EWRT 211
Instructor Becky Roberts
Evaluation Dialogue Assignment
We will do two of these.
The first is due 2/4 (responding to the comments in Essay 1)
The second is due 2/23 (responding to comments in Essay 2)
Typed, single spaced. Do not write more than 2 pages
20 points (5 points each for Sections 1-3; 5 points for grammar “fix”)
If you have no grammar errors in your graded essay, you get the 5 points for grammar fix “free.”
Respond to all of the questions below andorganize your answers in separate numbered sections as I did below:
Section 1 (75-100 words)
Explain your process writing this paper. How did you go about writing this essay? Cover at least three of these processes and describe what you did: 1) preparation, 2) planning, 3) discussion, 4) outlining and 5) proofreading. What do you think worked and didn’t work in your process? What could you change in order to be more successful or confident for the next essay?
Section 2 (75-100 words)
Respond to the grade sheet at the end of your paper. To what extent did the grade in each category and overall match your expectations? Did I emphasize the requirements you expected? Did you notice the same problems and strengths? Do you feel well prepared to meet these expectations? Where do you feel most challenged or under-prepared? Name one or two areas you would like to focus on improving for the next in-class essay.
Section 3 (75-150 words)
I numbered all my margin comments that are not about grammar (on the right side of your paper). Respond to every single one in a numbered list format, saying whether you understand why I made that comment, and how you could address the issue or solve the problem. For example, if I said, “needs an example here” you should tell me what example you could use, or show me the example you thought covered your point, or ask if a particular example would work. Of course, many of my comments are praise and enjoyment, so your response to those will probably be simple: agreement or even just a smiley face. Please write in sentences, but you don’t need to make this section a coherent paragraph. This part is your list of responses keyed to my margin comments.
Grammar Fix on the Paper Itself
Correct any grammar mistakes by writing in penbetween the lines of the original, graded paper. Do not retype. This is your “grammar fix.” If you’re wondering where to look for grammar explanations, I keep grammar notes on the left side of the page as much as possible. Turn in this original paper with the typed Evaluation Dialogue. If you are unsure how to correct a mistake, please see me, or visit the WRC in ATC 309.