53rd St Barnabas Scout Group
Dhekalia Camp 21stJune – 24th June.
Cubs, Scouts and Explorers will be Camping at the scout campsite Scout Wood in Dhekalia.
We will be leaving the scout hut in Moutayiaka on the Friday 21st June at 3.30pm by bus and head to the campsite and returning on Monday 24th June at around 5.00pm. Parents will not be allowed to visit the Camp at any time.All food will be cooked by the Parents Cooking Team. We will not be camping with other Scout groups. All members will be sleeping in tents.
Below is a suggested kit list:
Full Summer Uniform ( to be worn to camp ) ( Cub, Scout or Explorer baseball caps)
Yellow cub T-shirt for Cubs, green scout T-shirt for Scouts and blue polo for Explorers.
Sleeping bag and Foam strip mattress.
Toiletries ( soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, flannel )
Hairbrush and comb plus and hair bands etc.
Small notepad and small pencil case.
Extra clothing (shirts, shorts, T-shirts)
Underwear and socks for three days
Jacket ( It will be cold at night. )
Water bottle
Torch (and spare batteries may be a good idea)
Hat and sun cream
Change of shoes ( trainers and one other set if possible )
Plate, Cup, Knife, fork, spoon, tea towel
Swimming costume and Flip flops
2 Towels and Bath robe
2 Track suits (it does get very cold at night even in summer)
Please note the next items:
All items must have the cub or scouts name on and bepacked in a small suitcase/holdall. Cubs and scouts should pack their items themselves under supervision so that they know what they have and where to find it.
Items which are not allowed on camp are radios and personnel stereos, gameboys or other video games, penknives, mobile phones, camerasand food.
If any parents have any worries or concerns regarding their children you can phone me on my mobile during the camp. 99 604211.
Please complete the Permission form below and hand in with €55 by 8th June.
Yours in scouting
Richard Vlamis
Group Scout Leader
My son/daughter …………………………………………………………………………
Has my permission to Camp on21st June to the 24th June 2013 at Scout Wood in Dhekalia.
In the event of illness or accident needing emergency hospital treatment, I authorise the Group Scout leader Richard Vlamis to agree to any treatment where a doctor considers that the delay required to obtain my permission will be detrimental to him/her.
I am aware that during this activity my son/daughter may be transported by car driven by parents or any of the 53rd leaders and in case of accident involving these vehicles I understand that they will not be covered by the Scout Insurance.
I am also aware and give my permission that during the Camp my Son/daughter will be allowed to take part in activities in the Sea such as:
1. Swimming. Cub and Scout Swimmer Badge.
2. Canoeing for Cubs and Scouts that already have the Swimming Badge before this Camp.
3. Rafting: This activity is for Explorers and Scouts who have the Swimmers Badge.
Signed ………………………………
In case of emergencies I can be contacted on ……………………………………………………..
He/She is/is not on any medication, if so please state ……………………………………………..
He/She has/has not any other medical conditions ……………………………………......
He/She has/has not had an anti-tetanus injection. When? ………………………………………….
Does He/She have any special eating habbits i.e. vegaterian, religious or allergic
I am aware that the Leaders of the 53rd, The 53rdScout Group and the Cyprus Scouting Association can not be held responsible for any loss or damage of Personal Equipment during the Summer Camp at Scout Wood in Dhekalia from the 21st June – 24th June 2013.
Signed …………………………… (Mother/Guardian) Date …………………...
Signed …………………………… (Father/Guardian) Date …………………..