Gray Elementary School ~ Jones County School District

Strategic Improvement Plan


2017-2018 updated 7-19-17

Strategic Goal Area I: Increase Student Achievement and Success
Goal Area Priorities:
High quality instruction
Academic growth for all
College and career readiness
Performance Objective I.A – To ensure student mastery of curriculum
Initiatives and Action Steps:
I.A.1: Curriculum Initiative
Implement science and social studies standards and provide continuous support
➢Continue to develop consistency in our writing program across grade levels
➢Integrate literacy skills across content areas
➢Create Advanced Content opportunities for students. Utilize advanced virtual math and reading classes to accelerate students (ie: Odysseyware)
➢Work to incorporate assessments into our STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) Exploratory to ensure an integrated approach to learning which requires an intentional connection between standards, assessments and lesson design/implementation
I.A.2: Instruction Initiative
➢Implement a phonics program in grades k-2 to help students develop foundational phonemic awareness skills
➢Implement new guidelines for instructional plans to support balanced literacy efforts
➢Reorganize our Reading Resource Program to serve grades three-five for two-hour segments daily of uninterrupted instruction
➢Support differentiated classrooms to anticipate and respond to student differences in readiness, interest and learning needs
➢Provide professional learning and support to assist faculty in using Lexile measures to help students across subject areas
➢Provide opportunities for teachers to participate in professional learning visits to observe best practices in literacy
➢Allow for collaboration between the teacher of gifted students and homeroom teachers to provide differentiated content that advances and challenges gifted and talented students
➢Develop a systemic process for using repeated reading across grade levels to help increase oral reading fluency
I.A.3: Assessment Initiative
➢Engage Professional Learning Communities to design, use and respond to common formative assessments that will help them develop strategies to help all students learn
➢Identify the new components of the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI), monitor our performance on the indicators and involve all stakeholders in identifying the needs of the school
➢Analyze schoolwide assessment data to determine achievement gaps and develop plans of action to reduce them
Performance Objective I.B – To ensure all students are college and career ready upon graduation
Initiatives and Action Steps:
I.B.1:Intervention Initiative
➢Re-structure our master schedule to allow for an uninterrupted reading block for special education students in grades three-five
➢Provide training in effective reading strategies and interventions to improve student outcomes
➢Use a data-based decision making approach when working with RtI (response to intervention) to promote progress
➢Use early morning drop-off time for computer interventions, self-sustained silent reading, peer buddies, and two-to-one student tutoring to help students learn from each other, build relationships, and maintain positive behavior
I.B.2: Counseling Initiative
➢Utilize schoolwide data to help develop a comprehensive and responsive counseling program
➢Work with community agencies and organizations to support the needs of our families
I.B.3: College and Career Readiness/Exploration
➢Assign middle and high school mentors to at-risk students to help coach students to reach their full potential
I.B.4: Goal Setting
➢Assist students as they set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) goals in reading and math to take ownership of their learning
➢Develop grade-level SMART goals and recognize students publicly in a positive manner for their progress
➢Host SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) goal setting workshops in conjunction with our beginning of year meetings and distribute material for parents
Performance Objective I.C – To ensure effective student support services
Initiatives and Action Steps:
I.C.1:Academic Support in an Inspiring and Supporting Environment
➢Work with students with special needs (special education and gifted identified) students to help them communicate their preferences, interests, strengths, areas of need, types of support, and how they are progressing
I.C.2: Build Academic Support for all Students
➢Create an identification and screening process for the gifted program
➢Build capacity within the Response to Interventions Program, Section 504 (e.g. targeted trainings, strengthen Progress Monitoring)
➢Develop grade-level goals and post progress reward charts to publicly recognize student achievements
I.C.3: Responsive Services
➢Develop a school culture that is sensitive and responsive to the cultural, racial, ethnic, and socio-economic make-up we serve. To help with this, we will continue to provide training on+- poverty and diversity
➢Develop and implement a PBIS (positive behavioral interventions and supports) classroom matrix to help provide consistency in guidelines, consequences, and rewards throughout all areas of the school
➢Participate in a study of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)
➢Work with school support personnel and outside agencies and organizations to support the whole child, including mental/physical health, safety, and overall well-being: in progress – counselor and parent mentor works with LIPT (Local Interagency Planning Team)
Strategic Goal Area II: Increase Student, Staff and Stakeholder Engagement
Goal Area Priorities:
∗Student, Staff, and Stakeholder Engagement
∗Community Support
Performance Objective II.A – To Increase Family and Community Engagement
Initiatives and Action Steps:
II.A.1 Community Engagement
➢Expand our Title I STEAM Family Nights based on feedback from parents and those in attendance at past events
➢Create an electronic newsletter to communicate with our stakeholders
➢Further develop our relationship with the Boys and Girls Club to provide opportunities for the students outside of school
II.A.2: Family Engagement
➢Work to identify stakeholder groups that do not typically respond to our calls to action and determine a plan to reach a more diverse population when seeking feedback.
➢Develop a new family packet to provide to families upon enrollment after the start of school. This should contain school and community resources to support our students and their families.
Performance Objective II.B – To Improve Student Engagement
Initiatives and Action Steps:
II.B.1: Student Engagement
➢Support the effective instructional use of available technology resources
➢Increase the use of technology in classrooms as a tool for authentic learning (e.g. expand Bring Your Own Device [BYOD] to all classrooms, increase use across all domains)
➢Pilot student-led conferences to allow students to take ownership of their learning and to increase family participation: only ASPIRE, need to move to general education students
➢Support the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) Initiative in all classrooms
➢Allow for opportunities for student feedback and decision making at the school level (e.g. governance)
II.B.2: Behavior
➢Re-train all stakeholders on Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to ensure fidelity of the program
➢Develop a cohesive classroom PBIS matrix
➢Utilize alternative solutions to out-of-school and in-school suspensions when possible to keep students in class to better support their academic success
Strategic Goal Area III: Maintain High Quality Personnel
Goal Area Priorities:
Performance Objective III.A – To provide all staff high-quality, relevant professional learning
Initiatives and Action Steps:
III.A.1 Professional Development Initiative
➢Create a culture of collaboration by restructuring our Professional Learning Communities to focus on data, remove barriers to success and ensure that students learn
➢Cultivate, develop, and support leaders within the school setting to increase student achievement and success
➢Increase professional learning opportunities targeting literacy to help increase the rigor in all of our classrooms as we increase student achievement and success
➢Ensure that faculty members are trained on all programs and/or strategies necessary to complete their positions. As new educators come in, it is imperative that training that place to help maintain the integrity of our programs
Performance Objective III.B – To improve personnel processes
Initiatives and Action Steps:
III.B.1: Retention and Recruitment of Highly Qualified Teachers
➢Increase opportunities for faculty members to meet with one another in non-instructional settings to fellowship and form relationships that are critical in a productive work environment: in progress
➢Provide increased positive feedback and support through organized and informal means of recognition for faculty
III.B.2: Leadership Initiative
➢Increase opportunities for faculty to lead activities, groups, and events at Gray Elementary to engage stakeholders
➢Increase opportunities for faculty feedback and decision making at the school level
III.B.3: Evaluation Initiative
➢ Provide ongoing training on the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) Standards to help participants work towards continuous improvement
➢Support teachers who receive needs improvement and/or unsatisfactory observations and annual evaluations with professional learning opportunities / activities
Strategic Goal Area IV: Increase Organizational Effectiveness
Goal Area Priorities:
Performance Objective IV.A – To improve operational processes
Initiatives and Action Steps:
IV.A.1: Technology Initiative
➢Increase the amount of technology we have to expose our students to devices that will help them to master content and become better prepared for college and careers
➢Increase technology usage as a tool for interacting with our families and the community (eg: video workshops, virtual newsletters, interactive homework)
➢Utilize Office 365 accounts for all third through fifth grade students as a tool for communication, research, and collaboration
➢Use technology to help students learn their mathematics facts with automaticity
IV.A.2: Safety Initiative
➢Research and develop strategies to improve school-based security and safety
➢Provide relevant, school-based training in school safety and security for staff and students
IV.A.3: Nutrition Initiative
➢Promote healthy eating and selecting positive food choices with our students
IV.A.4: Financial Initiative
➢Revise our financial paperwork to help ensure fiscal responsibility in all areas
➢Train employees regarding procedures for all financial matters, including travel forms, leave forms, purchase orders, etc: in progress
➢Ongoing monitoring of the financial data for the After School Program (ASP) to determine the profit margin through the year. Revise financial paperwork for the ASP to assist with the process: in progress
IV.A.5: Transportation Initiative
➢Train students on bus procedures and safety precautions
Performance Objective IV.B – To improve facilities and related services
Initiatives and Action Steps:
IV.B.1: Facilities Initiative
➢Work with the building and maintenance supervisor as the garden, mini-farm, and cross-country track are constructed on campus
Performance Objective IV.C – To ensure continuous improvement with fidelity
Initiatives and Action Steps
IV.C.1 Continuous Improvement Initiative
➢Create and implement a communication plan to assist us as we collaborative to support student success
➢Utilize simbli to manage and communicate our Strategic Plan to all stakeholders
IV.C.2: Succession / Cross Training Initiative
➢Provide cross training opportunities to ensure program continuity, efficiency, and professional growth for identified positions
➢Focus on shared leadership and building capacity within the school building

New Initiatives for 2017-2018

Strategic Goal Area I: Increase Student Achievement and Success
Goal Area Priorities:
High quality instruction
Academic growth for all
College and career readiness

Strategic Goal Area II: Increase Student, Staff and Stakeholder Engagement
Goal Area Priorities:
Student, Staff, and Stakeholder Engagement
Community Support

Strategic Goal Area III: Maintain High Quality Personnel
Goal Area Priorities: