September 2016)

Name: Course:

(Please print)

I have read and understand the information in the syllabus for this class. I agree to the policies set forth the class and acknowledge that I am aware of the penalties for not doing so.

Student signature Date

Parent/ Guardian Signature DateDear Parents/ Guardians: