HCI 2018Abstract Preparation Guidelines
(Times New Roman, size 14, bold, centered, Each Word Capitalized)
A. First1,2, B. Second1 and C. Third1
(Times New Roman, size 12, centered, author who will present in bold)
1 Adress_1
(Times New Roman, size 10, centered)
Abstracts must be typed in English and will be used in the book of Abstracts so please treat it as though it is the final published manuscript.Authors should use Microsoft Word to produce their abstract. The right, top and bottom margins should have 25mm and the left margin should have 30 mm. The font used should be Times Roman and the lines should be single-spaced and justified.
The title of the paper, with each word capitalized, is typed in boldface 14-point characters and centered on the page. The author’s name is typed in bold 12-point and centered. Directly under the author’s name, and also centeredon the page, is the author’s affiliation. The main text should be typed in one column using 12-point characters. Paragraphs are separated by a single line space with no indentation. Figures and Tables may be inserted and centered within the page. The references should appear in the text as [1] and should be listed at the end of the abstract text. There should be no page number.Please avoid the use of color in the Figures, since they will appear black and white (grey scale) in the final print out.
Figure 1. Please prepare the figures in high resolution (300 dpi).
We kindly ask to keep the present text format.Just replace the text in this document with your own and it will have the right properties.
The format for abstract submission is Adobe’s Portable Document Format (.pdf). The file name should be the corresponding author’s family name as “name.pdf”.
[1] A. One, A. Two, A. Three, Journal Abbreviation volume, page (year).
[2] B. One, B. Two, B. Three, Journal Abbreviation volume, page (year).