Counsellor Application Form
Last name:First name:
Date of birth (dd/mm/yy):
Permanent address:
Temporary address:
E-mail address:
Skype name:
Telephone no.:
Mobile no:
Native language:
Other languages (level?):
Highest qualification earned at school:
Current job and/or study programme:
Subjects at university:
Final university finishing date:
Exact dates of university break, if you want to come during the break (important for a certain work allowance for students outside the EU):
TESOL, TEFL, ESL certificates:
Other qualifications
(first aid, life guard):
Do you have any teaching experience with horse-riding, climbing, canoeing, team games etc.?
Experience working
as a camp counsellor (list):
Experience as a participant at a camp (list):
Experience working with children (list):
Experience teaching (list):
Experience abroad (list):
Previous 2 jobs (list/reference):
Other relevant work experience:
Hobbies/special interests:
Do you have a certificate of enrollment as a student, which is valid at least until the end of camps?
Do you have an international insurance policy for accidents / illness / hospitalisation? If not, are you willing to obtain one so that you are covered in case of illness/injury?
If you are not an EU citizen or student within the EU, do you have a work permit or a working-holiday-visa for Germany?
Anything a host family needs to know (food allergies, vegetarian, problems with animals, smoker/non-smoker)?
Are you afraid of heights (there is a camp with a high-ropes course)?
Are you an outgoing person or are you more reserved (with adults/kids)?
Would you prefer to either 1. Stay with a host family, or 2. At the campsite with the kids (in a separate room)?
Would you prefer to either 1. Travel at weekends and be responsible for your own accommodation/transport or 2. Stay at the campsite/host family of the week before/after?
Would you prefer working with young children (7 to 10 years) or older children (11 to 15 years)? Why?
If you were responsible for the evening programme at an overnight camp for 5 nights, what activities would you do (Give examples)?
For the following criteria, please rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being very good and 1 being very poor)
Ball games (please specify different kind of ball- or team games)
Other sports (please specify)
American football
Horse riding
Arts and crafts
Camp songs
Pop songs
Language games
Dealing with new situations
Dealing with difficult and stressful situations
Talking in front of a big group
Being funny/silly - being able to laugh at yourself
Dealing with criticism
Self confidence
Open mindedness
Organisational skills
Hard working
Please rate the following reasons for your interest in working a summer job in Germany (5 being very important and 1 being not at all important)
Earning money
Gaining work experience
Being abroad
Other reasons (please explain)
Where did you hear about LEOlingo?
Are you available from July 21st to September 9th 2017?
LEOlingo GmbH Co. KG
Sitz 92319 Sengenthal
Amtsgericht Nürnberg
HRA 14576 / Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin:
LEOlingo Verwaltungs-GmbH
Sitz 92319 Sengenthal
Amtsgericht Nürnberg, HRB 23431
Geschäftsführer: Andrea Bär, Sabine Görner / LEOlingo Bayern, Andrea Bär
Seitzermühle 1, 92369 Sengenthal
Tel. 0049-9181-904755
Fax. 0049-9181-904756