The HSMS SIT team met on Wednesday,September 26, 2012 @ 4pm. Members present included: James Hembree, Andrea Wlodarczyk, Chris Capen, Anya Davis, Janeen Spencer, Kelly Meddock, Ashlea Hoffmier, Elizabeth Harlow, Susan Sheehan, Eleanor Topping, Amy Kyle, Sherry Pinto & Donna Sloan. Parent representative Leann Todd, Jo Stich and Patsy Gonzalez were also present.
1)August minutes review –The minutes on the back of the agenda were the wrong month, so Mr. Hembree put the August minutes up on the board. No amendments needed.
2)Mastery: Feedback & past 10/4?? –Feedback is wonderful re: school-wide mastery, but where do we go after interims? After much discussion, we will move into ELA and Math, but Amy K and her team will come up with a plan to still utilize technology and shift from character ed to academia starting with a big idea such as main idea, etc that spans all grade levels. Stay tuned.
3)After school tutoring & SES – The county is providing a county-wide after school tutoring program that will be Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:45-5:30pm. Transportation will be provided.Teachers may apply. Teachers who are not part of this official SES still must tutor 1 day a week for one hour, but transportation will not be provided at least through January. See the NHCS website if you are interested in applying.
4)PLC’s – Due to the gmail debacle, we are going “old school”, Pinto will have chart paper to sign up for PLC’s and the meetings will begin the week of October 8, 2012. Staff must commit to 1 PLC and the plan will be to switch up at semester break. A Mimio specific PLC will be added.
5)Open Forum:
a)Pep rallies- start time will be moved to 2:45 except for Spring since we have 4 sports.
b)Dismissal : new/tweaked procedures for grade 8 effective 10/1/12:
1)Eva doesn’t need to announce to turn on TVs anymore
2)Electives (except for PE) will keep 8E2 until dismissal
3)3:25 bell will be rung only in gym area
4)At 3:25, PE teachers will walk their students ALL THE WAY back to the grade 8 hall. Bessmer students will all go into Graham’s room and Miskech’s students will all go into Viola’s room to wait for 3:30 dismissal.
5)Announcements/dismissal will begin right after 3:30 bell
6)All grade 8 students on the elective wing will go up the back stairwell when walkers are called to go up to their lockers.
8)Grade 8 students will dismiss down the front stairwell. That way there should only be one way traffic on both sets of stairwells for grade 8.
We will do this for a few days & reassess at that time through Chris Capen.
c)PTA – Patsy Gonzalez asked for more teacher presence at meetings and ideas on how to get more parents there. Discussion included surrounding events or programs, particularly content areas and EOG preparations in a timely fashion.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:15pm.