2006-07 School Year
Lybrook Staff
Ed Painter, Principal
Vivian Keetso, Secretary
Debbie Vigil, School Nurse
Elsie Betselie, K/1
Kellie Sanchez, 2/3
Marcellino Crespin, 4/5
Joseph Bigley, 6/7/8
Kathleen Lujan, 6/7/8
Michelle Jaramillo, Special Education
Diana Suazo, Reading Specialist
Marietta Hoodless, Reading Specialist
Dan Delgado, Counselor
Paula Embs-Wetterer, Speech Therapist
Jolene Harrison, Instructional Assistant
Pauline Keetso, Instructional Assistant
Laverta Murphy, Instructional Assistant
Thomas Yazzie, Custodian
Anna Yazzie, Cook
Arlene Never Miss A Shot, Cafeteria/Custodian Helper
Central Office Staff - 638-5491
Adan Delgado, Superintendent ext. 112
Vickie Garcia, Data Manager ext. 167
Geneva Garcia, Cafeteria Manager ext. 118
Emily Martinez, Transportation Manager/bookkeeper ext. 111
Theresa Velasquez, Accounts Payable ext. 139
Kathy Borrego, Business Manager ext. 113
School Board Members
Mark Valdez, President
Eddie Salazar-Vice-President
Cornelio Salazar-Secretary
Wendell Tixier-Member
Billy Cordova-Member
Lybrook Schedules
Breakfast: 8:00 am- Dismissal: 3:15 pm
Primary Lunch: 11:30-12:00
Middle School Lunch: 12:30 – 1:00
Dismissal Time: K-8th grade – 3:15 p.m.
Staff Hours: 7:50 a.m.- 3:45 p.m.
INTRODUCTION...... ……….4
SCHOOL DAY...... ……….5
Essential Competencies...... ………...6
Instructional Goals...... …..6
Attendance...... ….…6
Tardy Policy...... …...7
Bilingual Program...... …...... …..7
Student pick-up and drop-off policy…………………………………………….7
Field Trips...... ……...... …...... ……..7
Grading Scale for Grades 4-6…...... ….8
Homework...... …8
Honor Roll...... ……8
Library/Media Center/Computer Center…………...... …... 9
Report Cards/Deficiency Reports...... …...... …..9
Science Fair Projects……………………………………………………………10
Textbook Policy...... ………...... 10
Arrival and Departure...... …………..11
Assemblies...... …11
Classroom Visits...... …..11
Enrollment and Withdrawal...... …11
Fire Drills.…...... …12
Fundraising...... …12
Lost and Found...... …12
Release of Students from School...... ….12
Severe WeatherPlansSchool Delays and Cancellations...... ….12
Soft Drinks and Sweets...... …13
Student Accident Insurance...... ….13
Student/Parent Complaints…...... …13
Student Records...... ………………14
Telephones...... ….14
Tobacco Policy...... …...... ………14
Transportation...... ….14
Open Invitation to Parents...... …...... 15
Volunteer Tutoring Guidelines…...... 16
General Classroom Management Guidelines and School Philosophy….....17
Discipline...... …...17
Dress Code...... …..18
Due Process...... ….18
Excessive Disciplinary Referrals…...... …....19
General Student Rules………………………………………….……………….19
Misconduct Slips………………………………………………………………….20
Parent/Teacher Conference……………………………………...... ……...... 20
Rewards for Excellent Behavior...... …...... ……..21
Student Code of Conduct ……………...... …...... …….21
Suspension...... …….…21
Sexual or Racial Harassment and Discrimination.……...... …….22
Discipline Plan…………………………………………………………………..…23
Unlawful, Criminal and Delinquent Acts...... …...... ……..24
SUPPORT SERVICES...... …...... …..24
Cafeteria Services………………………………………………………………...24
Counseling and Guidance Services...... …….25
Medical/Nursing Services...... ………25
Special Education Support Services...... …….26
Student Assistance Team...... …….26
The purpose of this Student/Parent Handbook is to acquaint you with some of the policies and regulations of the school, with the idea that the information will aid you in having a good school year. Because the handbook cannot be personal, students are addressed as “the student”, “students”, or “child”. Likewise, the term “parent” or “the student’s parent” may refer to the parent, legal guardian, or other persons that have agreed to assume responsibility for the student. These guidelines for good citizenship have been established for the benefit and welfare of the entire campus -- students, faculty and staff.
Lybrook School is your school, and we want you to enjoy it, benefit from it, and protect it for yourself and others. Your school is a partnership of students, faculty, staff, parents and community. We all work together to have the BEST elementary/middle school in the state of New Mexico.
We want you to feel that you are a welcome part of the school and we welcome your assistance in making our school BETTER. Our mission is to educate all students in a positive learning climate by managing programs that address student needs to ensure responsible, confident, competent and productive individuals in a multi-cultural society. Your participation in classes, sports, and all other activities is important to this partnership.
Lybrook School believes that it’s primary mission is to ensure that all our students are given every available opportunity to be educated within the best possible environment and atmosphere.
It is our mission to develop students who:
are prepared to function successfully both academically and socially as they progress throughout their school years
have positive self esteem, self discipline, and respect for one another and for authority
respect cultural diversity
become lifelong learners and responsible citizens
- respect each other and display respect towards all staff and students
This will be achieved by a staff that strives to:
Address the needs of all students
provide quality education in a learning environment
promote mastery of skills through varied experiences, hands-on approaches, and a culturally enriched curriculum
reach all objectives in a setting that involves students, parents, staff, and community and produces an excitement about learning
The Lybrook School staff is committed to the education of the whole child: intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.
Class hours for Grades K - 8:
8:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Essential Competencies
At Lybrook School the goals for students are to be:
Effective communicators – in written, oral, creative and informative expression as well as being active listeners
Skilled information managers – able to locate, select, organize and present information effectively.
Critical, creative and problem solving thinkers
Thoughtful planners –able to set goals, determine necessary resources and timelines and be able to accomplish them
Good citizens – able to understand why and how government works and the importance of community service
Instructional Goals
Students will read on or above grade level, aligned with the national goal of having each student read at grade level by grade three
Students will demonstrate proficiency of grade level competencies through performance on a variety of assessments.
Students will develop a positive self-image through positive reinforcement academically and socially.
Students will demonstrate proficiency in a sequential bilingual (Navajo) program.
Student attendance in class is a necessary and a mandatory part of school regulations. If students must be absent, parents should contact the school between 7:30 and 10:00 each day the student is absent. If parents do not call in, a written excuse signed by the parent stating the cause and dates absent is required upon the student’s return to school. Students must present the excuse to the office. The Principal or his/her designee shall validate the absence.
At times it may be necessary for parents to take students out of school. Certain absences may be classified as excused at the parent’s request.
Schoolwork missed while absent will be made up within 3 days, unless the teacher authorizes an extension. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work was missed. In order to receive a grade for missed work, it must be made up at the teacher’s discretion. School attendance will count for 15% of the grade. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to make sure students attend school. Students who habitually miss school for no reason will be reported to the Juvenile Probation Office and/or Social Service Department. The school will be working closely with the J.P.O. to prosecute parents under the Compulsory Attendance Law. School sponsored/sanctioned activities where students participate do not constitute an absence.
Attendance Grading Scale:
Attendance is a focus area in the Lybrook EPSS plan. This fact indicates that attendance is extremely important to school personnel. If a student is not in class, we cannot teach him or her. Students are allowed one absence per nine-week period without penalty. Any absences above that will affect the student’s grade based on the following scale:
Class Absences / Grade Percentage / Class Absences / Grade Percentage0 / 100% / 6 / 50%
1 / 100% / 7 / 40%
2 / 90% / 8 / 30%
3 / 80% / 9 / 20%
4 / 70% / 10 / 10%
5 / 60% / 11 / 0%
Grading Per Subject Component Criteria
(Grades 4-8)
Quarterly Grade Calculation
50% Daily Work/Homework/Reports/Presentations and/or Class Participation
35% Announced Weekly or Bi-Weekly Tests
15% Attendance
100% Total
Tardy Policy
Instruction is interrupted when students are tardy. Therefore, students are required to be in class by 8:15. Students who arrive late to school must first report to the Office for an admission slip. Tardiness will be monitored. A parent /teacher conference will be requested for excessive tardiness.
Please use discretion when scheduling appointments for your child to ensure good attendance.
Student drop off and pick up
Every student has the opportunity and privilege to be bussed to and from school. We do not provide student supervision before 8:00 a.m. or after 3:30 p.m. Failure to adhere to this schedule will result in immediate parental notice by the principal.
Bilingual Program
Bilingual education is implemented at Lybrook School. The Bilingual Program maintains and enriches the native language (Navajo), and develops an appreciation and understanding of ancestral, cultural and historical contributions.
Field Trips
Field trips are taken only after proper planning and assurance that the objectives are appropriate for the grade level of the students. Attendance on class field trips is restricted to members of the participating class, authorized chaperones and drivers. Other children or guests are not permitted on school transportation.
Official field trip forms must be completed, signed and returned to the student’s teacher before the date of the planned trip.
Grading Scale for Grades 4-8
90 – 100AExcellent
80 – 89BAbove Average
70 – 79CAverage
60 – 69DBelow Average
50 – 59FFailure
IIncomplete-work to be completed within a specific period of time.
Kindergartens through 3rd grade classes are developing a standards based non-graded report card, which has explanations of the marks received.
Reinforces skills and concepts being taught at school.
Utilizes reading assignments to prepare for future lessons.
- Develops student responsibility and independence.
Develops study habits.
A maximum of thirty minutes for grades K-3, and one hour for grades 4-8 per night is the time guideline to be considered to avoid overburdening students with homework on any given night. The opportunity to complete classroom assignments may add to that time. However, students who do not use study time wisely may consistently exceed the time allotment guidelines. A parent-teacher conference is advised when this occurs. Students must submit homework as required by teachers within their acceptable time frame.
Honor Roll
Outstanding academic achievement does not go unnoticed. Grades 4-8 are eligible to be recognized for Honor Roll. Students with a grade point average of 3.0 to 3.9 will be included in the “B Honor Roll”. Students achieving a 4.0 grade point average will be on the “A Honor Roll”. A student may not have any D’s or F’s for Honor Roll recognition. Students in grades K-3 are not eligible for Honor Roll because their report card is non-graded. However they are eligible for academic recognition at Awards Assemblies.
Library/Media Center/Computer Lab
Library rules are:
Magazines and pamphlets must be used in the library.
Notify library assistant if book is lost or damaged.
- Library books can be checked out for a one-week period and renewed.
- Abuse of the library will result in a temporary loss of privileges.
- Parents/guardians will be billed for books that are damaged or not returned.
Computer Center rules are:
No food, drinks or gum in the computer center.
Do not shut off the computers and/or monitors at any time.
Notify the Computer Center Supervisor of any problems with any software and/or computers (don’t try to fix it yourself).
Do not bang on the keyboards.
Be considerate of others. Stay on your own computer.
Please do not change or remove CD’s at any time.
- Inappropriate sites may not be accessed by any students at any time.
Report Cards/Deficiency Reports
Parents/guardians receive the following communication throughout the school year regarding their student’s progress:
Report cards- are issued at the end of each quarter –(9 wks)
Progress Reports –notify parents that their child is excelling, failing or in danger of failing. They are mailed home at mid-quarter. Additional reports may be sent home with students at other times as necessary.
Letters recommending retention are sent home at the end of the 2nd quarter. Parents receiving such letters will be asked to schedule a conference with the principal and teacher.
- Scheduled parent conferences are held at the end of the first and third nine weeks. Report cards will not be issued to students the first 9 weeks. Parents must come in and meet with teachers.
- Parent-teacher conferences are held whenever the teacher or parent requests. These must be held before school or after school.
Science Fair Projects
The Science Fair is held the second semester every year. The purpose is to provide instruction through a hands on activity and to prepare students for CTBS/ITBS testing. During this time science classes are centered around the scientific method and science projects.
Textbook Policy
Students are responsible for the proper care of textbooks and must pay for lost or damaged books. Report cards are withheld until fines are paid. Books are numbered for student convenience and record keeping. When students withdraw from school, they must turn their books in to the teacher or librarian in order to clear their record. Records will not be transferred until all bills are paid. Students are encouraged to cover all of their textbooks and to replace any cover, which becomes worn during the school year.
Arrival and Departure
Students should not come to school earlier than 8:00 a.m. Students who arrive after 8:30 a.m. are tardy & MUST SIGN IN and pick up a tardy slip at the office before going to class. Students are to leave campus immediately upon dismissal, (3:15 p.m.).
In order to ensure the safety of all, we are asking that children be dropped off or picked up in the drop-off zone area only. If you are picking up a student at dismissal time, please park in the parking lot. If you come to visit or volunteer please park in the parking lot also.
Assemblies are held at various times throughout the year for many different reasons. Students are required to attend assemblies. Students who have religious reasons or refuse to take part in the program, will be supervised in another area. Students are expected to act appropriately and abide by the following rules:
Enter and exit quietly and quickly.
- Be quiet and attentive. Be polite.
Sit with your class and your teacher.
Show appreciation by applauding at the appropriate time in an acceptable manner - never whistle.
- Display respect for the people presenting and those around you
- No food or drinks at assemblies.
Classroom Visits
Welcome! All visitors to Lybrook School must check in at the office. Please do not go directly to your child’s classroom. Come to the office first to sign in and receive a visitor’s badge. Leave the badge with the teacher or return it to the office. We encourage regular classroom visitation by parents.
Enrollment and Withdrawal
Enrollment Requirements:
Basic state and local requirements for student enrollment:
- Certified proof of birth
- Social security card
- Current immunization records
- List of responsible people for emergency pick up and their phone numbers
- School records for transfer students.
Parents of students withdrawing from Lybrook School must notify the Principal or School Secretary. Parents are asked to complete, sign and date a form containing the student's name and grade, and where the student is moving. A clearance sheet is issued to the student. Teachers and designated staff will sign this sheet indicating that all books have been returned and other fees have been paid. Grades and records are withheld until proper procedures are followed. Official Transcripts will be mailed to the receiving school.
Fire Drills
A Fire Evacuation Plan is posted in each room. Students should study the plan in each of their classes and be familiar with it. When the fire signal sounds, students will immediately leave the room in a quiet and orderly manner following the prescribed route to clear the building. Students and teachers must report to their designated areas until signaled to return to the classroom.
Fundraising activities such as bake sales or carnivals will occur during the school year. We need all parents to cooperate by making sure their child (ren) bring whatever is assigned. Student activity funds are used to provide for snacks for special activities such as field day; for field trip costs; and for incentive prizes, etc. All Lybrook School related fundraisers are to be approved by the principal prior to the event, and placed on the school calendar.
Lost and Found
Articles, which have been found, should be taken to the office. Found articles are kept in the office for a three-month period and then discarded. Please mark items with the owner’s name so they can be returned without delay.
Release of Students from School
A student will not be released from school at times other than regular dismissal hours except with the principal’s permission and in accordance with the campus sign out procedures. Students must be signed out in office. Only those persons listed as Responsible persons will be allowed to sign out students. The teacher will be notified that permission has been granted before allowing the student to leave. It is the responsibility of the parents to notify the principal’s office when emergency information changes.
Severe Weather Procedures
School Delays and Cancellations