Scope of Code of Conduct
This document applies to all students participating in extracurricular activities enrolled in grades 7 through 12. The term “extracurricular “ shall mean those activities which are sponsored or approved by the Board of School Directors but are not offered for credit toward graduation. This code of conduct applies throughout the calendar year whether the conduct occurs on or off school property. This Code of Conduct shall not prevent coaches or advisors from developing and enforcing other reasonable rules and training regulations, which are specific to their extracurricular activity.
As a student of the EASD, you are a public figure responsible for representing your team, your club or activity, your school district and your community in the most positive way.
- Standards of Conduct
Students at the EASD are subject to the standards and conduct embodied in the following:
- State, Federal, Civil and Criminal Laws
- EASD Code of Conduct
- Team, Club, or Activity Rules
- P.I.A.A Rules
- Athletic Department Rules
Violation of any of these standards of conduct will result in discipline as further described below.
- Suspension and Disciplinary Process
- Suspension and the length and severity of the suspension may vary depending on the type of circumstance of the violation.Appropriate sanctions by Administrationmay include:
- Warning: The issuance of a written or verbal warning.
- Probation: Special statues with conditions imposed for a limited time.
- Suspension: Removal of a student from all extracurricular activities. The length of the suspension may last from one game up to and including an entire calendar year.
- Expulsion: Permanent removal from all extracurricular activities. This expulsion will be in-duration for the extent of the student’s high school “career”
- Specific Violations of Code of Conduct
- Students charged with Violation of Criminal Law-When a student has engaged in conduct that is in violation of criminal law, he/she will be place on immediate suspension. Violation of criminal law will include, but not be limited to, conduct that constitutes a misdemeanor, felony, or any other class of criminal conduct. During the suspension, the student will not have any involvement with the team or team related activities pending further investigation. Only the Director of Athletics or Principal may lift the suspension.
- Drugs and Alcohol-Pennsylvania law prohibits individuals under 21 years of age from possessing, distributing or consuming alcoholic beverages. Additionally, the Pennsylvania Controlled Substance, Device and Cosmetics Act likewise prohibits all individuals from possessing, using or distributing”
- Illegal drugs, including steroids.
- Look alike drugs.
- Any other mood altering substance.
- Prescription drugs in a manner inconsistent with the directives of the licensed prescriber.
- Drug paraphernalia.
Students are also in violation of the Code of Conduct for Students if they are present at any gathering where the student knows, or reasonably should know, that other individuals are in possession of, using or distributing alcohol or any other controlled substances as identified above.
It is the expectation that a student should immediately exit the area or premises where these behaviors or products are evident. Students who do not immediately exit the premises will be in violation of the Code of Conduct for Students.
Violations of criminal law or possession, use or distribution of alcohol or a controlled substance will not be tolerated by the EASD. Any student that violates this school policy will be subject to the following disciplinary consequences:
First Offense: Suspension from participating in extracurricular activities for thirty(30) calendar days. If a student is not currently
Involved in an extracurricular group or organization, the suspension will begin at the start of the next extracurricular group or organization in which the student is involved. If a student’s extracurricular group or organization ends before the thirty (30) day suspension is completed, the balance of the suspension will carry over to the next extracurricular group or organization in which the student participates. A student may not be permitted to practice at the coach’s/advisor’s discretion.
Second Offense: Suspension from all extracurricular activities for
Sixty (60) calendar days from the date the incident is verified. If a student is not currently involved in an extracurricular activity, the suspension will begin at the start of the next extracurricular activity in which the student is involved. If a student’s extracurricular activity ends before the sixty (60) day suspension is completed, the balance of the suspension will carry over to the next extracurricular activity in which the student participates.
Third Offense: Suspension from all extracurricular activities for one (1) calendar year from the date the incident is verified.
Fourth Offense: Total prohibition from all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the student’s years in the school district.
**Students may also be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency for legal action**
3.Tobaccco-Pennsylvania law prohibits students from possessing or using tobacco products on all school district property, including all school buildings, school vehicles and school grounds. Students in violation of this will be subject to disciplinary action.
4.Hazing-The Board encourages students who have been subjected to hazing to promptly report such incidents to the building administrator. The Superintendent or designee shall investigate promptly all complaints of hazing and administer appropriate discipline to any individual/s who violate this policy. Discipline could include dismissal from activity. For more information on the district’s policy about Hazing, see policy 247 on the EASD website.
IV.Academic Eligibility– Athletes Only
All students participating on athletic teams are required to make their best effort with their academic work. Students who are failing their courses will not be permitted to participate on athletic teams per PIAA and EASD policy.
1. 7th-8th Grade Students
Students must be passing all of their courses to be eligible to participate on athletic teams.
Weekly-If at the end of any school week a student has a failing grade in a course, the student will be suspended from participatingon their team one (1) week. The student will be reinstated after the suspension if she/he is passing all courses.
Marking Period-If at the end of any marking period a student fails a course the student will be suspended from participatingon their team for fifteen (15) school days. The suspension shall begin on the first day of the next marking period. At the end of that suspension, the student’s eligibility will be reinstated if the student is passing all courses.
School Year-If at the end of any school year a student fails a coursethe student will be suspended from participating on fall athletic teamsfor fifteen (15) school days at the start of the next school year. If the student successfully makes up that course/subject in summer school, the student will be eligible to participateon fall athletic teams for the start of the school year.
- 9th-12th Grade Students
Students must be passing at least three credits at the end of each week, marking period and school year. Students will be subject to the following sanctions for non-compliance:
Weekly- If at the end of any school week a student isn’t passing at least three credits, the student will be suspended from participatingon their team for one (1) week. The student will be reinstated after the suspension if the student is passing at least three credits.
Marking Period- If at the end of any marking period a student isn’t passing at least three credits, the student will be suspended from participatingon their team for fifteen (15) school days. The suspension shall begin on the first day of the next marking period. At the end of that suspension, the student’s eligibility will be reinstated if the student is passing all but one (1) course on a weekly basis. This will apply to the first, second and third marking periods only.
School Year- If at the end of any school year a student doesn’t pass at least three credits, the student will be suspended from participating on fall athletic teamsfrom fifteen (15) school days at the start of the next school year. If the student successfully makes up that course in summer school, the student will be eligible to participatefall athletic teams for the start of the school year.
Drop/Fail- A course that has been dropped/failed anytime during the school year will be considered a failing grade for the purpose of academic eligibility. This will affect eligibility status for the current school year as well as the first marking period of the next school year.
V. Attendance
Absent students, or those who arrive tardy after8:30 AM are NOT permitted to participate in an athletic game/practice or school related activities. Exceptionsare made if the absence is due to a legal or medical appointment. The student must present an official note to the athletic department from the provider. Regardless of the arrival time, if tardiness continues the student may be removed from the athletic team and/or activity.
Sport:______Level:______Date: ______
I acknowledge that I have read the Student Participation Code of Conduct Contract.
As a student of the Elizabethtown Area School District, I am a public figure responsible for representing our team, our club or activity, our school district and our community in the most positive way.
Print Student Name:
Student Signature:
To the Parent/Guardian: I acknowledge that my child has read the Code of Conduct.
Print Parent Name:
Parent/Guardian Signature:
600 East High Street
Elizabethtown, PA 17022