Great Basin College
Course Syllabus
Course Title: ANSC 163 Horsemanship Credits: 2.0
Semester Offered: Spring 2008 Instructor Name: Laurel Watchel
Class Schedule: Lecture – T 5:30-6:45 Office Hours: By appointment
Phone: 775-752-3930 Cell Phone: 775-772-4997
Email Address:
Format: Lecture, Labs
Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The ADA Officer (Julie G. Byrnes) will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 753-2271.
Course Objectives:
In this course we will be laying the foundation for good, basic and effective horsemanship which can later be developed into more specialized riding. We will cover topics such as safety, handling, grooming, saddling, stabling, feeding, health, exercise, and riding. All levels of horsemanship ability are welcome. During the lab, assignments will be tailored to the student’s and horse’s skill levels.
Student Learning Assessment:
Assessment Devise: Standard College grading scale will be used. The following items will be graded accordingly and will carry the assigned grading values:
A) Homework 100 pts
B) Quizzes 50 pts
C) Laboratory Assignment 200 pts
D) Laboratory Demonstrations 200 pts
E) Tests (2 @ 100 pts) 200 pts
F) Attendance and Participation 50 pts
800 pts
Passing grades for this course range from “A” through “D”. Grade values are as follows:
A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59% or less
Expected Learner Outcomes: / Learner Outcome Measurements:· Describe and identify equine anatomy and form to function / Homework, quiz, test
· Name, identify, and use various types of tack and equipment / Homework, quiz, lab assignment, test
· Outline safety measures in equine facilities for housing, riding and transportation / Homework, quiz
· Demonstrate ability to perform the following:
- Catching and basic handling of horse
- Saddling and bridling procedure
- Proper riding posture
- Movement of horse at different gaits and maneuvers
- More advanced maneuvers depending upon skill level / Homework, laboratory assignment
· Demonstrate and describe assessment of vital signs / Homework, laboratory assignment, test
· Describe basic equine health management protocols (Worming, vaccines, etc.) and list signs of distress, disease, lameness / Quiz, test
· Describe basic equine judging techniques / Homework, quiz, test
Course Expectations and Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism and/or cheating will not be tolerated in any fashion. Students are expected to develop their own skills through the process of learning and critical thinking. Students should make themselves aware of the “Student Conduct Policy” on page 29 of the Great Basin College 2007-2008 general catalog.
Attendance: Attending all class sessions and labs will be essential for, not only each student’s success, but the success of the entire class. Students will be expected to attend all labs and lectures. Absences should be arranged with instructor prior to the missed class in order to be given make-up assignments and quizzes. Four required labs will be held on Saturdays from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
Assignments: Course work is due on the day it is assigned. Assignments turned in late will drop one letter grade each subsequent class period. This means that an “A” quality assignment turned in more than 3 class meetings late would receive an “F”.
Additional Considerations:
Required Textbook: TBA? Horse Industry Handbook?
Course Catalog Description:
ANSC 163 Horsemanship
Basic equitation theory and principles and their application in English and Western equitation.
Course/Lab Schedule:
Date / Subject / Week1-22-08 / Lecture – First Day of class / 1
1-29-08 / Lecture / 2
2-5-08 / Lecture / 3
2-12-08 / Lecture / 4
2-16-08 / Lab 1
2-19-08 / Lecture / 5
2-26-08 / Lecture / 6
3-4-08 / Laurel Gone – Lecture TBA / 7
3-8-08 / Lab 2
3-11-08 / Lecture / 8
3-18-08 / Lecture / 9
3-22-08 / Lab 3
3-25-08 / No Class - Spring Break
4-1-08 / Lecture / 10
4-8-08 / Laurel Gone – Lecture TBA / 11
4-15-08 / Laurel Gone – Lecture TBA (No class?) / 12
4-22-08 / Lecture / 13
4-26-08 / Lab 4
4-29-08 / Lecture / 14
5-2-08 / Lecture/Lab – Horsemanship Clinic
5-3-08 / (Optional) Lab 5 – Two-day AQHA Show
5-4-08 / (Optional) Lab 5 – Two-day AQHA Show
5-6-08 / Lecture / 15
5-13-08 / Final – (Test 2) / 16