Grade Three Academic Vocabulary

Based on the Common Core Learning Standards

  1. Academic
  2. Accounts
  3. Act
  4. Actions
  5. Affixes
  6. Analogies
  7. Analyze
  8. Answer
  9. Appropriate
  10. Aspects
  11. Audience
  12. Author
  13. Author’s Claim
  14. Author’s Message
  15. Bibliography
  16. Cast
  17. Cause
  18. Central Message
  19. Chapter
  20. Character
  21. Character Traits
  22. Chart
  23. Checklist
  24. Chronological Order
  25. Citation Page
  26. Cite
  28. Comparative
  29. Compare
  30. Comparison
  31. Complex Sentence
  32. Compound Sentence
  33. Compound Sentences
  34. Comprehend
  35. Concepts
  36. Conclusion Statements
  37. Conclusions
  38. Conjunctions
  39. Context
  40. Context Clues
  41. Contrast
  42. Contribute
  43. Contribution
  44. Conversation
  45. Convey
  46. Copy
  47. Credit
  48. Culture
  49. Decode
  50. Definition
  51. Demonstrate
  52. Describe
  53. Descriptive Words
  54. Detail
  55. Determine
  56. Develop
  57. Dictionary
  58. Dictionary Appropriate
  59. Different
  60. Digital
  61. Discussion
  62. Distinguish
  63. Diverse
  64. Drama
  65. Edit
  66. Editing
  67. Effect
  68. Emotion
  69. Entertain
  70. Event
  71. Evidence
  72. Examples
  73. Experience
  74. Explain
  75. Expression
  76. Fable
  77. Fact
  78. Feedback
  79. Figurative Language
  80. First Person
  81. Fluently
  82. Folktale
  83. Formal English
  84. General
  85. Generalization
  86. Glossary
  87. Google
  88. Grammar
  89. Graphics
  90. Graphs
  91. Greek
  92. Group Work
  93. Historical
  94. History Book
  95. Illustration
  96. Importance
  97. Independently
  98. Inform
  99. Informal English
  100. Information
  101. Informational Text
  102. Internet Search
  103. Interpretation Of Characters
  104. Introduction Statements
  105. Irregular
  106. Key Details
  107. Key Words
  108. Latin
  109. Lesson
  110. Library Sources
  111. Linking Words
  112. List
  113. Literal
  114. Literal Meaning
  115. Literature
  116. Locate
  117. Main Idea
  118. Major Character
  119. Map
  120. Map Key
  121. Map Legend
  122. Media
  123. Minor Character
  124. Mood
  125. Moral
  126. Motivation
  127. Multiple Meanings
  128. Multi-Syllable
  129. Myth
  130. Narrative
  131. Narrator
  132. Non-Fiction Text
  133. Non-Literal Meaning
  134. Note-Taking
  135. Object
  136. Occur
  137. Online
  138. Opinion
  139. Oral
  140. Organizational Structure
  141. Organize
  142. Pace
  143. Paragraph
  144. Paraphrasing
  145. Paste
  146. Persuade
  147. Phrases
  148. Plan
  149. Play (Drama)
  150. Plot
  151. Poem
  152. Poetry
  153. Point Of View
  154. Points
  155. PowerPoint
  156. Precise
  157. Prefix
  158. Prefixes
  159. Presentation
  160. Problem
  161. Procedure
  162. Proficiently
  163. Proofread
  164. Provide
  165. Punctuation
  166. Purpose
  167. Question
  168. Quotations
  169. Quote
  170. Real Life-Connections
  171. Reasons
  172. Recall
  173. Recount
  174. Refer
  175. Reflection
  176. Relate
  177. Relationship
  178. Relevant
  179. Report
  180. Research
  181. Resolution
  182. Respond
  183. Revise
  184. Role
  185. Root Words
  186. Roots
  187. Scanning
  188. Scene
  189. Science Book
  190. Scientific
  191. Search Engine
  192. Selection
  193. Self-Monitor
  194. Sequence
  195. Sequence Events
  196. Sequential Order
  197. Setting
  198. Shades Of Meaning
  199. Similar
  200. Simple Sentence
  201. Skimming
  202. Sources
  203. Speaker
  204. Specific
  205. Specific Vocabulary
  206. Speech
  207. Spellcheck
  208. Stage Directions
  209. Stanza
  210. Story
  211. Strategies
  212. Style
  213. Suffixes
  214. Suggestion
  215. Summarize
  216. Superlative
  217. Support
  218. Supporting Ideas
  219. Technical
  220. Technology
  221. Text
  222. Theme
  223. Thesaurus
  224. Third Person
  225. Tone
  226. Toolbar
  227. Topic
  228. Topic Sentence
  229. Topics
  230. Understanding
  231. Valid
  232. Verse
  233. Video
  234. Word Processing